Thursday, May 29, 2014

Demon of Envy Super Book Blast

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Jennifer will be awarding a $25 Amazon Gift Card, plus a signed print copy of GODS OF LOVE (1-3) and a set of the GODS OF LOVE cover postcards to a randomly drawn winner via the rafflecopter at the end of this post, during the tour (International Giveaway).

Phthonos, god of envy and jealousy, has been given a second chance at life and love in the mortal realm. He is desperate to make up for the mistakes of his past. But is Thon more demon than god? And if the demon Envy wins out, how will this lonely god ever find room in his heart for love?

Olivia is an ordinary woman living an ordered life, but at thirty-two true romance appears to have eluded her. Everywhere she looks people are in relationships or falling in love, but her career as an administrator and her charity work are enough to keep the demon of envy at bay.

Or so she thinks…until the moment he turns up on her doorstep with a demand that rips her life and her heart wide open and leaves her at risk of eternal torment.

DEMON OF ENVY is the fifth novella in the GODS OF LOVE series, but each story is designed as a stand-alone with the Greek gods of desire as a common theme. The series can be read in any order.

Now enjoy an excerpt:

The need to engulf her with everything raging inside flooded over him with such force he went super-still. Get it under control. The darkness was too all-consuming, and she couldn't withstand him if he lost it. She was so delicate and easy to break, despite that elusive core of inner strength, and he had to remember at all times to hold himself back.

She was human. She was fragile. And she was about to become his if he could only control his demon long enough to keep her safe.

He shucked off his T-shirt and threw it to one side, before moving forward to take over from her fumbling fingers. "With pleasure." Remember. Do it slowly. He managed to release two more of the tiny buttons before a waft of her perfume teased his nostrils. It was a musky scent that reminded him of hot nights and seductive need, so long-forgotten that its sudden effect on his senses blasted his self-control to pieces. With a groan that rattled his throat on the way out he grabbed the two sides of her blouse and yanked them apart, the remaining three buttons flying off in all directions with a ripping pop, pop, pop.

"Oh!" Her gorgeous mouth formed into a round of surprise. He clutched at her wrists before she could cover her breasts, then released them slowly when he felt her peak of embarrassment begin to subside.

"No! Don't ever cover yourself when you are with me. I must look at you." She was solidly proportioned, with more flesh than was the current fashion, judging by what he'd seen in his brief time back here. But he liked it better when there was something substantial to hold onto.

His fingers trembled as he traced around first one large globe then the other. Her skin was so white he could see the blue network of veins peeking through from beneath. Her life force, so close to the surface. So tantalizing.

Copyright 2014 Jennifer Lynne

Jennifer Lynne lives in Melbourne, Australia, and writes short contemporary erotic romance, mostly with paranormal/fantasy elements. When she’s not writing what her family and friends call “porn for chicks” and what she prefers to call “super-hot romance for intelligent readers”, she is working in the admin day job, running around after two teenage daughters and trying to find time for her lovely new husband.

Jennifer is published with Red Sage and Breathless Press. Over the past two years she has also embarked on an indie journey with the publication of her GODS OF LOVE romance series featuring erotic Greek gods and modern-day mortals in need of sexual healing.

Find her on the web at:

Website and blog:




Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Jungle Fever Release Blitz

a Boxed Set
by L. V. Lewis
LV_Bundle_Draft5flat cover by Melissa Blue
Join L.V. Lewis, Bestselling author as she brings you her EXTRAORDINARY Alpha-Male boxed set, the JUNGLE FEVER DUOLOGY featuring FIFTY SHADES OF JUNGLE FEVER and EXIT STRATEGY her breakout hit novels in the vein of the most popular contemporary romance series counterpart: Fifty Shades of Grey, told primarily from the POV of an African American woman.
After reading for a chapter or so you'll realize, however, that Keisha Beale is no Anastasia Steele. She's sassy, irreverent, and unapologetically hilarious in her reactions to Tristan White, the venture capitalist whose sexual proclivities rock her world.
Here's your opportunity to get both FIFTY SHADES OF JUNGLE FEVER and EXIT STRATEGY in the JUNGLE FEVER DUOLOGY for the price of one! Even if you already have one of them, at this price you can have them together to complete your collection, or refer the boxed set to a friend, or two. :)
3-D Cover by Rachel at Shoutlines Designs
“Tell me again why you can’t stay?” Tristan says as we stand in front of the elevator. “Because it’s just not a good idea. And I don’t have anything to wear.” “Actually, you do,” he says. “Mrs. Naven found some things in the laundry after you left. Problem solved.” He takes both my hands and backs up into the sitting room. “Tristan, we still have some things to sort out. Tonight was great, but I still don’t think I’m cut out to be your submissive.” “Just my submissive?” I drop my head. “No. Anyone’s.” “You’re afraid you’ll have panic attacks again, aren’t you?” I feel like I’m about to be swallowed up by the sincere blue eyes tracking and pinning mine so effectively I can’t look away. “Yes. And I’m no use to you if I can’t endure the scenes, particularly the occasional disciplinary consequences.” “What if there was a way you could?” His finger traces a gentle path down my cheek. “What do you mean?” “Just what I said. If there was a way we could work around the panic attacks, would you come back? For good?” “You mean until you perfect your exit strategy? That’s what you venture capitalists call it, don’t you?” “Ah, someone’s been paying attention at our semiannual business meetings?” “I have a rather exacting mentor who insists on being heard.” “Asshole,” he says and pulls me close. I place my hands on his chest in an effort to sustain some emotional equilibrium, but he doesn’t let me go. “I’m the one who’ll be ass-out when you lose confidence in your investment and decide it’s time to diversify your portfolio again.” “I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon, Keisha.” He draws me closer, palming my hips, and I get his point. Pun intended. “I can’t seem to get enough of you.” I slip out of his arms and put some space between us. “Chemistry has never been an issue for us, Tristan. I know your lifestyle is important to you, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep up.” The truth is, I’m hopelessly in love with a man who hasn’t given me any indication that he will ever want a real relationship. Nothing has changed on that front. He still just wants just a Dominant/submissive relationship, which might enjoy a longevity his other arrangements haven’t had, but it will eventually end. Can I really do this? I certainly don’t think I’ll become any less in love with him over time. Reentering a sexual relationship with Tristan now would be exceedingly counterproductive to the reasons I left in the first place, but I am hard-pressed to make myself walk away again. Tristan moves so close behind me that I can feel the warmth of his skin, his breath wafting over my ear as he speaks. “We’ll take things slow—again.” He runs a finger along my arm, and gooseflesh sprouts like ivy in its wake. I feel a pull toward him that can only be described as magnetic—my body eager to be reunited to his. Even though it could conceivably be more painful for me this time around, I’m not sure if leaving him again is within the realm of possibility. I can’t rationalize staying, but leaving becomes increasingly more difficult with each second I remain in his presence. I turn to face him. “Slow isn’t necessarily going to keep the attacks at bay.” Or guard my heart if he decides he’s done with me. “We’ll figure out a way to do that together.” He takes me into his arms again. “These three weeks have been ... just please stay.” I look into his eyes, and all I want to do at that moment is kiss him senseless. He may not have given me a declaration of love, but somehow I know this is as close as I’m going to get with a man like Tristan White. For now. As an answer, I stand on my tiptoes, throw my arms around his neck, and kiss him with everything in me. Tristan Keisha 4 (1)
L. V. Lewis is a married, mother of four who lives in South Georgia and works in the Florida Panhandle. A new author who decided stories like Fifty Shades of Grey needed a little more diversity and comedy, penned Fifty Shades of Jungle Fever as a parodied response to those wildly popular books from a woman of color. A voracious reader since kindergarten, Lewis loves nothing more than to curl up with a good book and a glass of wine. Now that Lewis has young adults who think they don't need their parents anymore, she has taken up another time-draining career of writing. Her love for writing is only eclipsed by her love for her family.
Social Media
Website and blog:
Tristan and Keisha - ES Promo<

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Wildflower Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway

by Alexandra Forry



In this beautiful and moving story of love, growth, and redemption among the stunning red rocks of Sedona, Arizona, Sydney—a teenaged Army orphan—discovers that love knows no bounds and life has many twists and turns of fate. After she is forced to move in with her late mother’s sister Blanche and Blanche’s abusive alcoholic husband Dean, Sidney finds purpose and friendship in Lexy, the daughter of Max Heller the City’s most prominent widower and business magnate. Unknowingly, the girls’ antics awaken Blanche’s lost and suppressed passions and stirs Max’s long-thwarted drive to build a loving and complete family. What emerges is the wonderfully successful Epicurian Café, the brainchild of Blanche and Sydney actively encouraged by Max and Lexy. The Café quickly becomes a center of the community, the start of a new life for Blanche and Sydney, and a chance for Max and Lexy to discover true love and the meaning of commitment. An emotional roller-coaster with its exciting twists and turns, Wildflower is an exhilarating and satisfying read


1. How did you get started writing romance/erotica? A very good question… I have been a hopeless romantic, always saw or came up with a romance storyline. I think that I’ve shocked my parents when I told them that I want to be a romance author when I grew up. I never thought of writing any other genre but romance.

2. What was your inspiration for your latest book? Wildflower is actually base off of my grandmother’s sandwich shop that she had and growing up with all stories from her I was inspire to write it and turn into a book. I did make up the main male lover to make into a romance, set it in Sedona AZ, and such.

3. Vacation-so elusive for us writers-where would you go if you could actually take the time off? I love to go to San Diego in the summer time when I can. I vacation all the time in my writing, LOL! 

4. Plotter or pantster? I’m panster 100% I sit down and let the words flow out of my fingertips. I tried to plot a million times but when I am writing the story end up taking a better turn then what I’ve plan. Like I have been plotting wildflower for years now, and there are a few parts in the book that I didn’t plan at all.

5. Name three things on your desk right now. My Computer, an Easter egg that I’ve got from my dear friend when I was fourteen and a few bucks, yes they're all on my desk.

6. Is there any kind of music you like to listen to while you write? I love to write to all kinds of music, it’s really what kind of scene that I’m writing or what type of mood I’m in. When I was writing the scenes from Timeless Endings that was set in the 1970’s I listen to 70’s music all the time, still do.

7. Pizza or salad? (or both for balance?)  Both, I love pizza and salad.

8. What movie have you watched lately that has stayed with you? Oh god, Dick Tracy, the 1990 movie With Warren Beatty, Madonna, and Al Pacino, a very great movie. I’ve listened to a song from the movie every day since I’ve saw it for the first time. Besides I love the scene’s between Warren Beatty and Madonna.

