Title: The Proverbial Mr. Universe
Author: Maria La Serra
Genre: New Adult Romance
Release Date: June 13, 2016
Dear girl with the red scarf,
Love was never meant to be conquered,
you have to surrender to it.
Trust me. After all, I am Mr. Universe.
Love was never meant to be conquered,
you have to surrender to it.
Trust me. After all, I am Mr. Universe.
When the universe conveys a message, you listen.
Olivia Montiano just caught her fiancé cheating. Now she is forced to question what she wants out of life and love. Striving to live up to her father’s unrealistic standards for the past twenty-three years, every decision she has ever made was with her father’s wishes in mind—until she finds mysterious, handwritten letters tucked away in places only meant for her. That’s when she realizes she’s been on the wrong path all along and gives her heart to a guy her father thinks is entirely wrong.
Washed-up abstract artist Nick Montgomery has had quite a few setbacks in life. He’s accustomed to never needing anyone, thinking he’s just fine—until he meets the girl with the red scarf. She’s not his type. But the universe has other ideas. Nick has a secret he’s keeping from her, afraid it will bring their new relationship to a sudden halt.
Will they figure out what the universe holds for them?
Maria La Serra is an author living in Montreal. She worked as a fashion designer before becoming a writer. She will try everything at least once, except for skiing or hiking or camping- okay anything relating to activities done in the great outdoors. When she's not writing her next book, you can find her spending time with her family.
The Proverbial Mr. Universe is her first novel.
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