Friday, November 28, 2014

Portrait of Passion

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. A randomly drawn winner will receive a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble gift card. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

What’s a Viscount to do when a mysterious lady with a secret past and a reputation frayed around the edges suddenly appears in London in hot pursuit of his naive young cousin, setting the gossips’ tongues wagging, stirring his family into pandemonium, and driving him mad with her irreverent ways?

If the Viscount in question is Simon Easton, the answer is quite simple. Seduce the beguiling lady. But Miss Beatrice Morgan isn’t your average tarnished lady. She’s lived a slapdash life wandering the globe like a gypsy, painting fantastical portraits of Duchesses as Sirens and landscapes featuring a crumbling old fountain, all the while harboring a secret desire to return to Idyllwild, the only home she’s ever known.

What Simon does not know is that Beatrice just might be willing to sacrifice her honor, her virtue, her very heart to reclaim Idyllwild.

Enjoy an excerpt:

Beatrice thought that had Abby been born into a different family, she would be making her debut soon, perhaps next year.

Instead she waited upon a dishonest, lying, scheming woman.

Bea could not hold back bitter laughter at the thought. Simon turned his head to look at her in surprise. Abby froze, her gaze flying to Bea’s face.

“You are a very pretty girl,” Bea said and watched the blush deepen on the girl’s cheeks.

“Thank you, miss,” she shyly replied, bobbing another quick curtsy.

When Bea only watched her silently, Abby looked to Simon, who gave her a subtle shrug, before she asked, “Is there anything else I can do for you, miss?”

“You may undress me,” Bea said.

“Beatrice,” Simon protested quietly.

“I would like Abby to undress me and brush out my hair,” Bea insisted. She forced herself to raise her eyes to his, unsure what they would reveal to him. She was confused, an awful feeling of desperation mingled with the banked rage and shame. Would he see?

Simon captured her gaze, his eyes dark, not angry, uncertain perhaps. She knew she was behaving irrationally. She did not care.

“I’ll step outside,” Simon finally replied.

“Do not,” Bea said, waving her hands about in agitation. “Please, stay.”

Simon looked from her face to her hands, suspended in midair. She dropped them to her sides, clenched her fingers in her skirts, grabbing fistfuls of the dark silk.

Bea looked at Abby, standing as still as a statue, her eyes wide as she looked back. Bea realized that it was the first time the timid girl had ever looked her mistress in the eye. As if reading her mind, the maid tore her gaze away and bent her head down.

About the Author:Write About What You Know.

Every Creative Writing Teacher and College Professor said these words to Lynne Barron in one form or another. But what did she know?

She knew she enjoyed the guilty pleasure of reading romance novels whenever she could find time between studying, working and raising her son as a single mother.

She knew quite a bit about women's lives in the Regency and Victorian era from years spent bouncing back and forth between European History and English Literature as a major in college.

She knew precious little about romance except to know that it was more than the cliché card and a dozen red roses on Valentine's Day.

Then she met her wonderfully romantic husband and finally she knew.

Passion, Love and Romance.

And she began to write.

If you would like to learn more about Lynne Barron and the Idyllwild Series, please visit her website at or follow her at Facebook or Twitter.

Buy the book at Ellora’s Cave, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Breathless Monday: Dominated by the Earl

Happy Monday! Here we are for our next naughty interview with the amazing Raven McAllan. Domination. Earls in tight pants. Well...there you go.

1. How did you start writing erotic romance? I have no idea. I just wrote, and this was the result. I was as surprised as anyone, that my voice is as it is. The first book Wallflowers Don't Wilt was written as a dare by my crit group UCW.
2. Plotter or pantster? Definitely a pantster… sometimes… I now do plot as well. It depends on my mood, my muse's mood, and if I have chocolate.
3. What are three things you have on your writing desk? I don't have a writing desk. J I can (and do) write anywhere I can take my laptop. My desk at this moment is my knee, so I have a hippy skirt on it.
4. Favorite food? Anything gluten free these days, (as long as it's not cheese). Well okay let's say chocolate and champagne.
5. Tell us a little about your new release. What character in the book really spoke to you? Dominated by the Earl, A Regency romance, is a rereleased version of A Matter of Faith. I totally got the title wrong the first time around. Faith is the daughter of my heroine, Leonora. Leonora and my hero Justin really have to work hard at a HEA, and I had such fun helping them. Faith made me giggle, and Nora was so determined she'd get a happy life for all of them. Justin is definitely a dominant man shivers in a good way and he was a joy to write about.
6. I write because ____... I'd go crazy if I didn't. All these characters in my head shouting, "me, me."
7. What is your favorite type of character to write about? Someone with a sense of humor.
8. What is the sexiest scene you ever wrote? I have no idea. I write and say, oh that's not really hot or sexy, and someone will say it is you know. Maybe you'd better ask anyone who reads my books that question.
9. What advice would you give new authors in the erotica/romance field? Research wink. That apart, remember, if you're uncomfortable writing something, it will show.
10. What is next on your writerly horizon? Well I keep saying I'm going to slow down, but I seem to have a must write list that just gets longer. I have several series to continue (Diomhair, Dommissimma, Miss Simpkins, The Wolfes of Kinfoyle—Jacob Wolfe is definitely an Alpha male) and a couple to start…One about a travel agency with a difference, and one about a Regency family. Then there's all the other one offs that sneak into the queue when I'm not looking.