9. Favorite book so far in 2014? I must confess that 2014 have been a very crazy year for me to sit down to read a book and enjoy it. 

10. What are you working on next? I’m very much shut-lipped on all of my books and only my wonderful editor knows what I’m working on next.

Excerpt Three:

“I must tell you something. I usually don’t do this.”
Do what, Blanche?”
“Drink wine under the stars by a creek with a man who I have just met.”
“But that’s part of what makes life worth living.”   

Before Blanche could reply, Annette rounded the corner and joined them.

“There you are; I’ve been looking for the two of you everywhere.” Annette stopped to catch her breath.  “What is it?” Blanche asked.

“Blanche, I hate to do this to you, but I need to go home now. Jordan called to say his school project requires him to light a fire, and I don’t want him playing with a flame when I’m not home.”

“I can certainly understand that.” Blanche looked at her friend and back to Max, then she stood up. Max didn’t want Blanche to go, but realized they had to leave.”

“Well, it was nice to meet you, Max. Goodbye,” she said.

“Good night,” Annette told Max.

For the first time in his life he was not sure what to say. Blanche and Annette started to walk away.  Annette went on about her son.

“Blanche, wait! If you want to stay longer I can drive you home, if you’d like,” Max said standing up from the table and walking over to them.

Blanche stopped walking and turned around to face Max. He could tell she was thinking about it.

“I would like that. Annette, do you mind?” Blanche asked her.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Alexandra Forry was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. She has Cerebral Palsy but that doesn't stop her from doing what she wants! Omerta Affair was her first novel, then she came out with Timeless Endings, which is the same story line as Omerta Affair but aimed as a woman’s romance. Alexandra is currently working on her fourth novel. She enjoys being a member of the Las Vegas Romance Writers as well as RWA.



Leave a comment for a chance to win a $15 gift card!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mind Games Super Book Blast

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a $100 Amazon GC to one randomly drawn winner (via Rafflecopter) during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.  NOTE:  Book one of this series is on sale for only $0.99 during May!

Beware your heart and soul…

Evan broke Cassie’s heart two months ago, and she still doesn’t know why. She throws herself into family, friends and her new job at the sheriff’s department, but nothing helps. The only thing that finally allows her heal and move on is the love of a new man, mind mage Matthew Blair. Cassie finds him…irresistible.

Matthew may also be the only one who can help keep the non-magical residents of Eagle Rock from going crazy over the murder of a beloved pastor’s wife. It looks like a sorcerer is to blame, but while Cassie tries to figure out who, others take matters into their own hands. With tensions running so hot, a single spark might set Eagle Rock ablaze.

Now enjoy an excerpt:

Rick was still on some tirade about the heat, possibly trying to blame an August heatwave on sorcery, or perhaps the wrath of God, when I got the oddest sense of foreboding. It was a tingle, one of those things that is easily dismissed in the moment but, in retrospect, makes you think, I had a feeling…

Upon entering the diner my impression of danger strengthened, though it took me a minute to pinpoint the source of the threat. I noticed two things at once: First, Mrs. Meyer’s oddly shifty gaze as she worked the cash register, and second, the nervous expression of the stooped, middle-aged man standing opposite her.

The tinkle of bells startled the man in front of the register more than it should have. He turned slightly, took a good look at Rick and me in our deputy’s uniforms, and let out a cry of alarm. The next thing I knew he held a pistol in his shaking hands. “Don’t move!”

I froze. In that microcosm of time between instants, I gathered that Rick and I had interrupted a robbery and the man probably thought someone had called the cops. There was a sense of desperation about the man that made him seem wild and unpredictable – a dangerous combination, especially for a man holding a deadly weapon.

When time resumed, everyone in the diner began to panic. More than a few people screamed. Dishes fell and broke. Everyone scrambled for cover, most sheltering under tables.

Christine Amsden has been writing fantasy and science fiction for as long as she can remember. She loves to write and it is her dream that others will be inspired by this love and by her stories. Speculative fiction is fun, magical, and imaginative but great speculative fiction is about real people defining themselves through extraordinary situations. Christine writes primarily about people and relationships, and it is in this way that she strives to make science fiction and fantasy meaningful for everyone.

At the age of 16, Christine was diagnosed with Stargardt’s Disease, a condition that effects the retina and causes a loss of central vision. She is now legally blind, but has not let this slow her down or get in the way of her dreams.

In addition to writing, Christine teaches workshops on writing at Savvy Authors. She also does some freelance editing work.

Christine currently lives in the Kansas City area with her husband, Austin, who has been her biggest fan and the key to her success. They have two beautiful children.

Cassie Scot ParaNormal Detective (Cassie Scot #1) Buy Links:


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Audible (audiobook):

Secrets and Lies (Cassie Scot #2) Buy Links:


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Audible (Audiobook):

Mind Games (Cassie Scot #3) Buy Links


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Web site:







Cassie Scot: ParaNormal Detective ($0.99 in May)

Cassie Scot is the ungifted daughter of powerful sorcerers, born between worlds but belonging to neither. At 21, all she wants is to find a place for herself, but earning a living as a private investigator in the shadow of her family’s reputation isn’t easy. When she is pulled into a paranormal investigation, and tempted by a powerful and handsome sorcerer, she will have to decide where she truly belongs.

