Friday, July 13, 2012

Ravish Me by Cindy Jacks

Jane’s boyfriend Matthew is perfect in all ways but one—in the bedroom. Sure, their sex life is sweet and romantic, but therein lies the problem. Jane harbors secret desires that she’s afraid will turn off her vanilla lover. But finally she confides in him, introducing him to the world of non-con role play.

Matthew has always believed that no means no, but in ravishment fantasy no means yes, yes, yes. He’s reticent to open the door to the darker side of his sexuality, but with Jane’s patient guidance he finds he enjoys the role of aggressor. Perhaps more than he’s comfortable with. The role play stirs up a host of memories he’d rather forget, leaving him to wonder which is his true self—the sweet, romantic lover or the ravisher.

ravishment scenarios
rape/aftermath and counseling 

I received this e-book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

First off, I have never really read a book with ravishment fantasies and it really surprised me. I loved it. The book touches on some pretty deep psychological issues of rape, but in this situation, the woman needed to feel like her sexuality was being forced, while maintaining control. Dizzy yet? No. It does make sense. As a victim of sexual violence myself, I really empathized with both characters in the book. 

What I Liked:

The feeling of being bored with sweet romance and plain vanilla sex can be just too much sometimes. In this book, I loved that even though the main character Jane was scared to death to share her desires with her boyfriend Matthew, she did it anyway. (running away most of the time, but hey...) Matthew seems to be a sunny, lighthearted guy, but he also has some scars and demons of his own to slay and maybe the ravishment scenarios are a way to control them. Or are they?

What I Didn't:

Not a thing. Rape is one thing. Consensual ravishment scenarios are something else.


This book took a subject that can trigger deep seated feelings in some of us that have experienced terror at the hands of another person and redirect it to something that is a controlled situation. I liked that. The victim in this book is Matthew and what I really thought was good about this story line in particular is how the subject of male rape came up and how the author dealt with it. 

This is a great book that deals with a tough subject. I applaud the author for crafting a steamy erotica novella with all the punch of a novel length book. The ravishment scenes were super hot and the scenes that required more thoughtful emotion did just that. 


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the wonderful review! Much appreciate and I'm so glad you enjoyed my work :)


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