Social You can find out all about me, and how to contact me on,

 Buy links

Author bio 

Well what can I say?

I'm growing old disgracefully and loving it.
Dh and I live on the edge of a Scottish forest, and rattle around in a house much too big for us.
Our kids have grown up and flown the nest, but roll back up when they want to take a deep breath and smell the daisies so to speak.
I write in my study, which overlooks the garden and the lane. I'm often seen procrastinating, by checking out the wild life, looking—only looking—at the ironing basket and assuring tourists that indeed, I'm not the bed and breakfast. That would mean cooking fried eggs without breaking the yolks, and disturbing the dust bunnies as they procreate under the beds. Not to be thought of.
Being able to do what I love, and knowing people get pleasure from my writing is fantastic. Long may it last.

Leonora knew she'd wait for Justin to come home. 
She hadn't expected it to be so long or so fraught. 
When Justin joined his regiment, and was sent to the continent, Leonora promised to wait for him to return.
She didn't think it would take so long, or she'd have so many difficulties to face. Her life 
changes as she struggles to cope without Justin and keep his estate running. 
With someone out to destroy all she holds dear, Leonora has to fight for her beliefs and her family, and hope they get the happy ever after they deserve.

Book excerpt-
It seemed no time at all before he was escorting her into his home. On one hand he could wish the journey had been longer, on the other his prick was so eager to be out of his pantaloons and in her, he knew he was in danger of behaving like an inexperienced schoolboy and spilling his seed. With his usual hardheaded determination, he quelled his eagerness and lifted her down from the horse. She made sure she slid down every inch of him, the twinkle in her eyes showing that innocent as she protested she was, she knew just what she was doing. So did he.
“Minx. I await with mounting desire to see your arse flushed to the same rosiness as your face. I have a strong feeling their color should be the same.” Justin noted with pleasure that her gasp wasn’t one of horror but one more of arousal. It bode well for what he had in mind.
Nora raised one eyebrow, and ran her hand through her hair. “This is a mess.” She fished in her pocket, pulled out some hair- pins and twisted her hair up into an untidy bun. Justin ignored the change of subject, and didn’t tell her, her hair would be back down again before too long. She’d find that out soon enough.
Justin was no saint, and when offerings such as Nora were forthcoming, he was in no mind to refuse them. Truth to tell, he had lusted after Leonora Bessingore for an age. His cock was in a permanent state of arousal when in her proximity. He had lost count of the number of times he’d fucked himself and imagined it was her hand on his prick.
Now, he had her almost where he wanted her. Nothing could have made him happier, and his body quivered with the thought of what was hopefully in store. If he had to go into the army, and it was he knew a given, then he’d know Nora before he did.
“Upstairs.” He put his hand to the small of her back and edged her upward. “First door on the left.”
As she got to the top of the stairs her steps faltered. “Justin, what if...” Her voice petered out.
“It’s too late for that, Nora.” He pulled off his riding cape and dropped it over the balustrade. “No what ifs are allowed. The servants are away. Your father thinks we have gone on a farewell picnic, and mine is uncaring and in town.” He chose not to mention her brother. “You’ve pushed me thus far, and therefore there’s no backing out. When I rest on a pallet in some godforsaken billet with the reek of gunpowder and death round me, I’ll think of you under me. Of my cock buried to the hilt inside your channel, and the sweet love mewls I feel sure you’ll make. You will not renege.” He pushed her inside the room. It took very little effort. She may plead uncertainty, but her actions belied that state of mind.
“Wait now.” He undid the buttons on her cloak as he spoke. “I need to see if your bath has been made ready before the servants left.”
“I have no intention of doing any such thing,” Nora said. Indignation rang through her voice. “Reneging or waiting. Hell, I’ve waited so long, I may well be atrophied. I’ll bathe after.” She threw the cloak he had given her onto a chair where it teetered on the spindly back before slipping down on to the carpet. She didn’t give it a second glance. “I want to be yours, Justin. To know what if feels like to have you inside me. To feel you swell and grow and spill over me.” Color swept up her neck and over her face in such a way that Justin was enchanted. He was sure her breasts and belly would share that same delicate hue.
“Never let it be said I disappointed a lady.” Justin ran his finger over one of her flushed cheeks, it was warm to his touch. “Take your gown off.”
She looked at him as if he had two heads. In his present state of uncomfortable arousal, he would not have been surprised. His body was on fire and the only way he knew to dowse the flames was inside her. It was both torture and ecstasy to hold back and show her only a little of his desires.
“Won’t you help me?” she asked in a soft voice. “Reach my ties for me?” She lifted her hair and bent her head to expose the elegant line of her neck, and the loosely tied ribbons that encircled it.
As Justin stared at her bowed head, her spine curved, and her arse rose in his direction. His cock threatened to stretch the knit of his pantaloons beyond all reasonable limits of such material. The pose she had adopted—unconsciously he assumed—pulled the flimsy material of her gown taut over the globes of her rear, and emphasized the tantalizing cleft that separated them.
“Lift your skirts, Nora, let me see what is coming to me.”
She turned her head. Her expression was one of puzzlement.
Good. Let me see how far I can push her in the best ways imaginable.
“My rear?”
He nodded, and her eyes widened. “But of course, my dear. To delve deep inside that secret passage, to feel my cock enclosed and held tight within will be one pinnacle of our time together.”