First Chapter:

Buy Links for Cassie Scot: ParaNormal Detective


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Audible (audiobook):

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, May 16, 2014

Deceitful Truths

Deceitful Truths (Caspian Wine Series Book 2)
by Maggie Thom



He created a legacy that no one could imagine...

Tarin has lost a week of her life. She doesn't know what happened but not long after she returns to work she is suspended from her job. Confused and pregnant, she quits and agrees to marry Stephen, only to be thrown into a whole new nightmare. Desperate, she grabs her son and moves across the country to get away from her abusive husband and to avoid her unforgiving father. Thrilled at getting the job at Knights Associates, where she'll help them solve cyber crimes but also be able to use their connections and resources to find her own answers. Who stole a week of her life? And will they return to steal the secret she is now protecting?

Graham and his partner Guy, can't keep up with the demand. They are being flooded with requests at Knights Associates, where they offer a combined service of private investigator and that of solving cyber crimes. It appears that someone wants to get their attention as not only have they been hacked but Guy's family business, Caspian Winery, seems to be under attack as well. Hiring an assistant seems to be the answer but when Graham discovers she's been accessing their high-security accounts, he realizes the cause of their predicament might be closer then he thought. Is there new assistant behind the problems they're having? If she's so innocent why does someone want to abduct her?

Tarin and Graham discover that although they don't trust each other, they are forced to work together to solve several seemingly unrelated crimes that may lead to one disastrous conclusion. Can they figure it all out before Tarin's nightmare plays out? An eighty year old woman pays with her life? Or before Tarin learns a truth that may seal her fate and be the one secret that will keep her and Graham apart as neither one of them may be able to forgive or forget...

(Caspian Wine Series, Book Two - Standalone but is a Sequel/Companion Novel to Captured Lies)

Maggie Thom’s talent for mixing mystery, intrigue and romance becomes a masterpiece begging to be read. Dii at Tome Tender


Excerpt Three:

The birth certificate was a bust. Not only had the site kicked her out but she didn't have her mom's name, never mind her maiden name. How was she supposed to get that?

Most people would already know that.

She bet even Bill knew who his parents were. Maybe it really was time for her to contact her father... to get some answers... to stand up to him. Her hands trembled as she ran them through her hair. Her fingers slid through the short strands so fast, it caught her off guard. As a child she used to spend hours laying on her bed and playing with her hair. It had been one of the things that she could do without having to ask for permission. It had just become one of those habits that was her go to when she needed to think or to de-stress.

The little body beside her snuggled into her side and his little hand came up to tickle her under her chin. She giggled and then he pounced on her.


"Got you, Mommy."

"Help me. Help me." She poked her fingers into his sides. He exploded into laughter while he squirmed. A day of quiet had done him wonders. There was still a bit of pink to his cheeks but the tooth that had been causing him so much grief seemed to have poked through the skin and wasn't hurting as much.

They play wrestled for a good twenty minutes until they were both pooped out.

"Honey, I have an errand to run this morning. So we'll go to the zoo this afternoon. Okay?"

"Zoo, Mommy, zoo."

"Yeah, sweety. Soon."

After she put him in Kim's care, she got ready to go meet the woman, who'd responded she'd be willing to meet. The reality of what she was hoping would happen made her hands shake so bad that she could barely do up the buttons on her blouse. Once dressed, she opened her sock drawer and pulled out the sheet of paper she was sure would lead her to some answers. Could the police have gotten any fingerprints off of it? Had she made a big mistake by not going to them?


1. I write because...
I don't know what else I'd do with all those ideas and characters that visit me on a regular basis begging to have their story told. I have to give them life somehow.
J I truly love writing. It's as natural to me as getting up in the morning. It also gives me freedom, it allows me to be transported to anywhere I want to go, be with whom I want to, do what I want… It's such a freeing way to express all emotions, all wants, all needs and to really help put things in perspective and to blow things apart. It gives me a totally different way of looking at life.

2. What kinds of characters are your most favorite to write about and why?
I love to write strong female characters that know how to look after themselves but they do need to learn to trust and to be able to ask for help. They have problems just like everyone else but they don't let that define who they are and they want answers and will do what it takes to get them.

3. Plotter or panster?
I do both. I tend to do a bit of plotting but when I get writing often the story takes on a life of its own. Each time I walk away I think about the story and where it's gone and where it needs to go. It's really when I do the editing that I really review the plotting and ensure that it makes sense, goes where I want it to go or where the characters need it to go and I make sure that there are no plot holes and all is tied up by the end. I make sure there are enough clues throughout to hint at who might be the guilty party and why.  But I try to ensure you won't figure it out until the end.

4. If I were your favorite cookie, what flavor would I be?
You'd be coconut macaroon.

5. Heels or flats?

6. What was the toughest scene you've ever written and why?
I think one of the toughest scenes that I wrote actually was when Steve expects Tarin in his bed. It actually made me cringe to write but the good thing about that scene was it was the impetus for Tarin to get her act together.

7. What was the spiciest scene you have ever written?
Let's just say it involved a waterfall and lagoon, a hot guy and girl, tender kisses, electrifying caresses, the added excitement of being caught but that didn't stop the long, slow lovemaking.

8. What's next on your writerly horizon?
Deadly Ties - What connection could there be between a twenty year-old murder and a thirty year-old murder and a present day attack on Kyara's mother? Did her grandmother falsely go to jail for twenty-years?

