Monday, September 29, 2014

Duets: Super Book Blast

Emelle will award a signed paperback of MOLLY HARPER with bonus novella DUETS included (US ONLY) to THREE randomly drawn winners via rafflecopter during the tour. Please click the tour banner at the top to see other stops on this tour.

Movie star Molly Harper has it all, beauty, success in her field, and a loving family and marriage to actor Ben Delmonico. Norma Wintz, Molly’s mother, has it all, a lovely life style and two children who adore her, and a respite from the battle against cancer she’s been fighting. Anne Sullivan, at age fifty, is optimistic that her move to sunny Santa Barbara, California, will allow her to be closer to her youngest son and his family, and help her start her life anew after the death of her beloved husband.

But all three of these women, despite their considerable blessings, are plunged into turmoil when the most intimate of secrets that ties their lives together is revealed. At this same time, Molly Harper is confronted with the news that her marriage to actor Ben Delmonico is over. As she navigates this heartbreak and tries to keep the personal details of the drama off the front pages of the newspapers, Molly must also find a way to once and forever negotiate a way forward with her ex- lover and best friend, the volatile and compelling Cruz Morales.

How each of these characters handles the resulting upheaval in their own life, and in their relationships with one another, forms the compelling story of family, secrets and trust in the romantic women’s fiction novel, Molly Harper.

DUETS offers alternating looks into the lives of two women who would seem to have little or nothing in common.

Screen star Molly Harper has it all…beauty, success in her profession, a loving family and an upcoming marriage to actor Ben Delmonico. But as Molly is on the verge of marrying the man who has swept her off her feet, she still wonders if he hasn’t swept all her feelings for her first love away, Cruz Morales.

A handsome and cerebral college professor, Molly and Cruz have an on-again, off-again history stretching back to Molly’s early teen years. He’s not a man who a girl can ever forget about, and his feelings for Molly are equally conflicted.

Anne Sullivan, happily married for twenty-five years, is fighting to hold onto the man she loves, and hold off a confrontation that could shatter her family’s image of what they are. It involves the beautiful screen star and her mother, upper crust matron Norma Wintz, who Anne has traveled to California to meet under the most dramatic of circumstances.

Duets confronts the most intimate type of family secret that ties these two women’s lives together, just as chance events turn Molly and Anne’s worlds upside down.

Enjoy an excerpt from DUETS:

“He’s not what you think.”

Molly Harper turned away at these words, knowing they more than likely preceded an indictment of her fiancé. Keep from showing you’re hurt, she told herself. But she knew disappointment had flashed in her eyes, and that her mother had seen it.

“Ben’s not what I think?” Molly stared outside as the limousine she and Norma rode in glided down Wilshire Boulevard, five miles from the brick-paved road leading to her mother’s neighborhood. “Why don’t you tell me what you think I think he is?”

“You think he’s a man like your father, a man inclined to put his wife’s well-being and his children’s needs before his own. Ben Delmonico is not that kind of man,” Norma said.

She turned and faced her mother. “I don’t think you know Ben well enough to say that. And honestly, I wish you had a little more faith in me. I gave this a lot of thought before I decided to marry him.”

“A lot of thought? You told me five minutes ago you said ‘yes’ the same night Ben proposed. I think you’ve agreed to marry him because you’re panicking.”

Molly sighed. She’d hoped Norma would be delighted by the news she was marrying a successful man, the gorgeous, Academy-Award-nominated actor, Ben Delmonico. A man known the world over for his sophisticated action movies and box office charisma. But it was clear Norma was not delighted.

Typical. Mother loves being contrary. And in control. “What am I panicking about?”

“About being thirty-two. About not having children. But mostly because Cruz Morales is seriously involved with another woman. And, as usual, when you panic you make impulsive decisions. I’ve seen you live to regret that several times.”

“That’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever said.” Molly’s took a breath. “When you told me a few weeks ago Cruz was involved with Shar, how did I act? I was happy. I told you to give him my congratulations! Cruz and Shar hooking-up has nothing to do with me deciding to marry Ben.”


“You know as well as anyone that Cruz and I have been over forever. He’s moved on, and I’ve moved on. We’re friends, but only that.” Heat bloomed on her cheeks and spilled down her neck.

“I don’t remember you being all that crazy about Ben before you heard the news about Cruz.” Norma tilted her chin up.

“Just because I don’t announce something to you, doesn’t mean it’s not true.”

Norma snorted.

“Ben and I have been dating for months. He’s a charming and generous man who convinced the studio to consider me for Traitor, risking his own chances for the lead. All my friends like him, Mom, both for himself and because he’s a wonderful actor.”

“Well, that is one thing we can agree on,” Norma said. “He is a good actor. So why not just make movies with him instead of marrying the man?”

“Those are not mutually exclusive. I’m marrying him and making a movie with him. Or have you forgotten I’ll be on set in Paris at Christmas?”

“Of course I haven’t forgotten that. It’s the first Christmas you won’t be home; thank you, Ben Delmonico.” Norma leaned closer. “I just can’t help but wonder if that movie isn’t what’s behind him proposing so suddenly. The wedding publicity is sure to make it a blockbuster.”

“For god’s sake, that’s just plain insulting. He didn’t ask me to marry him to get publicity.” Molly reddened again, remembering how Ben had said, two minutes after she’d accepted his proposal, “Our box office will be huge.”

“Let’s just drop this, Mom. We’re almost home and I’ve got a million things to do.”

The Lincoln slowed and turned onto North Highland, the main thoroughfare into Hancock Park. “Every time we come this way, I remember the day Charles and I brought you home, all those years ago. It was the biggest triumph of our lives,” Norma said softly.