Breathless Monday: Witness Protection

Here we are on another Breathless encounter with Carolyn LaRoche and her new series Defenders of Love. Take it away...

1.       How did you start writing erotic romance?
For as long as I can remember, I have loved a good romance of any sort. My stories usually start out as mysteries or crime stories that have a hot cop hero and smart, sassy woman he can’t seem to keep his hands off. The heat works its way into the story naturally.
2.       Plotter or pantster?

Definitely a pantser. I could probably save myself a lot of time on rewrites if I plotted a little more but I doubt that will ever happen.

3.       What are three things you have on your writing desk?
Since my desk is usually the dining room table and I have two sons, there is usually an empty plate, crumbs and a half full glass of something.

4.       Favorite food?
Pizza. Or anything you can wrap in a tortilla, which is pretty much anything as far as I can tell.

5.       Tell us a little about your new release. What character in the book really spoke to you?
While Logan is definitely irresistible with his snug jeans, blonde hair and blue eyes and Angelina is a lot like me, my favorite character in the book is Logan’s Aunt Clara. She greets her visitors with a shotgun and table full of food, says what is on her mind and doesn’t take anything from anyone.
6. I write because ____...
      The voices in my head don’t give me choice.
7. What is your favorite type of character to write about?
      I like a sassy, take no prisoners kind of gal like Aunt Clara in Witness Protection. She says what’s on her mind, doesn’t blow smoke and doesn’t worry about what people think of her
8. What is the sexiest scene you ever wrote?
     I love a good shower sex scene. There is so much that can be done with soap bubbles and water…I try to work one in wherever I can.
9. What advice would you give new authors in the erotica/romance field?
     Write what you know and do it with your own voice. Don’t ever try to emulate anyone else. You won’t be happy with your work and it will make you miserable trying to be something you are not.
10. What is next on your writerly horizon?
I am currently working on the second book in the Defenders of Love Series. Logan’s cousin Kaiden gets a second chance at love while trying to stop a domestic terrorism plot.


Someone wants Angelina dead…again. Will following her heart put her in danger, or in the arms of the man she’s meant to be with?