Split Seconds - Twins sisters meet for the first time as adults and soon discover that someone has gone to great lengths to keep them apart and will even kill to ensure that continues. 

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Award winning author, Maggie Thom, took the challenge and leapt off, leaving a fulltime, twenty year career in management, to write full time. After publishing her first suspense/thriller book Captured Lies, October 2012, she published her second novel, Tainted Waters, April, 2013. Tainted Waters went on to win 2013 Suspense and Thriller Book of the Year through Turning the Pages Magazine. She is excited to publish her third novel, Deceitful Truths, March 2014. An avid reader and writer her whole life, she decided to break the monotony of wishing to be an author by making it happen. She is an avid nature lover and likes nothing better than to take a book, hike to a remote spot by a river or waterfalls and read. Married to her best friend, she is learning that humor, love and patience help her navigate her way through her twins’ teen years. Her motto: Escape to read and Read to escape. "Maggie Thom writes a fast paced thriller laced with romance that keeps the reader interested and on edge!" InDtale Magazine

She can be found at:





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Barnes and Noble:





Maggie will be awarding a $15 GC to Amazon or B&N to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour, and a ecopy of Captured Lies (Caspian Wine Series Book One) to three randomly drawn commenters during the tour.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Write Sex


Every Monday, all summer long, WriteSex - the blog for authors of erotic romance and erotica - will publish a different article on the art of putting the romance in your sex scenes: The WriteSex Roundtable

Twelve well-known authors of erotic romance have agreed to share their insights, tips and how-to advice.

Our participants include: MJ Flournoy, Emma Paul, Margie Church, Sarah Bella, Gianna Simone, Sabrina Luna, Blake C. Aarens, Michael Swanson, Bonni Sansom, Angelica French, M. Millswan, Mary Marvella, Sally Swanson and Sascha Illyvich.

In the days of "adults only" novels sold in stores catering to men, the emphasis in each story was on the physical event of sex, usually to the exclusion of characterization or even dialog, let alone romance.

Today, especially in the genre of erotic romance, the emphasis is on the growing love, connection and emotional friction between the main characters, often with the sex scenes used as a means to advance those elements of the story.

We asked each author to address the following questions:
  • What do you see as the difference between a sex scene and romantic sexual encounter?
  • What do you do to write the romance into your sex scenes, and keep it alive and growing throughout both the scenes themselves and the story as a whole?
Look for a post by one of our authors each Monday.

If you are thinking about writing an erotic romance, or are just publishing your first work, or even if you're a multi-published author, you will find our writers' posts informative and thought-provoking.

It will be a fascinating series of perspectives on this crucial aspect of writing erotic romance.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Rescued by the Buccaneeer

Rescued by the Buccaneer (Pirates of the Jolie Rouge Trilogy, #1)
By Normandie Alleman


When Frederica Beauchamp boards a ship for the Americas, she dreams of a life filled with adventure, but she gets more than she bargained for when her passenger ship is attacked by pirates. The heartless men kidnap her and force her to serve their captain—a fate that might be worse than death, since though he does not have his way with her, the captain delights in baring her, shaming her, and thrashing her bare bottom as punishment for every imagined disobedience.

After the pirates bring aboard an injured man found floating in the sea, Frederica tends to his wounds and learns that he is Gaston Galette, a survivor of a shipwrecked vessel. Gaston seeks her help to overthrow the vile captain, but when their plan goes awry he is forced to use all of his wiles to save them. As the naïve girl and the seasoned sailor navigate one perilous situation after another, he informs Frederica that the only way they can survive is if he is in command, and that if she thinks things can be otherwise, she will be taken over his knee for a bare bottom spanking.

As he watches the proud, willful Frederica bow to his authority, however, Gaston worries that her growing hold on his heart will be his downfall. He knows he cannot take a woman with him when he returns to his ship and crew, but when Frederica accepts his lustful dominance completely, submitting to him with grace and beauty no other woman could match, Gaston realizes that he may never be able to let her go.

Publisher’s Note: Rescued by the Buccaneer is the first book of the Pirates of the Jolie Rouge trilogy. It is an adventure and erotic romance novel that includes spankings, sexual scenes including elements of BDSM and humiliation, and more.


Excerpt Three:

As he removed his shirt, she couldn’t help but notice his burnished skin rippled with muscles. His biceps bulged, and the planes of his stomach appeared to be carved with a knife. Long matted hair formed thin locks that fell past his shoulders, making him appear wild, yet with a hint of civility and charm. And rather handsome for a drowned bilge rat.

The man bowed dramatically at the waist. “Mademoiselle, I am Gaston Galette. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”

She nodded curtly. “You are French?”

“Oui, oui. Do you speak French?” he asked.

She shook her head no.

“A pity. The French language is exquisite—not unlike yourself.” He lifted an eyebrow flirtatiously.

She crossed her arms over her chest. “I see. My name is Frederica Beauchamp. My ancestors did speak French, but alas, I am only an Englishwoman. Is that the injury of which they speak?” She pointed at the red gash.


“Let us find something to clean it with.” She nodded to Bradford.

Bradford escorted them to a small room below deck and brought a number of supplies, including turpentine, soapy water, rags, and bandages. He also gave Gaston a cup of grog to drink before excusing himself.

Gaston perched on a barrel against the wall. Frederica knelt beside him, dipping a rag into the bucket of soapy water.