“That’s a nice memory.” It was, but Molly knew better than to let down her guard.

“It is.” Norma turned to Molly. “Now look, obviously I can’t tell you what to do any more. But until you found out Cruz was moving in with Shar, every time you called home, you asked about Cruz first. Every time you came home, he was the first one you called. I think you’re still in love with him. And, despite his behavior, which might fool someone who hasn’t known him since he was a little boy, it’s clear to me that he loves you too. I think this relationship with Shar is a ruse to provoke you into finding a way to work things out.”

The limo rocked gently and the women’s shoulders brushed against one another. Molly ran her fingers through the wild blonde hair she was famous for. “You’ve just outlined a plot so pathetic it wouldn’t get made by the Hallmark Channel.”

“I like the Hallmark Channel. They make lovely movies, without all the naked fannies.”

“I like the Hallmark Channel too, but that’s not my point. Cruz wouldn’t be with Shar for any reason other than he finds her a good match. He doesn’t do ‘ruses’.”

“What’s he got in common with her?”

“They both work at the college and they’re both into books and the local arts scene. I bet she’ll finally get him to turn one of his ideas into a novel. I never could.” Molly’s voice wavered.

“See, that’s pain in your voice, not happiness. You shouldn’t be afraid of the truth about your feelings, whatever the cost.”

“Like you? Are you always completely honest, Mother? No matter the cost?”

Norma blinked. “What are we talking about now? What haven’t I been honest about with you?”

Molly looked down. Her question had surprised both of them and she wished she could un-ask it. Now isn’t the time to open that particular can of worms.

Emelle Gamble was a writer at an early age, bursting with the requisite childhood stories of introspection. These evolved into bad teen poetry and worse short stories. She took her first stab at full length fiction in an adult education writing class when her kids were in bed. As M.L. Gamble, she published several romantic suspense novels with Harlequin. She contracted with Soul Mate Publishing for Secret Sister, published in the summer of 2013, and Dating Cary Grant, an April 2014 release.

Once and Forever, an anthology which includes the novella Duets, came out on November 1st. Molly Harper, a full length novel starring the characters from Duets 3 years later was released by Posh Publishing in January, 2014. Duets is now available as a standalone novella. Emelle lives in suburban Washington D.C. with her husband, ‘Phil-the-fist’, her hero of thirty years, and two orange cats, Lucy and Bella. These girls, like all good villains, have their reasons for misbehaving.

Her daughter, Olivia, and son, Allen, are happily launched on their own and contributing great things to society, their mother’s fondest wish.

Review Quotes:


“Along with being a very unique and captivating plot, SECRET SISTER offers a shocking turn of the paranormal kind… This is a story of friendship, family, and most of all, true love and what those things can mean. I cannot recommend SECRET SISTER strongly enough… “ Fresh Fiction, Fresh Reviews


"I'll admit I grabbed this book for review more because Emelle Gamble had a story in there - I've loved her significant touch brought to family relationships in a previous book of hers that I've read, and I wanted to confirm if this sort of embroiled-relationships type of tale is really her niche or not. Turns out, it is!" Zee Monodee's Author's Corner reviews MOLLY HARPER…

"MOLLY HARPER the first book I've read by this author, but it won't be my last! Ms. Gamble does a wonderful job of drawing these characters and making them just leap off the page." Long and Short Reviews


"Fantasy and reality blend together in this mesmerizing tale from Emelle Gamble…It's not your typical romance, making it a breath of fresh air in a market currently inundated with new adult contemporary romances (which I do love, but need a break once in a while!). I continue to be a fan of this author..." Andi's Book Reviews







Emelle Gamble BOOKS:

DATING CARY GRANT book of the month at Long & Short Reviews. eBook exclusively at

SECRET SISTER… RONE Award Honorable Mention for BEST CONTEMPORARY NOVEL of 2013 available in audio, paperback and eBook at Amazon

DUETS, a prequel novella to MOLLY HARPER, now available at Amazon

MOLLY HARPER, available in paperback and eBook at Amazon

MOLLY HARPER and DUETS now available in one Paperback volume!

Breathless Monday Spotlight: For One Night Only

Erotic contemporary romance
Release date: 26 September 2014
Publisher: Breathless Press
ISBN: 978-1-77101-390-1
Heat level: 4
Word count: 9,000+


Kate Powell only went and fell for the soldier she’d met just once before he had to jet off on a year-long posting overseas.

Seven months in, and Kate is hornier than a blue wildebeest in mating season with only her battery-powered friend for relief. Her skills as a pen-pal scale new heights, but then a text message arrives out of the blue.

Corporal Mark Butler is back in the country for one night only, and Kate isn’t about to let the opportunity pass her by. After all, who needs a vibrator when the real thing comes calling?

*Allie has chosen to donate all royalties from 'For One Night only' and 'Serviced: Volume 1' to the UK charity Help For Heroes*


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Safely enveloped in the darkness of the alcove, the bass pounded through the soles of Kate's boots and echoed inside her ribs. She lunged and caught Mark’s face in her hands, pulling him down to kiss him, her tongue forcing a route past his surprised lips and delving into the wetness of his mouth. "Take me," she breathed. Her hand stole over the carved ridges of his stomach, following the arrow-shaped path down to where it disappeared inside his jeans. "Please..."