As far as the world knows, NYPD detective Angelina Ferrara died in a violent firefight on Chelsea Piers over a year ago. Living in the witness protection program as history teacher Lucy Taylor was supposed to save her life, but being alive and living were two very different things. Until she meets Detective Logan James when he goes undercover in the same private school where she works. Something about the handsome man with the gorgeous blue eyes piques her interest. There’s no doubt he has secrets…but then so does she. When the Ricci crime family discovers she’s still alive, she finds herself on the run with Logan. Her heart led her astray before. Can she trust it to let Logan help her survive?
Her little car had an engine about as powerful as a hamster wheel. There was no way she was going to outrun the truck that was accelerating with lightning speed. On one side of her was a deep ravine, the other the steep slope of a mountain towered high and tree covered. The steering wheel vibrated as she pushed her little car to its limits, sheer adrenaline keeping her focused on the winding road. As she rounded a sharp curve, the back tires spun and fishtailed out from behind her. The tiny car shook violently as Lucy struggled to maintain control. The SUV caught up with her then, ramming into her rear bumper. The car groaned but held on. Lucy spun the wheel to make the next sharp curve, all the while her eyes searched for a way off the dangerous mountain highway. Another crash from behind jolted her car forward with such force Lucy lost her grip on the steering wheel. The car veered right but she managed to straighten it out before hitting the tree line.
"What the hell do you want with me?" she screamed at the truck in her rearview mirror.
The driver responded by slamming into the back of her car again. Metal ground against metal, gravel flew everywhere, and the car careened toward a thick bank of trees to her left. Straightening the car once more, Lucy crushed the gas pedal to the floor and watched as the speedometer climbed quickly. Lucy felt the little rush of excitement she always got in a good pursuit despite the fact that she was the one being pursued.
She whipped around yet another curve, and the SUV caught up with her. Just as she managed to get her little car under control again, the SUV crashed into her back end again with such force Lucy thought her car might shatter there in the middle of the road. The little car veered to the right, aiming straight for the side of the road and the ravine beyond. Lucy tried to regain control but the effort was in vain. She braced herself as the car plowed through thick vegetation, hit something, and started to slide down the steep embankment.
She heard the growl of the SUV's engine roaring away over the revving of her own engine as the tiny car crashed through the underbrush. The car flew over a log and landed on the slick vegetation covering the incline. The car lost its hold on the ground and rolled its way down the slope, finally landing up against the trunk of a large pine tree where the engine died. Lucy's head smacked against the steering wheel knocking her near to senseless. Everything fell deathly silent as she fought to remain conscious.
A loud crack broke the silence. As she watched through the broken windshield, the tree in front of her began to wobble. Blood trailed from her forehead into her left eye, blurring her already shaky vision. Rubbing at it with the back of her arm, she used her other hand to desperately claw at the seat belt release.
If she didn't get out of the car, the tree was going to fall right on top of her.
The giant pine swayed once and then began its descent toward Lucy and her crumpled car. Yanking hard at the jammed seat belt, her head swimming and her stomach churning, Lucy finally freed herself. Just as the tree crushed the roof of her car, like it were nothing more than a tin can, Lucy pulled her body through the opening that used to be the driver's side window.
Cracking wood and crunching metal stirred up a cacophony of birds and small animals protesting the intrusion in their habitat. Lucy lay on the damp moss and rotting leaves, her heart banging against her chest wall. The sound of her pulse racing in her ears muted the sound of the creaks and groans as the tree settled against what was left of her car. Every inch of her body hurt, but her head ached most of all.

Social and buy links:

Carolyn LaRoche grew up in snow country but fled the cold and ice several years ago. She now lives near the beach with her husband, their two boys, two finicky cats, and one old dog. When she is not at the baseball field cheering on big hits and home runs, she is busy teaching science to unwilling teenagers. She is co-author of the book The Crazy Lives of Police Wives and hangs out online at both Carolyn La Roche - Author and The Crazy Lives of Police Wives.
She also writes a blog titled Boys, Badges and Writers Block about the joys and challenges of raising boys and living the law enforcement wife life found at

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tantalizing Tuesday: D D Symms and In His Sights

And we meet again so soon! Here we are with another tasty tidbit. Let's welcome D D Symms to the blog today as we dish the dirt on
In His Sights.

1. How did you start writing erotic romance?
About 5 years ago, I wanted to explore the sexual tensions that reside in us. I feel that In His Sights deals with primarily hurts and losses we experience and how the erotic aspects of love and acceptance heal our wounds.
2. Plotter or pantster?
I'd say 60 percent pantser. Often, I'll jot down a rough outline and then it changes as I dive into the story. I do make myself write up key character descriptions, though.
3. What are three things you have on your writing desk?
Only 3? A cordless phone I don't use, a mini-water fountain that doesn't work and a stack of post-it notes and a homemade paper weight one of my kids made. Okay, that's 4. I won't count the loose papers!
4. Favorite food?
Ciopinno – the Italian seafood stew. Mmm, love the flavors.
5. Tell us a little about your new release. What character in the book really spoke to you?
Dalton Blake is blaming himself for his lover's death in Afghanistan and the hurts are beginning to engulf him and take him to a dangerous place of no return to society. I've had those similar types of hurts in recent years due to deep family conflict and Dalton's realization came alive to me.
6. I write because ____...
I have stories that I'm dying to tell and the inner workings of characters I want to explore.
7. What is your favorite type of character to write about?
A person overcoming struggles and overcoming self-doubt. Perhaps because I see so much of myself in that way.
8. What is the sexiest scene you ever wrote?
The male-male pool scene at the end of In His Sights or perhaps an outdoor love making scene in Getaway where the hero and heroine have come together on mossy soil near a stream in the mountains.
9. What advice would you give new authors in the erotica/romance field?
A hot story is about the characters in the story and the erotica and sex flows from the connections the characters make. It may sound odd but you should be able to take away the sex and still have a story and use the senses, details, to heighten the erotic aspects of the story such as a touch or a gentle kiss. Let the erotic emotions sneak up on a reader.
10. What is next on your writerly horizon?
I'm writing a non-fiction series on entrepreneurs and novel-wise I've got a couple going. One is a follow-up to my novel Boarding. It stalled on me temporarily.

Author bio-
DD Symms likes to capture the emotional struggles of loss and new love in his writings.
Fiction writing in university was his original calling but took a detour of many years as he focused on journalism. The joy of writing fiction is when characters seep into his imagination and take on a life of their own with a story that must be told.
He lives in southern California and hikes in the mountains with his wife, wishes his dog would stop sleeping on his side of the bed, and would like to take more walks along the beaches north of Malibu.