“The sea water is a blessing and a curse. The brine cleanses the wound, but the water can introduce infection as well.” She laid her hand on his knee, causing him to jump.

She giggled. “Calm yourself. I haven’t done anything yet.” Then she poured a cupful of the turpentine into the cut. He winced as the antiseptic permeated the broken skin.

“You know what you’re doing?” he asked, his voice strained.

“My father was a physician. I picked up a few things.”

“Now what is a physician’s daughter doing sailing the ocean with this motley crew of scallywags?” His dark eye twinkled.

“Long story,” she said, wiping the wound with the rag.

He leaned back and set his feet up on another barrel. “I’ve got nothing but time, Princess.”

Ignoring him, she asked, “What happened to your eye?”

“Wood splinter. Canon fire can be a nasty business. Here,” he said reaching for the rag. “I’d like to cleanse it.” He lifted the patch away from his eye, at the same time shielding Frederica from seeing the site of the eye injury and dabbed at it, squeezing the rag until soapy water dripped down and dribbled off his well-trimmed beard.

“I’m supposed to do that,” she said.

He smiled and handed her back the rag. “You may finish up, my dear.”

“What makes you think you can call me that?” She pushed back, hands settling on her hips.

He sighed as if he found her tiresome. “I just did, didn’t I?”

She folded her arms and gave him a dirty look. “I’m not your dear,” she said through gritted teeth. “You may call me Frederica or Miss Beauchamp.”

“I see. And how did you come to join a pirate crew, Frederica?”

She softened. “I’m not a member of the crew. I am their prisoner, taken on my way to the colonies.”

“Taken? So that’s how you wound up with this scurrilous crew.”

“I was aboard the passenger ship, the Adelaide, when Captain Humphrey and his men attacked us.” The corners of her mouth fell.

“What happened?”

“They stole everything of value, then killed everyone.” She shrugged at the senseless loss of life and dropped her eyes to the floor.

“How did you escape?”

“Captain Humphrey took me as his prisoner.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

A former psychologist, Normandie has always been fascinated by human behavior. She loves writing quirky characters that are all too human. Fiber arts, baking, and Pinterest are a few of her favorite pastimes. She lives on a farm with a passel of kids, an adorable husband, and a pet pig who’s crazy for Red Bull.

Follow her on:

Twitter at @NormandieA

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Monday, May 12, 2014

#Essenceoftime Hash Tag Tour

        A “take life by the throat” philosophy has always served Rob well. It keeps him focused, forcing emotions and potential relationships to take a back seat to his aspirations. But once every obstacle has been conquered and he’s achieved his goal—executive chef at a famous Chicago restaurant—he must acknowledge that he has reached his mid-thirties very much alone.
        Blake has just jettisoned his dream job—head of a fast-growing craft microbrewery—to escape from the woman who shattered his soul. Arriving at a Chicago beer festival prepared to drown his sorrows before moving on he is miserable and numb. 
        Fate throws the men together altering their respective worlds forever.
        Once Rob reveals the personal demon that has haunted him for years, Blake allows himself to fully trust again, and admits he wants a child. But a mutual attraction evolves out of a business arrangement with the woman hired as their surrogate, which has the potential to destroy an already delicate status quo.
        But time is of the essence, and becomes the one luxury they don't have.
        An honest depiction of a modern relationship mosaic reminding us to treasure every single moment we are allowed to love and be loved.