His mouth opened and closed and he glanced over his shoulder at the heaving dance floor. "But—"

"No buts." She reached for his fly, undoing it quickly, but instead of finding another layer of clothing, his dick sprang free and elicited a gasp from her throat. "I need this"—she fisted her hand around it, stroking him, and his eyes squeezed shut, his jaw jutting out as his head tipped back—"I need you...inside me"—she swirled her hand over the engorged head and his entire body jerked—"now."

Mark's eyes flew open and even in the dim lighting, she saw his pupils dilate, the naked desire on his face almost frightening. His fingers skipped over the back of her neck and lost themselves in her hair, getting tangled in the shoulder-length tresses she had loosely pinned up. The gentle touch was at odds with the fierce hunger in his gaze. Electric shocks surged through the many nerve endings, connected directly to her core, and she had to lean into his hand, let him support the weight of her head, suddenly too heavy to keep upright under her own steam.

He tilted it back and locked his gaze onto hers, issuing her with a challenge. "If we're going to do this"—he leaned into her, his lips rasping her ear—"right here, right now"—his gravelly voice resonated within her, hungry, powerful—"we're doing it my way."

Staggered by the transformation from man to soldier, her need for him ramped up another notch and it was all she could do to move her head the tiniest fraction. His eyes searched hers for an answer, the wait agonizing, until finally, he dipped his head. Achingly tender, his lips flitted over the top of hers, like rose petals blowing in the wind. Her eyelids fluttered closed, cracking under the strain of keeping them open.

Sweet, yet maddening, Kate yearned to take control and deepen the kiss, but he broke off every time she tried before catching her lower lip between his teeth as if to punish her. Their sharp edges sank into her swollen flesh without breaking the surface, his tongue immediately soothing any pain. The all-conquering, take-no-prisoners warrior had arrived.

Allie A. Burrow writes sensual contemporary love stories that are both sweet and romantic but with a liberal dash of heat added. When not burning up the pages, you'll mostly find her marauding as Aurelia B. Rowl where she pretends to be far more sweet and innocent and writes young adult, new adult, and contemporary romance stories.

She lives on the edge of the Peak District in the UK with her very understanding husband, their two fantastic children, and their mad rescue mutt who doesn’t mind being used as a sounding post and source of inspiration. Too often lost in her own world, she regularly wows her family with curious, hastily thrown together meals as a result of getting too caught up with her latest writing project… or five!… and she has developed the fine art of ignoring the housework.

To find out even more about Allie you can visit her website You can also check out her main writing persona, Aurelia, by visiting

You can also find her hanging out on:

YouTube (as Aurelia)

Breathless Monday: Whisper of Rue

1.       How did you start writing erotic romance?
A writer friend dared me to.
2.       Plotter or pantster?
A little of both, in the beginning I like to do some plotting., then my characters take over and I fly by the seat of my pants. J
3.       What are three things you have on your writing desk?
A book by Karen Moning, pens, and smarties.
4.       Favorite food?
Love strawberries
5.       Tell us a little about your new release. What character in the book really spoke to you?
Whisper of Rue was a challenging novella to write. I wrote a bit different than normal adding a more mystery aspect to the story. Gage spoke to me the most first, but in the end I connected with Rue deeper.
6. I write because life is short and it's what I want to do...
7. What is your favorite type of character to write about?
      Strong leading lady.
8. What is the sexiest scene you ever wrote?
In book 4- cayenne covered in honey- ten page sex scene- I'd say that was the sexiest but perhaps asking my readers would be a better idea.
9. What advice would you give new authors in the erotica/romance field?
Don't quit. Even if you think it's sucks, finish the story drop it in a drawer and then write another.
10. What is next on your writerly horizon?
I'm working on two stories, one about the Drow king which I will write as my NaNoWriMo project and the other is about demons.


After Rue walks into her home, there's a magical earpiece and a mysterious letter waiting for her. On the other end of that earpiece is a tortured soul, whose life is on the line if she doesn't do exactly as Gage Evans, the voice in the earpiece, says. Pissed that the male elf has her at his bidding because she can't just let someone die, she follows his instructions. They not only lead her to the tortured elf, but the killer of her father as well.
When she lets loose a powerful magic and is thrown in a dungeon with Mr. Evans, she'll have to keep control of her senses to figure her way out of a place with no doors, or windows, and damnit why wasn't she born with the elven gift of blinking magically away?


"Rue, you can call me every name in your pretty little head but it won't change anything. Afraid you're stuck with me, and your decisions will affect everything. But you're stubborn and you won't see things my way instantly. You'll need proof. I understand. But don't say I didn't warn you," he stated.
Proof of what? He was playing games with her and she wasn't in the elfing mood. He had no right to come in her home. No right to make demands on her. No right to invade every inch of her privacy. She wanted the earpiece out. Why'd she have to get all curious and put the stupid thing in to begin with? Her mother always said her curiosity would lead her to trouble one day and Rue had the dreadful sense that today was that day. "I don't know why you chose me to do whatever it is you need. Probably something horrible. But quit fucking around and remove the spell."
"You want it removed?"
"Yes." She hissed the word. Her anger bubbled inside threatening to tear her apart, mainly because she couldn't see the man attempting to control her.
"Then come and find me."

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An elfess in human form, Decadent enjoys dipping her fingers into the human realm where she took pen to paper and began the tales of the trouble with elves. Her obsessions include reading, Dean Winchester, and honey.
She will devour your soul with glimpses of the feral ridden drow elves, with their dark skin and soul consuming. She'll sneak morsels of naughty thoughts to you via goblins, and seduce you into stepping inside the elven realm where females disappear when lust takes over among other elfish troubles.
Beware the sprites.
Follow the wisps.
But never look a drow elf king in the eyes...