Dalton Blake and his lover from college enlist to serve their country and seek adventure. A roadside explosion in Afghanistan that Dalton believes he could have prevented takes his lover's life and Dalton returns stateside withdrawing into his own world to escape the emotional toll. A base captain tries to break through and must find a way to connect before Dalton makes a tragic decision. In His Sights explores the impact of loss and the hope that new love offers.
Book excerpt-
Shafter took a few quick steps and dove with his arms outstretched into the pool's deep end. He dipped well below the surface and came up for air, shaking his head. "Man, that feels good."
Dalton followed. Pockets of cool water mixed with the warm and sent a tingle along Dalton's back. He surfaced and brushed water from his eyes. A sense of relief encompassed him.
Shafter lifted himself out of the water, sat on the wall and dangled his legs in the water while he reclined on his elbows and looked up. "The stars are beautiful, aren't they?"
Dalton rotated his arms and legs to tread water until he bolted for the wall in a frenzy as though a bee had stung him. An urge to grip the side and hang on or be swept back into the pool caused him to gasp for air.
"You okay?"
Dalton took a deep breath. "I thought I was. For a moment, I actually thought I was okay." A panic attack had ambushed him.
Shafter reached out and Dalton grabbed his hand as the captain helped him out of the water.
"Sorry." A sense of foolishness crept through Dalton.
"For what?"
Light shimmering from the water and the canopy of stars eased the stab of emotional pain. Shafter's acceptance with his question and calm tone was an even deeper balm. Dalton smiled. "For acting crazy." The captain's patience and subtle persistence was a lifeline that Dalton hadn't recognized until now. "Thank you." But it could happen again. Panic could strike at any moment. Dalton tensed until Shafter laid a hand on his shoulder.

Tantalizing Tuesday with Pippa Jay and When Darkness Falls

Greetings! Welcome to Tantalizing Tuesday! This week we have the wonderful and talented Pippa Jay dishing on her new release When Dark Falls. Now for the fun...

1. How did you start writing romance? I actually kind of fell into it by mistake, which sounds terrible but it’s true. I was trying to find an agent for my debut scifi novel when one of my beta readers turned round and told me it was a romance. I was kind of surprised. I mean, yes, my two main characters did get involved with each other even though that hadn’t been the plan, but it never occurred to me I’d written a romance. If I was a character in one of my own stories, I’d be the one who didn’t realize one of the other characters had the hots for me. *facepalm*
2. Plotter or pantster? Pantser. I’ve attempted to plot, but it never really works out for me.
3. What are three things you have on your writing desk? I don’t really have a desk, but generally the things I have close to hand are coffee, notebook and memory sticks.
4. Favorite food? Wow, um, right now pasta in any kind of sauce but preferably something tomato and cheesy.
5. Tell us a little about your new release. What character in the book really spoke to you? When Dark Falls is an alternative 1920s decopunk superhero story, more along the lines of X-Men than the likes of Superman or Spiderman. I love my leading lady--she’s so broken and confused, and with damn good reason. She doesn’t really want to be the hero all that much and doesn’t really think of herself as a good person, but she’s the only one who can do what’s needed.
6. I write because not writing is not an option. I went through about a decade of not writing, and when I came back to it I went a bit crazy for a while. It’s not good for me to keep all those word locked up, lol.
7. What is your favorite type of character to write about? I love tortured characters, preferably male over female, but either will do. The more tortured, the better. Bwahahaa!
8. What is the sexiest scene you ever wrote? Actually, I think it’s the bedroom scene in this one.
9. What advice would you give new authors in the erotica/romance field? Same as I’d give any author really - read, write and research. And be open minded. There’s a lot of things I said I would never write, and I’ve had to take that back. Challenge yourself. Experiment.
10. What is next on your writerly horizon? I have a futuristic urban fantasy short releasing on the 19th December--No Angel-- featuring an incubus on a hunt for a lost angel.

Social links:
Twitter:  @pippajaygreen

Buy links:
 Web page to other links -!when-dark-falls/cl15 

Author bio:
After spending twelve years working as an Analytical Chemist in a Metals and Minerals laboratory, Pippa Jay is now a stay-at-home mum who writes scifi and the supernatural. Somewhere along the way a touch of romance crept into her work and refused to leave. In between torturing her plethora of characters, she spends the odd free moment playing guitar very badly, punishing herself with freestyle street dance, and studying the Dark Side of the Force. Although happily settled in the historical town of Colchester in the UK with her husband of 21 years and three little monsters, she continues to roam the rest of the Universe in her head.

