The Pagan Sorceress
Slave Nano
Slave Nano
Genre: Historical/Paranormal
Publisher: House
of Erotica
Number of
pages: 45
Word Count:
If you’re
looking for an erotic read this Halloween then check out Slave Nano’s new
release ‘The Pagan Sorceress’. The
action takes place on Samhain as archaeology student Sam sets out to re-enact a
Pagan burial ceremony.
If the author of the Anglo-Saxon heroic tale
Beowulf did erotica what might it have sounded like? That’s the challenge author Slave Nano has
set himself in his newly released novella ‘The Pagan Sorceress’.
Sam is about to carry out a
strange experiment. She is an
archaeology student specialising in reconstructive archaeology and her idea is
to recreate an Anglo-Saxon pagan burial ceremony. It’s Samhain eve and the night of a full moon
so it’s the perfect time to carry out such a ritual. She enlists the help of her friend, Dan, and
together they go off to the site of a burial mound where wonderful swords and
sceptres were excavated many years ago.
A travelling story teller
is at the court of a Saxon king. He
recites the tale of two soul-entwined lovers from an earlier, more chaotic,
period when king’s warred amongst each other.
He tells the tragic tale of Cyneburh, Pagan sorceress and daughter of
the mighty Pagan king Penda and Alhfrith, son of Athelwald the king of Deira,
her hero-warrior lover and betrothed.
The two kings have formed a mighty political and religious alliance but,
more than that, the young woman and man have forged a passionate union of their
own. But this new alliance has enemies
and before their wedding night is over there will be a tragic outcome. As King Penda stands at the edge of their
burial chamber he invokes a curse of vengeance against the murderous act
perpetrated against him. But, how many
years will it take before he is finally avenged?
As Sam stands on top of the
burial mound dressed as an Anglo-Saxon pagan priestess with Dan at her side, is
she aware of what ancient powers she will invoke as their lives become entwined
with those of Cyneburh and Alhfrith from many centuries ago? Will the pagan king’s oath of vengeance be
fulfilled? Will the souls of the two
lovers be finally released?

Short Excerpt
Peace reigned and long summer the two lovers spent in
joy filled company and passionate love-making.
To a place of private retreat they would retire, far from mighty hall
and mud-daubed village dwelling. To hidden glade and luminous still pool they resorted. Enchantments Cyneburh summoned to cast a
veil around the secret hiding place.
Guarded by mighty oak and watchful wolf, no creature, man or beast,
disturbed their secret world of passion and desire.
There, passionate kiss they exchanged. Serpent-like their tongues wrestled and
inter-twined in their mouths each warring with the other in a battle of desire
in which each was the equal of the other.
With feather like tender touch they sought out each other’s bodies. Cyneburh explored her warrior’s sturdy frame
battle marked with ruddy scar. Each glowing blemish she touched affectionately
with healing hand and lover’s kiss. For
Cyneburh craved for no battle shy prince or innocent virgin but strong armed
battle proven hero to share her feminine secrets with and fulfill her ardent
need. Broad chested and powerful she
embraced his muscular frame in soft skinned arms and planted kisses on each
scar of her hero’s chiseled torso.
Pagan Sorceress’ and pagan ritual
My latest release, a novella called ‘The
Pagan Sorceress’ interweaves a historical strand set in the Anglo-Saxon period
with soul-entwined lovers Cyneburh, the pagan sorceress of the title, and her
warrior-lover Alhfrith within a contemporary story involving archaeology
student Sam and her friend Dan. In this part of the story Sam seeks to recreate
an Anglo-Saxon pagan burial ceremony.
There are influences of two types of ritual
in the story. The first is the
Anglo-Saxon burial rite performed at the burial of Cyneburh (no spoilers here
as I make clear from the outset that her story has a tragic end). We know little about how such a ritual might
have been performed in Anglo-Saxon times beyond the evidence provided by the
sites themselves and what were buried in them.
As part of the research for the story I went
off into the Yorkshire Wolds near where I live to seek out some of these mounds
and tumuli as they are a feature of the landscape, first from Neolithic and
then Anglo-Saxon times. These burial mounds would have been Pagan ritual sites
of enormous importance. They were
typically on the tops of the Wolds where they would have been in full view of the
communities living in the landscape. As
my character, Sam, says in the story, when the mounds were first erected they
would have been covered in chalk and would have stood out as white mounds on
the crest of the hills. The burial chambers themselves were filled with the
objects from everyday life needed to take with you to the after-life. These
objects were all gathered and documented by Victorian and Edwardian
archaeologists when the mounds were first opened. Of course the burial mound in my story is one
for the daughter of a king and a Pagan priestess so the objects I put in it are
inspired by Anglo-Saxon swords, sceptres, helmets and jewellery found at larger
and grander excavated sites such as Sutton Hoo and the Staffordshire Hoard.
The second type of ritual that influenced the
story is the Pagan one that might be conducted at Samhain or Halloween. It is
no coincidence that Sam chooses this night to conduct her re-enactment and it’s
used by me for more than just wanting a story I can market as a Hallloween
story. Samhain is a significant Pagan
spirit night. It is a magical moment
when the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest and a window opens to guide
the spirits of ancestors to the otherworld. Pagans will hold it in reverence
for that reason and conduct circle rituals to celebrate it. It’s not a scary or frightening time for a
Pagan. It’s more about celebrating
transition and moving on, just as Samhain also marks the end of summer and the
beginning of winter, the word itself being Celtic for summer’s end.
So, when Sam invokes her burial ritual at a time when the
veil between the worlds is at its thinnest she unleashes powers that she has no
control over – powers that allow Cyneburh and Alhfrith to enter her world.
This book is a blend of present and the past, artfully intertwined to give a story long enough to give you a glimpse of both, but skillfully done with enough time for you to eat your lunch or read it in one evening. It is powerful, sensual and a wonderful short work to read, especially this time of year.
Erotic and full of poignant elements from the past, Slave Nano does an excellent job of using prose to actually feel the difference from being here, now to being in the center of a pagan wedding and consumation event from times long past. When events collide, you get a fantastic climax that will rock the foundations of time and space. Sex magic at its absolute best.
If you are looking for a story that stirs the body and gives you a passionate look into the past, then this book is for you. Slave Nano is a master storyteller that illustrates his tale like a finely wrought tapestry.
Author Bio:
Slave Nano is a writer of
erotic paranormal and fantasy stories with bdsm and fetish themes. He has had short stories and novellas
published by Xcite Books and House of Erotica.
His first erotic novel, ‘Adventures in Fetishland’, was published by
Xcite in March 2012.
Slave Nano writes
stories drawing on the themes of female supremacy, goddess worship, bondage,
domination and submission, sado-masochism and fetish, frequently in fantasy,
paranormal or historical settings.
Web site:
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