Friday, September 26, 2014

One Night in San Francisco

City Nights: One Night in San Francisco by Cass Peterson (@casspeterson1) #erotica #romance
Nicky and Liam have only twenty four short hours to find out if their instantaneous attraction can develop into something more than an electric mile-high fumble. San Francisco has everything they need to put their previous disastrous relationships behind them but when they lose touch with each other almost immediately, fate seems to have other ideas. As the precious hours tick away, Liam moves heaven and earth to find the woman of his (filthiest) dreams before she leaves the city. Will he get to her in time?
‘That feels just amazing,’ he whispered, ‘but I really can’t. I’m sorry – I can tell you’re something of an expert in your field.’
I giggled. ‘I’ll take that as a compliment; not that I go around rummaging under men’s blankets on a regular basis, you understand.’
‘Of course not. Look, I’m in San Fran for a week – I’ll give you my card and you must call me if you’re staying long enough for a meet up? I’m free tonight, if you’d like dinner, maybe?’
‘That’d be nice – I’m only here for one night though. I’m on my way to stay with my brother in Southern California tomorrow evening, but I’ve never seen the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, or the cable cars so I decided to stop off in San Francisco on the way and be a tourist for twenty four hours.’
‘Good place to have a brother.’
‘I know – he’s an actor. He lives somewhere in the hills in a huge house called Coast Starlight. He did tell me why he named it, but I can’t remember. Something sentimental, I’m sure – he’s a big softie.
‘It was a nice idea to have a pit stop in the City first.’
‘Jack paid for it – this is his treat. He’s doing really well these days. I’d never have afforded it otherwise. I’ve brought him some great presents though to remind him of home. Marmite, a novelty big red bus moneybox, that sort of thing.’
‘Sounds great. Well, I’d love to see you later if you’ve got time? Will you ring me?’
I dimpled at him. ‘Might do. But you don’t even know my name. And more to the point, I don’t know yours.’
He grinned back and reached for my hand, turning it over and kissing the back of it so lightly that I’d have thought I’d imagined it if my whole body hadn’t begun to throb with pleasure at the touch of his lips. He began to work on my fingers, taking each in his mouth by turn and sucking gently until I was almost at the combustion point again.
‘You really are a find,’ he said.
‘A what?’
‘A find. A lovely woman, easy in her own skin, sensual and ready for anything. I bet if I lifted you across my knee now and lowered you onto my cock, you’d come in seconds.’
‘Hmmm. Well, I’d like to answer that one, but it’s a long story.’ We were still whispering, but I noticed one or two nearby people starting to stir and look around to see who was disturbing the peace. ‘Are you going to give me your phone number then, or what?’ I murmured, mind agonisingly full of the images he’d put there. I took the outstretched card he offered after a brief rummage in his pockets, and tucked it away in my bag.
‘Oh, and I’m Liam,’ he said, as an afterthought, ‘I’m a literary agent. I specialise in crime thrillers.’
‘Hi Liam. I’m Nicky. I’m thirty two, I guess I specialise in crime too – I’m a solicitor.’ He laughed and squeezed my hand, keeping hold of it and linking his fingers in mine. Settling down, we leaned together like old friends, and soon both drifted into sleep.
Author Bio:
Cass Peterson is passionate about many things; her family, writing, chocolate, wine, cake, curry, gin, sunlit beaches, moonlit bedrooms and good novels to name but a few. At the moment she spends a good chunk of her time working on the day job, but she tries to fit the other passions in as often as possible.
She is a cat lover, an all-weather walker, a reader and reviewer of contemporary romance and an enthusiastic cook.
Cass likes to laugh, especially at Bill Bailey, Victoria Wood, Michael Palin and Eddie Izzard. She would happily live next door to any of these comedians.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Steal My Heat Blog Tour