Pippa Jay is a dedicated member of the Science Fiction Romance Brigade, blogging at Spacefreighters Lounge, Adventures in Scifi, and Romancing the Genres. Her works include a YA science fiction novel—Gethyon—published through BURST (Champagne Books), a scifi romance novella—Tethered—published by Breathless Press, a YA paranormal romance—Restless In Peaceville—published by Lycaon Press, three self-published short stories (Terms & Conditions Apply, The Bones of the Sea, and Reboot), and she’s one of eight authors included in a science fiction romance anthology—Tales from the SFR Brigade. She’s also a double SFR Galaxy Award winner, been a finalist in the Heart of Denver RWA Aspen Gold Contest (3rd place), and the GCC RWA Silken Sands Star Awards (2nd place).

Book blurb:
In a city where Dark Technologies Inc. now runs the show, Kadie Williams has more immediate concerns than the fall of Blaze, their guardian superhero. Almost every morning for the last few months she’s woken up with cuts and bruises on her body, and no idea how she got them. There are no nightmares. No evidence that she sleepwalks, or any sign of a break in. And nothing to tell her who’s been cleaning up after her. As just one of thousands of civilians conscripted to slave away in the labs of Professor Dark, she knew there'd be trouble ahead. But  she never expected it to be so bad, or so personal.

Desperate for answers, Kadie looks to the new defender of the night, the only person who can hinder the total domination of Professor Dark—Nocturnelle. The mysterious vigilante superhero came from nowhere with her cybernetic sidekick Shadow, set on putting an end to the brutality of Dark's regime. But as his laboratories work on a new secret super-weapon, Nocturnelle and Shadow may not be enough to save Nephopolis...or to save Kadie either.

Book excerpt:
"I..." He swallowed. "I shouldn't be doing this but..."
He leaned down and kissed her, hard. Wrapped his arms around her. Pulled her tight against him.
She wanted more of him. More than his mouth on hers. More than his hands skimming over the fabric covering her back.
"Kadie..." His voice, rough with desire, made her ache. Right now, all she needed was him.
"Don't stop."
"I don't think I can. But Kadie?"
"If you want me to stop, all you have to do is..."
She silenced him with her mouth, stopping any further speech. He grasped her hips, tugging her hard against him in response. The heat of him burned into her as she reached under the loose ends of his shirt, exploring the firm muscle of his back. She found knotted scars as she travelled upward, these from battle rather than the surgery that had saved his life. As she traced each scar, he held her as tight and close as her second skin, but stirred a thrill within her deeper and more exhilarating than traveling the city as Nelle. Her breath caught as every fiber in her body coiled tight and her legs shook. Nothing, not even an adrenaline fueled flight through Nephopolis could compete. She looped her hands around his neck, frightened of falling, of him moving away as need consumed her. Don't let this be the only time. Don't let this end...
Jev shifted and hoisted her off the ground, still kissing her. She clung to him as he carried her, not caring where they were going as long as he held her. When he stumbled and dropped, she clutched at his shoulders, but he'd just bumped into the leather sofa and sat. Now she knelt astride his lap, feeling the hard knot of his crotch pressing into the juncture of her thighs. She moaned, burying her fingers in his hair. His hands burned her back as they slid under her thin blouse.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Taboo II: Longing. Lust. Passion. Bliss.

Title: Taboo II
Publisher: Ishtar Press
Genre: erotica
Page count: 89
Buy links:

Taboo II Blurb:

Longing. Lust. Passion. Bliss.

On this altar to the Goddess Ishtar, we present to you four tales of unbridled desire and toe-curling release:

Under Cover of Darkness by Erzabet Bishop

When Giselle is sent into the mountains to fetch an author who has missed his latest book deadline, she finds herself in the thick of trouble. After her car dies, and she escapes a pack of feral dogs, her only refuge from the darkness is a gated castle shrouded in mystery.
Is the author she seeks beyond the cold stone walls? Or will she discover something else—too wicked for words?

To Mar a Page with Words by Jason L Morrow

Robert stared at the blank page, night after night. He wanted nothing more than to write, but the blank page taunted him and held him at bay. Finally, after a visit from a dark-haired woman in his sleep—his dream muse—the floodgates of his imagination opened and the words poured forth.
Now the woman of his dreams wants to be the only one in his life.

The Sultan by Ed “CC” Emerson

After stumbling upon an Atlantean scroll (once considered a hoax by experts) in his occult bookstore, women begin to show up on Jimmy’s doorstep. Six women, ready to fulfill both his and their wildest fantasies, become his harem, with him as The Sultan.
As their orgies heat up, they realize that the Atlantean scroll has activated.
Will being given the ultimate power be as good as the ultimate fantasy? Or will it tear them apart?

Blood Sugar Sex Magick by Tinnekke Bebout

Angela seeks the counsel of her friend and occasional lover, Marianne, regarding her interest in seeking a Dom. She learns one of the primary members of the poly family she is involved with would be perfect dominant for her.
Can she strike up the courage to ask him? And if she does, what will happen next?
Grab some wine or mead. Strip off your clothes and get comfortable.

Explore our offering with all your senses as we delve into the taboo.