 Essence of Time Excerpt: Rated NC 17 for sexually explicit scene/implied ménage

The room pulsed with sweaty bodies and music. Rob was tired, but Blake had wanted to hit this club and he was finding that what made Blake happy did the same for him. He lifted his glass as Blake looked over at him, and then was swallowed up by the undulating crowd.
Attractive men, women and everything in between moved as one body. He tried to repress a surge of jealousy as hands groped all over Blake’s form. The guy looked damn good, in dark denim jeans and a bright white shirt that hugged his strong frame like a sexy glove.
“Hey handsome.” A lovely female with long black hair slid in alongside him, mirroring his stance. She held out her beer bottle and Rob touched his to it. The soft heat of her exposed skin made his body snap to attention. He shot her a glance that would speak volumes, if she were receptive.
She turned, leaned against the rail and let her hair tumble down her back, the incredible perfection of her breasts clearly exposed to his gaze. Yeah, he thought, she will do very well. He moved closer, touched the top of her cleavage, pleased at the quick pebbling of her skin. She smiled at him, stepped closer. “Mmm….” She sighed as she covered his lips and probed with her small tongue. Her soft curves fit nicely against him. When he opened his eyes and spotted Blake sandwiched between a couple of lovely women, he broke the kiss and cupped the girl’s chin, his brain a whirl of possibility and his whole body zinging with desire.
“Hey,” he whispered close to her ear. “You up for some fun tonight?”
Mai oui.” She bit his earlobe. Putting his hands on her bare arms, he held her back, shoving down the sudden urge to yank her into the back room and have her to himself.
“You game for two of us?” He ran his finger down her neck and across the tops of her breasts.
“Depends. The other one as hot as you?” She licked her plump lips, took a step into him and covered his zipper again with her hand. He let himself enjoy it a half a second, then smiled, turned her around and pointed over her bare shoulder at Blake, still stuck between the two supermodels, writhing in time to the pounding techno music. She sucked in a breath. “Really?” Rob leaned in, kissed her shoulder, ran a hand up her thigh, found her as pantiless as he figured she’d be. She kept her back to him, her breathing coming in small gasps as he licked his way up her neck, his fingers busy under her skirt.
“Really.” He pressed his erection against her hip, relished the soft wet folds at his fingertips. She pulsed under his touch, moaning when he gave it just the right amount of pressure and speed. “Come for me, ma petite.” She stiffened, put a hand over her mouth. Rob smiled as her body shuddered. “Oui, just like that.” He bit down on her shoulder, slid his fingers from between her legs and sucked them into his mouth as she gripped the rail, still gasping for breath. He cupped the back of her neck, tugged her close, kissed her hard and then released her. Turning her slowly once again, he cupped a breast, ran his thumb over the peaking nipple. “That’s him. Go, dance, seduce him. I’ll be watching.”
She smiled, grabbed his hand and sucked the fingers he’d just used to bring her to orgasm in this room full of people into her small, pert mouth. Then bit his fingertips and released him before sashaying out onto the dance floor, leaving him standing, his brain humming with anticipation.
Over the next half hour or so she delivered, in spades, inserting herself between Blake and one of the chicks dripping off him with ease, wrapping herself around him and pulling him close. Rob leaned on the rail and watched, mesmerized, as Blake laughed, danced, and let the girl tease, touch and dirty dance with him.
He grabbed another beer from a passing tray, and then caught the two of them in an incredible kiss, Blake’s hands roaming all over her half-dressed body. Just as Rob started to cut it short, not sure if he was actually ready to share Blake, the man opened his eyes and stared straight at Rob. He broke the kiss, turned the girl around and ground against her from behind. Rob lifted his beer bottle as Blake reached around and cupped a breast, leaning down to lick her neck. Rob smiled, relaxed, and let himself be calmed. Blake wanted this. So he did too.
He put his fingers to his lips again, tasting her, finished the beer, then stalked out onto the floor, entering the fray and breaking a solid sweat sandwiching the girl, sneaking kisses with Blake over her head. At one point the girl, Juliet, he’d discovered, reached up and grabbed his neck and laid a kiss on him that made him breathless. “You guys are hot as shit. We gonna do this, or what?” He nodded, grabbed her hand and Blake’s and pulled them out into the warm Parisian night.
Essence of Time Excerpt rated: X for explicit, homosexual sex

Rob’s head pounded. Sweat poured from every inch of his skin. His stomach roiled as he looked up from the glamorous task of re-bolting toilets to the floor in the women’s room just hard enough to connect his skull with the metal container for the whatever the hell women threw away in here. “Shit!” He rubbed the rapidly forming knot.
and sat on the cold tile floor, letting the wrench and ratchet dangle from his shaking fingers. “This is insane. Utterly, completely, totally insane.”
“Nah.” Jack’s voice floated in from where he was fastening mirrors to the walls. “Well, maybe. But hey, I’m in it with you so it’s a guaranteed success.”
“Fuck you,” Rob said, still rubbing his head as he rose. After giving the toilet a shake to make sure it was seated correctly he wandered out into the hall. He watched, heart sinking as the newly hired staff set up the tables and chairs and bar stools that had literally arrived two hours before—approximately twelve hours before they were due to open to the public with a huge, splashy party.
“Excuse me.” Blake tapped his shoulder. 
Rob moved aside so the other man could go past him. They hadn’t exchanged much more than terse, polite words since a giant blow out fight three nights ago over, of all things, the height of the custom made bar that was the featured centerpiece of The Local.
Rob sighed, and ran his fingers through his hair. He had at least two days worth of real work to get the kitchen set up, integrating used equipment with new and making sure the sous chef was as good as he claimed to be. They had one day before the opening. He groaned and leaned against the dark paneled wall, letting smells of fresh wood, paint, and brewing beer wash over him.
“All right, I gotta go.” Jack handed him the toolbox and wiped his hands on a towel. “I think you’re all set with the bathroom stuff. I looked over your electric panel and figured out the problem but you’re gonna need to pay a licensed electrician to fix it. Lucky for you I have one on his way now. Thank me later.” Jack put a hand on his shoulder. “Oh and that brewery drain Blake is bitching about—he’s right. You’ll need to get that re-trenched and soon. I’m surprised the city let you get by with it, but whatever.” Rob shot him what he hoped was a thankful look. Jack burst out laughing. “Dude. It will be fine. Oh, and that bar,” he pointed to the massive fifty foot, carved blonde wood and granite edifice that had cost way more than they’d budgeted for, “it’s about two inches too high.”
“Get out of my face Gordon, before I stab your eye with a screwdriver.”
Jack backed away, hands up in mock dismay. “Not many tenants have such a handy landlord, just saying. See you later—call me if you need anything.”
Five hours later Rob thought the pain in his shoulders from shifting boxes of utensils, plates and glassware could possibly be the worst ev er. He sat slumped in a chair, elbows up on the bar that was very likely a hair too high and tried not to panic. The bar was stocked, the kitchen set up, more or less, the tables and chairs stood at the ready. All the expensive yet cheap-looking lighting fixtures now worked thanks to the electrician Jack had found at the last minute.
He had his fridge and pantry at the ready, sous chef working through the final menu details and the god damned bathrooms were perfect. One thing remained. He lifted his aching head from his arms and sipped from the cold pint glass. Liquid perfection in the form of a classic Czech pilsner slid down his throat. The dry bite of the Saaz hops blended with the imported malt setting his taste buds alight and making him smile in spite of his stress. He downed the fifteen ounces in minutes, letting it coat his tongue and brain with just the right amount of residual alcohol.
“You’re pretty good at this, aren’t you?” He spoke to Blake’s back as the man put the finishing touches on the tap stand. Six beers had been brewed, with three more burbling away in the back, doing their fermentation magic. Rob let himself relax for the first time in months as he watched his lover’s profile while the other man fiddled around with the handles, the draft lines and everything under the sun. “I’m sorry.” He was surprised at how strong his voice sounded. But at that moment he needed to see Blake’s eyes devoid of anger. Blake kept ignoring him.
Rob stood and wandered around behind the bar, realizing he’d started the fight and it was up to him to end it. They were both stretched unbelievably thin, running on minimal sleep and scary bank loans. The temper had burst out of him over an innocuous comment Blake made about the bar being too tall, right after Rob had written a mind-numbingly huge check to the carpenter for the damn thing. 
He put a hand on Blake’s shoulder, felt the other man flinch and look away, but he kept his hand moving, up Blake’s neck, to his face. He didn’t stop until Blake had turned to him. “I am sorry. Really.”
needed Blake to tell him. He needed the man he loved, and was about to jump off the deep end of brew pub ownership with, to say one simple thing.
Rob knew he was the emotional Gibraltar of their relationship. Blake was the creative one, throwing himself into everything he did with energy and enthusiasm twenty-four seven. But right now he 
Blake swallowed, and leaned into Rob’s hand. Rob tugged him into his arms. Their lips met, softly at first, then as a tangle of emotion and no small lick of terror lit his brain Rob shoved his tongue into Blake’s mouth, as the other man ran clutched at him. His body hummed like a live wire, hardening instantly at the familiar sensation of Blake’s body pressed against his. 
Blake broke from his lips and put his hands on either side of Rob’s face, his green eyes bright. “It’s going to be fine,” he said, firmly, before unzipping his own jeans, then Rob’s and turning the other man around to face the too-tall bar. Rob groaned as Blake threaded his fingers in his hair, tugged him back against Blake’s waiting erection. He whispered once more. “It’s all going to be just fine. But right now I need you. Bad.” He put his leg between Rob’s forcing them apart. “No lube,” he gasped making Rob’s skin tingle.
“Don’t care.” Rob gritted his teeth, the need for Blake inside him more ferocious than he could remember. 
Later, they sat on the floor, sharing another of Blake’s delicious brewed concoctions, laughing about their too-tall bar christening. Rob handed the half empty glass back to Blake. His chest hurt with unspoken words. “Thank you.”
Blake smiled and raised an eyebrow. “For what?” He put a hand on Rob’s denim covered thigh.
“Well, for that, of course. But for all of this.” He waved a hand around the empty room. “But mostly for this.” He leaned in for another kiss.