Steal My Heart
Steal My Heart 1600x2400
Steal My Heart
Heroes of Seaside Point, Book 3
Realtor Alexa Sharpe enjoys a successful career, confident in her people skills until she must negotiate with a certain, sexy fireman. Never mind that the man could practically melt a glacier, he refuses to stop teasing her which makes any sort of agreement impossible. Both irritated and aroused by his cocky and playful attitude, she skillfully dodges his advances.
Maverick Ryder wears his ladies-man badge with pride, annoying Sexy Lexi every chance he gets. Although attracted to both her brain and her body, a bitter past experience stops him from acting on impulse. Determined not to make a second detrimental mistake, he settles into a routine that keeps them both on their toes.
Eager to strike a deal, the couple finds that teasing leads to full-blown arousal when they are forced into a dangerous game of truth or dare.
Links to Buy:
Official uniform, my Aunt Fannie. Alexa Sharpe balanced a cardboard box on one hip while she tugged at the hem of her t-shirt with her free hand for at least the millionth time in the last twenty minutes, only to expose the tops of her breasts in the process. Never mind that the unforgiving cotton hugged her body like a second skin, one more good tug and she’d all but fall out. She exhaled a hard breath as she practically stomped across the dirt, headed for the dugout. She knew better than to make a bet with the devil, but those hypnotizing chocolate-dipped gaze and cocky grin had sucked her in. Again. And honestly, when he’d poked her with his silver-tongued pitchfork, pleasure flooded her lust-filled brain and dared her to spoil the fun. Unable to help herself, she pulled on the garment again, still convinced this was some sort of joke. No one played baseball in clothing this tight. No one in their right mind, anyway. And certainly not her. Determined to remedy the situation, she took a deep calming breath, and approached the dugout, prepared to negotiate. “Hey, Sexy Lexi.” She shifted the box on her hip and glared at the man who appeared to appreciate the scenery. “Maverick.” He lifted his gaze and grinned. “The girls are looking good this morning.” “Obviously you ordered me the wrong size.” “You told me to order a small.” “This is not a small.” “Yes, it is. Check the tag.” “Did you wash it first?” “No.” “Then I’m sure it’s a child’s size small.” He released a hearty laugh. “Don’t be a sore loser just because you couldn’t get your fine little ass up and over that wall.” As badly as she wanted to argue, he had a valid point. They had made an honest wager a month ago; she bet him that she could climb the endurance wall faster than he, and she didn’t. In fact, he had to boost her over the top. She’d always admired Maverick Ryder’s physique, she just didn’t realize how hard it was to carve it. And at least his t-shirt hugged his bulging muscles as well. “Fine,” she mumbled as she glanced around the field. “Where are the boys?” He frowned. “What boys?” “Your baseball team,” she drawled. He gave her a grin that made her want to yank that pesky top over her head and press the girls to his hard chest. “I don’t coach boys or baseball.” “Really? Then why do you need a bat girl and why am I here?” “The Seaside Seagulls are an eight-year-old girls’ softball team. Think you can handle it?” “Piece of cake.” “Good, because you’re on.” He gestured with his head across the field where several little girls walked toward them. Lexi rolled her eyes at his lack of confidence. She was a girl, for Pete’s sake, of course she could entertain his female team. Unless there was something else Maverick failed to mention.
Guest Post
Greetings from the hot and humid state of Oklahoma! My name is Mia Dymond and I write sexy contemporary romance novels with a twist of sass. I currently have fourteen novels available on retailers including iBooks, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Amazon, and Smashwords. My most recent release is Steal My Heart, Book 3 in the Heroes of Seaside Point series. This novel is the story of Alexa Sharpe and Maverick Ryder, who were introduced in Book 2, Cross My Heart. To bring you up to speed, enjoy an excerpt from Cross My Heart: Lexi stood at the edge of the park and gazed at the tall, wooden structure that had been erected in the last several hours. From her observation, it appeared to be a wall with ropes attached in four places on top that hung down to the bottom. Was someone going to climb it? “Hey, Sexy Lexi.” She squeezed closed her eyes, cursing her curiosity. If she’d just unloaded the bottled water like Vanessa asked, she could’ve been gone by now, avoiding a confrontation with the voice behind her. She squared her shoulders and turned around. “Good morning, Maverick.” “Did you come to climb the wall?” So, she was right about the purpose. “No. Vanessa asked me to drop off a case of drinking water for the crew. What exactly are you guys doing out here?” “Endurance training. Once a year, we build an obstacle course and compete for the best time.” “The wall doesn’t look too difficult.” “Really?” He folded his arms across his chest. “The wall is only one part of the test. Do you think you can climb it faster than I can?” “Maybe. I’m a lot smaller.” “Let’s bet on it.” Lexi answered with a groan. “You give?” “No, I’m just not sure about making any kind of wager with you.” “Why?” “Because you cheat.” “I don’t cheat.” “Okay, so maybe not. But you have a way of changing the game once we start.” “Only because you let me.” “I do not! Fine, I’ll take your bet. What do I get when I win?” “If you win, I’ll retire your nickname.” “Oh.” Her sudden feeling of disappointment confused her. Why did that possibility not thrill her? Maverick had called her Sexy Lexi since the day they’d met and yes, it annoyed her – at first. Now, however, not so much. “Really?” “Really. But if I win, you become the official bat girl for the Seaside Seagulls. I’ll even order you a uniform.” She had absolutely no idea what being a bat girl entailed, but that didn’t really matter. She would win the bet with Maverick – even if she had to use creative measures to do it. “You’re on.” I hope you’ll enjoy Steal My Heart! Happy Reading!!!
Steal My Heart Playlist
Dream On – Aerosmith
Strong Enough – Apocolyptica
Miss Independent – Kelly Clarkson
Girls, Girls, Girls – Motley Crue
Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not? – Thompson Square
Done. – The Band Perry
She Will Be Loved – Maroon 5
About The Author diamondMia Dymond I write contemporary romance novels with sexy, alpha males and females with attitude to boot. I live in a zoo,hold down a full time job, and am trying to coax my creative muse from her cage. So BEWARE, the madness may rub off on you! ~ Facebook   Other books in this series: Book One-Tattoo My Heart -FREE on AMAZON and iBooks for a limited time tatoo my heart It all began with a sixth shot of Tequila ... Independent, carefree Annessa Dupree knows she has a knack for attracting trouble but doesn't realize her true talent until she witnesses a wedding day murder. Armed with the terrible secret, running home is her only option. Sheriff Casey McIntyre has loved Annessa since the tender age of twelve, trouble and all. Hell-bent on mending past differences between them, he welcomes her home with open arms. When Annessa is forced to reveal the real reason for her return, Casey must save her life while earning her trust.   CMH_1600x2400 (2) Book Two - Cross My Heart Amazon ~ Amazon UK ~ IBooks ~ Barnes & Noble Sometimes honesty is a bitter pill to swallow. Attempting to escape a minor distraction in her medical career, Dr. Verity Thomas finds that statement to be true when she keeps her past private and her present, secret. Only, her meticulously-planned intentions go horribly wrong when her skeletons escape from the closet and take center stage. Paramedic Travis Dupree vows to keep Verity's secrets, determined to crack her resolve in the process. Although he isn’t quite sure of her motives, intuition tells him he is wired to cope with the female psyche. After all, he has raised a pair of mischievous twin girls – he deserves a gold medal for patience. When minor distraction becomes a major roadblock, Travis is forced to break his word and the couple must dismember the skeletons bone by bone in order to build a future.  
Mia is giving away a $10 amazon gift card and 3 swag packs

Take the Heat Anthology Tour

Take the Heat
by Skye Warren



The ultimate bad boys, criminals capture our attention and awaken our darkest desires. Celebrate the illicit in this romantic suspense anthology, where handcuffs are used for more than play. These stories are shocking, sexy, and thought-provoking.