An excerpt from Under Cover of Darkness by Erzabet Bishop:

Coarse black fur covered his newly reformed body. With massive shoulders and a towering frame, he stood over her, chest heaving.   She had seen werewolves on TV and in the movies. Special effects of course, but they were hot.  They had starred in her fantasies  since she was old enough to figure out what to do with her fingers in the dark. Staring at Pendleton's fur-covered muscles and powerful thighs she felt her pussy dampen. Oh my God.  Her eyes trailed down to the enormous cock that hung between his legs. Icy fear warred with desire as his body adjusted to its new state and he realized she was there. Holy fuck. This really was like Beauty and the Beast. Only better. Screw the talking teapot.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Hardened Desire

Hardened Desire by Layna Pimentel

What could Luc Mercier, a gargoyle who's more than a century old, possibly have in common with modern introvert, Gillian Harris? Loneliness and isolation.
When meddlesome friends bring the two together, neither is prepared for the flurry of emotions nor revelations that overwhelm them. That is, until Gillian stumbles across the truth and struggles with how she let her guard down.
Learning to love again has never been harder.

Luc picked up a newspaper from the stand and tossed a two-dollar coin to the elderly man working the counter. He ascended the cavernous stairs of Bloor and Dufferin subway station, irritated by the lights flickering intensely. I should have just taken my car.
But if he did, Luc would have missed an opportunity to observe society other than from the café he frequented lately. A society he didn’t belong in, technically speaking, and had no business being a part of. Long gone were the muddy, off-beaten roads of provincial France. Long gone was the time when an over-flowing bodice was considered scandalous.
Now people thrived on exposing as much skin as possible. The modern day sentiment of what was attractive and acceptable embarrassed him to the core, from the mode of dress to the inappropriate use of language. Didn’t anyone know how to speak without using an expletive every other word? Where had humanity gone wrong? It was ghastly enough that children didn’t respect their elders, much less their parents.
Nevertheless, as much as this modern world perplexed him, nothing could deter him from at least enjoying his freedom, regardless of the limitations restricting his activities to the darkness of the night.
He did, however, miss the ambiance of candle light and the soft cries while seducing a woman, tormenting her with his wicked tongue. Exploring deviant, but heavenly, practices of binding and mixing pleasure with pain. Sweet promises falling from his lips while exploring every inch of her delicate and exquisite flesh.
These days, the few women he was able to enjoy weren’t interested in highly sensual liaisons. No. Today’s women thrived on being in control of seduction, whether they were proficient or not. There certainly wasn’t anything wrong with the scenario, but it wasn’t his taste. He preferred his women soft, like Genevieve…his sweet, sweet Genevieve.
No matter how many decades passed, the only woman he’d ever confided in, and planned to wed, crept into his mind many a time. Genevieve was an old soul, who found him and fell in love. Then, much like a Greek tragedy, their story ended woefully. The trust and courage it had taken to confess to Genevieve of the monstrosity he had become left him restless and, for once in his miserable existence, vulnerable. If not for her kindness, encouragement, and love, who knew what he would be doing and where.
This last week, though, he thought to explore the possibility of trying again. A particular woman, who frequented the café where he spent his early evenings drinking a brandy and reading The Daily Sun, had caught his particular interest. Her laughter aroused his curiosity in the few and far between moments when he contemplated actually living life. Her voice, whether chuckling or whispering to her friend, always made his body react in an animalistic way.
While they had never met, she seemed like someone he’d be interested in getting to know, at the very least, for a little while. Luc doubted very much he’d find another woman like the love of his life and often thought it would be better that way. How could he even begin to explain why he only ever spent time with her at night, and why he’d always be gone before the first sign of daybreak?


Born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Layna discovered her love of reading at an early age. When she isn’t devouring salacious romance novels or writing, she enjoys losing herself in researching ancient history and mythology, weaponry, and hiking. She lives in Northern Ontario, with her husband and two daughters.
Layna is a member of the Romance Writers of America, and is a monthly contributor at 69 Shades of Smut. For updates on her upcoming releases, or to leave her a comment, you can find at:

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Sweet Seductions Release Day

Roller derby girls looking for kicks, a kinky crochet class and an erotic cruise adventure… Sweet Seductions: The Erzabet Bishop Collection brings you five sinfully seductive short stories of lady loving by one of the erotica world’s most prolific authors. Featuring three stories previously published in Ladylit anthologies and two brand new ones, this collection is sure to seduce you.
Mermaids and Mistletoe
Derby Girls
Mosaics and Mermaids
Please note that ‘Hooked’, ‘Mermaids and Mistletoe’ and ‘Derby Girls’ have previously appeared in Ladylit anthologies.
Word count: 16,000
Lesbian erotica
Price: $2.99

Buy links:

