Just Desserts is a buffet of deliciously naughty stories presented by SecretHungers.com.
Today we feature Cherry Tart by Persephone Jones.

Cherry Tart by Persephone Jones
A stand-alone erotic short story
contemporary erotic romance
#erotic, #dessert, #cherry, #tart, #contemporary, #anthology, #short story
Divorced Cherry Hartley has an embarrassment of riches. A beautiful house, a flourishing business and not one but two gorgeous men living across the street from her. Both of whom keep sending her unmistakable come-hither looks. She could pick bad boy Bryce, whose reputation in bed precedes him. Or she could choose newly arrived good guy, Gavin. Lucky for Cherry, Gavin has a sweet tooth. She knows exactly how she'd like to welcome the handsome young architect to the neighborhood...with a yummy homemade cherry tart.
Get to know Persephone
Persephone Jones lives in the piney woods of east Texas with her computer geek husband, two dogs and one cat. The only child of divorced parents, she learned early on to entertain herself by inventing imaginary worlds where the dragons are tame and the damsels don’t stress. She spends most of her time reading, writing, and listening to those pesky muses. Apparently they like horror movies, eighties music and Tex-Mex. Unfortunately muses don’t do housework. But always just in the nick of time they swoop in and rescue her with a hunky hero, a smartass heroine and a happy ending. Her works in include contributions in two award-winning anthologies, His and Alpha's Claim.This sexiest food is:
Dessert of course! Got to save the best for last.Five things you'd be surprised to know about me:
1. I love horror movies. I’m a hardcore horror film addict. 2. I love iced tea like most people like coffee. 3. I have an encyclopedic knowledge of music and very eclectic tastes. 4. I have a fear of heights. 5. I’m left-handed. As a child, I wrote my letters backwards.The sexiest place in the world is:
I'm a bit of a homebody and feel most comfortable at home. So, probably the bedroom!Follow Persephone

Check out Persephone on SecretHungers.com

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