In New York Times Bestselling Author Skye Warren’s Magnolia Hotel, meet the heroine who pays her brother’s debt to a loan shark—who happens to be her childhood crush. Find out if the jury made the right decision in Acquitted by award-winning author Giselle Renarde. Explore a dark and sensual psychology with New York Times Bestselling Author Pam Godwin in Unlawful Seduction.

Ride the edge of desire and see if you can TAKE THE HEAT…

Skye Warren – Magnolia Hotel
Cynthia Richards – Captivated
Pam Godwin – Unlawful Seduction
Sheri Savill – Slipknot
Shoshanna Evers – This Might Hurt A Bit
Candy Quinn – The Bombshell
Tamsin Flowers – Playing with Fire
Elizabeth Coldwell – Disposing of Donnie
Audrey Lusk – Surprise Witness
Trent Evans – Last Day
Giselle Renarde – Acquitted



Leather. Sexy and tight. Perfect. Yep, this is the one. This is the one I’m taking.

Mia took a deep breath and, in one smooth move, rolled and tucked the metal hanger—and the soft black leather miniskirt still clipped to it—into her black shoulder bag. Right over the open zipper and down into the gaping hole at the top of the purse, all without a hitch.

Thank God the fucking price tag didn’t catch on the zipper track.

Once it was all pushed down inside the darkness of her purse, she rested the crook of her elbow over the opening again, for extra camouflage, in case prying eyes should happen to look too closely as she left the shop. Four hundreds dollars’ worth? really? The tiny skirt was easy enough to conceal. It was an obscene price for a leather mini, anyway, she rationalized. Even for a skirt as sexy and well-made as this one, that was too much money. She could smell the richness of fine leather wafting from the other skirts still on the rack in front of her as she glanced sideways again. All quiet. Not a soul in the shop but her and the guy behind the counter. And he was still gone.

God, that was really just too easy.

She felt her lips pursing together a little in spite of herself, barely suppressing her self-satisfaction. Still, no reason to be cocky. She’d planned this carefully enough in advance. Stupid thieves were always being caught because they didn’t think things through, or they became too brazen, too greedy. The news was full of dumb criminal stories. She’d resolved not to be one of them.

Mia shifted her weight a little in her black heels and then took a few small steps down the aisle toward the ball gags, crops, hoods…glancing sideways again toward the cash register, now bathed in a soft greenish glow of a banker’s lamp on the counter. The dimmer-than-usual lighting meant that Flesh Factory—the largest kinky sex emporium and BDSM equipment supplier in the city—was empty, about to close for the night—which was exactly what she had counted on. But even as the last customer of the day, she’d taken no chances and sent the lone employee—friendly, handsome, ever-so-helpful “Michael”—on an errand to the stockroom to check for fence-net thigh-highs she knew he wouldn’t find. They didn’t even carry them anymore. She knew the stripper-wear section well and pretty much owned one of everything they sold by now.

She continued to pretend to browse, exhaling another slow breath. It was exciting, breaking the law. She’d done it. And now the leather skirt was hers. All that was left to do was make a hasty yet friendly exit shortly after Michael returned, apologetic and empty-handed, from the goose chase she’d sent him on.

The short, low-cut white dress she’d worn tonight—no bra, of course—had been extra insurance that she’d have his cooperation. The idea was to disengage his brain while engaging his cock and she noted earlier, with pleasure, that her chosen outfit had indeed done just that. The bulge in Michael’s jeans confirmed it more than once, even before she’d made a point of bending to examine sale items set on a low shelf. Oh, but men were so easily entranced, so easily guided. And she knew now that her bare pussy and the twin curves of her ass just peeking from under the tight white fabric of her dress had done the trick with Michael. Plus it just made her feel sexy and like a bad girl; the playful exhibitionist side of her submissive tendencies, she supposed, now helping her steal a skirt.

Her thoughts snapped back to the present. A voice. Michael’s.

“Sorry…Mia, was it? Looks like we don’t even carry those anymore. I can call the supplier tomorrow, if you want, and see if we can special order them. That could take a few weeks, though. You probably don’t want to wait ...” He shrugged and turned a key in the register, locking it for the night.

She smiled at him.

“Oh no…Michael. Sorry for the trouble. I just thought—”
He was still aroused, his erection huge and straining in his jeans, and he was making no effort to hide it now. He’d come around the counter and was looking her up and down, his dark eyes taking in her nipples, the corners of his mouth turning up, approving. His eyes then moved down to her long tanned legs in the black heels.

“Love the white dress.”

“Thanks. Look, it’s late and I’ve already kept you from closing up on time. I gotta get going. But thanks, again, for checking on the fence-net stockings.” Her elbow squeezed the shoulder bag in closer to her body as she turned toward the exit. Another rush of satisfaction flooded her. She’d just scored a premium leather miniskirt and was about to walk right out the door with it and leave a hunky guy with a huge hard-on.