About Liz Crowe

Amazon best-selling author, beer blogger and beer marketing expert, mom of three, and soccer fan, Liz lives in the great Midwest, in a major college town.  She has decades of experience in sales and fund raising, plus an eight-year stint as a three-continent, ex-pat trailing spouse. While working as a successful Realtor, Liz made the leap into writing novels about the same time she agreed to take on marketing and sales for the Wolverine State Brewing Company.   

Most days find her sweating inventory and sales figures for the brewery, unless she’s writing, editing or sweating promotional efforts for her latest publications. 

Her early forays into the publishing world led to a groundbreaking fiction subgenre, “Romance for Real Life,” which has gained thousands of fans and followers interested less in the “HEA” and more in the “WHA” (“What Happens After?”).  More recently she is garnering even more fans across genres with her latest novels, which are more character-driven fiction, while remaining very much “real life.”

With stories set in the not-so-common worlds of breweries, on the soccer pitch, in successful real estate offices and many times in exotic locales like Istanbul, Turkey, her books are unique and told with a fresh voice. The Liz Crowe backlist has something for any reader seeking complex storylines with humor and complete casts of characters that will delight, frustrate, and linger in the imagination long after the book is finished.

If you are in the Ann Arbor area, be sure and stop into the Wolverine State Brewing Co. Tap Room—but don’t ask her for anything “like” a Bud Light, or risk serious injury.

Liz’s Backlist

The Stewart Realty series:
Floor Time (2012 Global eBook Award for Best Erotic Fiction)
Sweat Equity (Just Erotic Romance (JERR) Gold Star Award Recipient)
Closing Costs
**Essence of Time (JERR Gold Star Award/ Jenkins Group, Inc. – 2013 eLit Award Bronze Medal for Erotic Fiction)
Conditional Offer
Escalation Clause
**Mutual Release: (JERR Gold Star Award)
House Rules (Prequel Novella)
**GOOD FAITH the mainstream final novel

(**indicates “stand alone novel”)

The Black Jack Gentlemen series:
Man On
Red Card
Shut Out

Standalone Novels:
Paradise Hops: (JERR Gold Star Award)
Honey Red

The Turkish Delights Series:
Turkish Delights
Blue Cruise
Tulip Princess
The Diplomat’s Daughter
Flower Passage

Cheeky Blonde (novel)
Caught Offside (novella)
Healing Hearts (novella)

Lust on Tap (novel)