Reviewer quote:
"As with all LadyLit mini-anthologies, this book was amazing!!! Ms Bishop is a magician with a typewriter. She is able to draw her readers into her stories and not let go of them. From rough and tough to tender and lovely, her lesbian romps are sizzling, spicy and seductive... Each story from Ms. Bishop is a wonderful gift to my senses and emotions!!"
Ameliah Faith

Excerpt from "Mermaids and Mosaics."
Lydia watched Abby as she hustled out of the solarium. It was nice having her here. Almost without thinking, she walked toward the ladder, intent on seeing what it was Abby had created. Guilt warred with need and need won out. Standing under the skylight, Lydia looked up. Her eyes scanned over the piece and she sucked in a sharp intake of air. She was staring at her own face. The mermaid was her. Tears stung her eyes.
"Why would you make a mosaic of me?" She whispered. A single tear slid down her face.
She didn't hear Abby come back into the room until it was too late. She stood in the doorway, a fresh shirt and sweats hugging her compact body, making her as irresistible now as she had been when they first met. Their eyes met and Lydia gasped. She was caught.
Excerpt from "Pumpernickel"

"I'm sorry, Mistress. Please forgive this girl for acting out in her frustration." Libby got down from the chair and sank down in front of Miriam. The wooden floor was cool against the bare skin of her legs and her knees protested as they hit the edge of the area rug.
Miriam stared down at Libby, an icy frown freezing her face into an immovable mask. "Crawl to the corner." She fished in her pocket and pulled out a penny. "Against the wall with your nose. If that penny falls, then your punishment goes up. Five minutes."
Libby knelt in the corner. Her nose held up the penny and her mind raced. What would she do to her? Forgetting about the rejection, she focused on her Mistress and how to account  for her impertinence. Libby was concentrating so hard on mashing her nose against the wall, she almost didn't hear Miriam return.
"Alright. Time's up. Come over here and pull down your shorts. I have a bottom to tan."
Desire coursed through Libby's center as she slid her panties and shorts off and onto the floor.

Writing short erotic romance:
Writing short erotic romance is a fun way to keep writing and have a plethora of stories to excite the reader. In Sweet Seductions I explore life on a cruise ship, derby girl antics on and off the playing field, a crochet class I would want to attend and an author who gets a taste of what discipline and hard work can mean when her Mistress takes on her attitude.
When I first began my writing career I started with a novel and found it to be a bit too much. Then I read an interesting thought by Ray Bradbury. If you write one short story a week, sooner or later you won't be terrible. I've taken his words to heart and am almost always pounding away at the keyboard composing this or that, slowing gaining in word count to write a much larger work, all the while enjoying the path less taken so to speak.
All writers have different paths to find their way. Short erotic romance was mine and I couldn't be happier. Story after story, I meet more fans, create new worlds to explore and have a marvelous time finding out just what people are dying to read about.
What sorts of erotic romance do you like? What do you want to see more of?

About the author:
Erzabet Bishop has been crafting stories since she could pound keys on her parents’ old typewriter. She has only just learned that it is a whole lot more fun writing naughty books. She is a contributing author to the Silk Words website with her Fetish Fair, Gingerbread Dreams, Holiday Cruise and Temptation Resorts interactive romances, Sci Spanks 2014 Anthology, Potnia, A Christmas To Remember, Taboo II, Forbidden Fruit, Club Rook: The Series, Sweat, Bossy, Cougars, Spank or Treat, When the Clock Strikes Thirteen, Wicked Things, Unwrap these Presents (upcoming), Unbound Box, Milk & Cookies & Handcuffs, Corset Magazine: Sex Around the World, Vaginas and Vulvas, Man vs. Machine: The Sex Toy Issue, Smut by the Sea Volume 2, Hell Whore Volume 2, Can’t Get Enough, Slave Girls, The Big Book of Submission, Hungry for More, Gratis II, Gratis III, Anything She Wants, Dirty Little Numbers, Kink-E magazine, Eternal Haunted Summer, Coming Together: Girl on Girl, Shifters, Coming Together: For the Holidays (upcoming) and Coming Together: Hungry for Love among others. She is the author of Lipstick (upcoming), Dinner Date, Tethered, Sweet Seductions: The Erzabet Bishop Collection (upcoming), Red Moon Rising (upcoming), Red Boots (upcoming), Charity Benshaw's Enchanted Paddle Emporium (upcoming), Holidays in Hell (upcoming), Pomegranate (upcoming), Red Dress (upcoming), Sigil Fire, Written on Skin: A Sigil Fire Short, The Erotic Pagans Series: Beltane Fires, Samhain Shadows and Yuletide Temptation. Erzabet was a finalist for the GCLS 2014 awards in two separate categories. She lives in Texas with her husband, furry children and can often be found lurking in local bookstores. She loves to bake, make naughty crochet projects and watch monster movies. When she isn’t writing, she loves to review music and books.
Follow her reviews and posts on Twitter @erzabetbishop.
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