“You have a good night, then” she heard his husky voice calling behind her. The red neon of the “open” sign in the front window flickered a little, buzzing, and then went black. Maybe he couldn’t wait to get her out of the store. Probably wants to jerk off.

Her hand closed around the doorknob when she sensed someone moving up quickly behind her. Before she could turn, a large hand encircled her throat as an arm clamped around her belly, pulling her backward. It happened so fast.

A deep male voice—not Michael’s—breathed into her ear.

“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Skye Warren is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of dark romantic fiction. Her books are raw, sexual and perversely romantic.

Visit Skye’s website for her current booklist:

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The author will be awarding a $15 Amazon gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter between this tour and the Review Tour, here.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Cinderella & Prince Dom

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Sydney will be awarding a $25 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn winner via the rafflecopter at the end of this post. Please click the tour banner to see the complete list of other stops.

Jaimie Newberry is jobless, her rent is due, and her cat just died. On top of that, she was accused of embezzling before she was fired. When her friend invites her for a weekend of kinky fairytale role playing, she agrees to go as Cinderella. What has she got to lose when sex with a handsome prince is involved?

CEO Bryce Langston needs to know if Jamie is innocent of embezzlement or just very clever. He arranges for her to be his weekend sub but soon realizes the pretty scullery maid is naïve to the BDSM lifestyle. As her prince and her Dom, he intends to not only learn the truth but to make sure she has a fantasy come true.

Enjoy an excerpt:

“What are you thinking?”

Flushing at his question, which sounded more like a demand, Jaimie wrinkled her nose. “I’m thinking that you have a very fine ass.”

He lifted a brow. “Eager to begin?”

When nervous or excited, Jaimie’s lips twitched on her left side, which made her a horrible poker player. Her lips were twitching now. “I’ve never—”

“I know,” he interrupted. “Let’s get back to business.” He flicked his wrist, and an envelope landed neatly on the table in front of her.

A bit put out by his abruptness, Jaimie lifted a brow but reached for the envelope. She eyed her partner warily.

“That is the result of my blood work, assuring you of my clean bill of health. I’ve seen yours.”

Jaimie scanned the single sheet of paper, noting that the name had been blacked out. She set it down. “Okay, what now?”

“Let’s talk about your sex life. I read the questionnaire you filled out and understand you’re game for a bit of light BDSM.”

“What?” The spit in Jaimie’s mouth dried. “What do you mean by light BDSM?” She was going to kill Lucy. She’d assumed many of the men and women she’d seen earlier were into some kinky stuff, but there’d been others wearing normal costumes. Like her.

“Dominant and submissive role playing.”

“Roles? As in I’m Cinderella and you’re the Prince?”

His lips curved in amusement. “Not quite. I am a Dominant who requires a submissive. I am your Dom and you are my sub. Those are our roles for the weekend.”

Jaimie stood. Yep. Her friend deserved a slow, torturous death. “I think there’s been a misunderstanding. I’m not into kinky sex or pain. I agreed to a weekend of free food, being waited on, and having sex with my prince charming.”

Sydney St. Claire is the pseudonym of Susan Edwards, author of 14 Historical Native American/Western/Paranormal romances and the author of the popular "White" Series. During her career, she has been nominated for the Romantic Times Career Achievement Award for Western Historical and Reviewer's Choice Best Book Award.

Sydney loves writing and sharing stories of love, happiness and dreams come true with her readers. She credits her mother for her writing as she was encouraged to read as a child and preferred happy endings which meant romances were her favorite genre. When the writing bug bit, she followed the sensible advice to “write what you know” and has been writing and publishing her stories since!

Sydney takes her readers into the world of erotica romance where her characters come together in explosive passion as they solve life's problems and find true love along with the best sex our hero and heroine have ever experienced.

Sydney resides in California. Her office is quite crowded with two small dogs at her feet, another huge girl in her recliner and five cats to keep her company while she writes. Three cats always insist on beds on her desk, barely leaving enough room for her monitor and keyboard. Life gets fun when all five insist on supervising...

When not writing, she enjoys crafts of all sorts including quilting, sewing, cross-stitch and knitting. Knitting and crochet are her current passions. She and her husband of 30 + years are avid gardeners. He takes care of the veggies, and Susan is in charge of the 'pretties'. Her medicine wheel garden is in a contact state of war: flowers vs. weeds. Sadly, right now the weeds are wining...

Camping, fishing, biking and hiking (when not hot) are other outdoor pursuits she and her husband enjoy. She is of course, an avid reader and hates cooking and housework. While writing, she listens to a wide variety of music, including Neil Diamond, Celtic, Native American, New Age, Classical, and mood music (bagpipes and howling wolves drive my family nuts). Her current favorites are Blackmore's Night and David Lanz.









The Wild Rose Press:

Monday, September 22, 2014

Breathless Monday: Take a Chance On Me

1. How did you start writing erotic romance?
I've always wanted to be a writer, from the earliest memory. There's nothing more magical to me than the story of how 2 people fall in love and maintain their relationship. I'm blessed to be able to write their stories.
2. Plotter or pantster?
I'm a pantster, completely. I have a general  idea where the story is going and what will happen, but I leave my characters in charge for the most part and let them tell me what they want.  If I plotted, they'd no doubt change the outline anyway, fickle things which they are.
3. What are three things you have on your writing desk?
1. A copy of the Blue Tardis journal The Doctor gave River Song in Doctor Who
2. A stuffed bunny my Hubby gave me as his first romantic gift to me because he called me 'my bunny'.
3. 3 bottles of water to remind me to hydrated and to keep me from eating junk food
4. Favorite food?
5. Tell us a little about your new release. What character in the book really spoke to you?
'Take a Chance on Me' is the story of co workers who become lovers right before both their worlds fall apart. It's a companion book to my first release from Breathless Press, Wedding Belle Blues. The hero and heroine are more mature and past that 'first bloom' of love.
Christine, the heroine, spoke the most to me because she's actually much like me: same age, lifestyle, things which happen with and to her. It was great to talk to her and let her tell me her side of things.
6. I write because ____...
I have to. It's like breathing. I need it, I carve it, I have to do it.
7. What is your favorite type of character to write about?
Characters which grow through life experience are my favorite, the ones who learn how to relate to themselves and their worlds in a whole new way when things look the darkest. We all have to grow and change with life circumstances, so these characters are the most real to me.
8. What is the sexiest scene you ever wrote?
In the novel I'm currently writing, the hero is trying to bake cookies as a surprise for his sister who has been very ill. He fails, and for some reason, the heroine finds this incredibly sexy and decides to seduce him against the glass French doors in the kitchen.
9. What advice would you give new authors in the erotica/romance field?
Write something every day, even if you don't think it will amount to the story you want to tell. You never know where a scene might fit.
10. What is next on your writerly horizon?
I'm finishing the next book in the 'Weddings by C & C' series and already have the characters for the next book telling me their story.

Blog: Authors, Books & Chocolate: The True ABC's of Life
Face Book: MiaEwrites (Mia Epsilon Author)
Twitter: Mia Epsilon @MiaEpsilon
Breathless Press home page: Mia Epsilon
Good Reads: Mia Epsilon
All Romance ebooks:

Author bio 
Mia Epsilon lives with her enduring soul mate hubby in the gorgeous Blue Ridge Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina, USA. She's an avid reader of almost anything but particularly romance, with too many favorite authors to name. Mia is a never-miss-an-episode viewer of Doctor Who and Sherlock, eagerly awaits each new season, and tends to binge watch both on Netflix with a couple of pots of tea and a plate of blueberry scones. She also happily suffers a coffee and chocolate addiction which causes her to visit her favorite chocolate store, The Chocolate Fetish an abnormally high amount of times.
She can most often be found at her computer, spinning new tales, or in a quiet padded nook with her e reader happily engrossed in a new story. Look for more books and favorite characters in the 'Weddings by C & C' line including, 'Wedding Belle Blues', 'Take a Chance on Me' and 'That Night'.

'Take a Chance on Me' Blurb:
Friends and lovers rarely mix well with co workers and embezzlement cases as Charlie and Christine are about to discover.
After a near fatal accident leads to one incredible night of amazing sex, Christine and Charlie take the leap from friends to lovers.
Christine has battled many demons in the last few years. Charlie has always been her confident and support. When Charlie refuses to answer emails or texts after an embezzling scheme arises at work, Christine must come to terms with not only losing a fabulous lover and her best friend but her job as well.
Charlie carries his own scars when it comes to women. Yet there's something about Christine which brings out his protective side and makes him hope for love he's wanted for years.
Christine and Charlie must work together to catch the thief before they can secure a love of a lifetime. Can they catch the embezzler before they lose not only their jobs and each other, but their lives as well?

Buy Link


His silence seemed wrong. Guilt filled his expression and just as quickly it vanished, but she sensed his withdrawal. Christine shook her head. No. She didn't, couldn't doubt him after what they'd just done, what they were to each other. She trusted him as she'd never trusted any other person. Charlie threw an arm over his face, blocking her physically as well as emotionally. "Don't ask me about this."
Something inside her curled up and stopped breathing. Whatever he hid separated them more than the distance between their homes. "You said you believed in me. Did you mean it?" Anyone but Charlie could doubt her, anyone. He lay still, his chest heaving as she climbed from the bed and pulled on a robe. "Oh my God, you didn't."
"Of course I meant it." He sat up, his expression closed and professional, no emotion. "But there's a reason I didn't get placed on administrative leave too. I've been cleared. You haven't."
She took the blow as if he'd hit her. He never would, but this unexpected emotional punch hurt more. "How could you come here, touch me, enter me, whisper all those things if you think I'm a thief and a liar?"
"Making love with you has nothing to do with the corporation and never did." The edge to his voice, the hard bitterness, cut her like a knife. "Peg asked me not to discuss this case with anyone, especially you. She asked the same of you, didn't she, because our jobs are on the line?"
Peg, short for Margaret, Christine realized as numbness seeped through her, and the promotion. Oh God. "You two are old friends and she cleared you because you're the Golden Boy. I'm expendable. It doesn't even matter if I didn't steal the money; it's all about protecting the corporate image."
Charlie thrust a hand through his hair. "Stop before we both say something we regret. Just stop, Christine. Please."
Fury overrode all her common sense. "Have you only come here to see if I'll admit what you and the corporate heads think I've done. Some after sex pillow talk? Were you to search my house for missing money and forged orders while I slept exhausted from our bouts of sexual release? You're part of the corporation's rat patrol, their ultimate secret weapon with those sweet Hawaiian words. I bet they don't even translate like you said. They probably mean 'stupid fool' or 'trampy slut'."
"For God's sake, don't be ridiculous." He pounded a pillow flat. "I shouldn't even be here, but I couldn't stay away. Think whatever else you want, but the truth is you and I share something unique."
"We do? Really?" Christine couldn't believe anything anymore. He wouldn't say he believed her incapable of being a thief and hadn't come to investigate her. The fury, the fear, and the grief made her cruel. "So it's okay to fuck me like a whore as long as you get the promotion, and I take the fall."