Thursday, March 31, 2016

Wet: Release Day

Hello! Thank you so much for having me today!

I’m super thrilled to share with you my latest release, Wet (Elemental 1)! Wet is the first in a five-book paranormal romance series. My Elemental series is a re-release after some noteworthy revisions and scene additions – so even if you read the previous version of Elemental 1, this one will have some new surprises for you! Without further ado, I present...Wet.



Blake Hawke, first born of the four Hawke brothers, has the ability to control water.

            Keeping the family secret is a big deal. A deal Blake all but throws out the window when he finds Brooke sitting alone on the beach. Before he knows it he’s showing her everything he can do – until he gets the call that his baby sister is trapped between an impossible fire and a cliff.

            Brooke has barely come to terms with the fact that she’s got the hots for a real-life Aquaman when news breaks that they have serious enemies. Now she’s got a guy to win, a secret to keep, and weather-controlling enemies to look out for. The last thing she needs is to add some creepy stalker to the list.

            Can Blake protect his family and the woman he’s falling in love with from an enemy he never knew he had?


Tiny balls of hail bounced off the hood of Blake’s car as he swung in behind Brooke’s Civic. He disregarded the quickly dissipating storm as he yanked his keys from the ignition and rushed from his car to her door. All he’d been able to think about on the drive over had been her voice as she’d told him—in broken, disorganized pieces—what had happened. She’d started crying in the middle of her first sentence, but around her tear-soaked voice he could hear the tightness caused by obvious pain.
His concern left no room for the manners his mother tried to teach him, and so he didn’t even pause to tap on the door before he let himself in. But he did pause when his eyes landed on her a moment later.
Brooke was sitting on her counter, beside her sink. She had a kitchen towel wrapped around her left forearm, held in place by her other hand. Her cell phone was plugged into the wall on her other side, in easy reach. And between the phone and herself was a large smear of blood. Several spots of blood dotted the otherwise white kitchen linoleum, leading back to the living-room carpet.
“Brooke.” Blake gathered himself and moved quickly towards her, sparing only a glance at the devastation in her living room.
She lifted her head and blinked her eyes several times before attempting to offer him a smile. “You drove too fast,” she said, her voice devoid of any appropriate scolding tone.
“No, I didn’t,” Blake argued, failing at his attempt at levity as much as she had. He was standing before her in no time, and with his new angle he could easily see a piece of bloody glass lying in the sink beside her. That piece of glass was undoubtedly the reason the towel on her arm was slowly darkening.
Her tone curious and forcibly light, Brooke asked, “Are you sure I shouldn’t have called 911?”
Frowning at her wrapped arm and the fresh droplets of blood on the floor beneath her dangling feet, Blake replied, “Absolutely. You get free medical. I’ll call Logan and have him come over to board up your window and get rid of that branch, okay?”
“You don’t have to do all that,” Brooke said, her right hand tightening over her injured arm. “I have insurance … and my landlord will take care of my window as soon as he gets home.”
Blake lifted his frown to aim it at her properly. “I’m not taking no for an answer this time. Now let’s get you in the car and we can talk on the road.”
Brooke hesitated, her gaze darting toward the ground. “I’d really rather not walk, if it’s all the same to you.”
Blake silently reached out and pulled her phone from the charger before dropping it into his pocket. Then he shifted and reached around her, ignoring her half-hearted protests, and wrapped an arm around her torso. He slipped his other arm carefully beneath her knees and slid her off the counter, against his chest.
“What are you doing?” Brooke asked, a tiny bit of life beginning to return to her voice.
“Keeping you off your feet,” Blake replied easily as he carried her toward the front door. It was shut, indicating that he’d remembered to close it, but he didn’t hesitate. As he walked, his eyes flicked back toward the living room, and the melted hail pulled from the carpet and off the debris. It gathered together and then smoothly slid through the air toward them.
The water expanded as it neared them, and Brooke watched in silence as the water poured into the space between her door and the doorframe. Blake slowed his pace just slightly as the water gathered together and popped the latch. Then it curved, pushing out, and the door slowly swung open.
“That was impressive,” Brooke declared. Life had returned to her voice, but so had the pain.

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About Rose:
            Rose Wulf is a giant romance fangirl. Hot, protective, sometimes even downright barbaric heroes and spitfire heroines are her favorites. Rose has been writing for as long as she can remember, and over the years she’s only grown fonder of it. The bonds between characters have always captivated her, and as an author those are Rose’s favorite things to play with – not always to the relief of her fictional babies!
            Behind the scenes Rose is a quiet personality. She enjoys spending her non-writing time with her four year-old German Shepherd, Shadow, her mom, and her friends. Be it a fun game of Cards Against Humanity or a relaxing movie night, Rose believes everything is better with company. As for her own romance, she’s still searching for her hero (and hoping that, when she does find him, he’ll be willing to cook!).

Where you can find Rose:

Tease Me Thursday

TMT index

Friction by Sapphire Knight


A Taste of Bourbon

A Shot of Bourbon by A.C Land


Same Difference

Same/Difference by D.D. Lorenzo


I Wish I'd Never Met You Book Tour and Giveaway

I Wish I'd Never Met You
Tanith Davenport

Genre: Erotic romance

Publisher: Pride Publishing
Date of Publication: 23 February 2016

ISBN: 978-1-78651-377-9

Number of pages: 37
Word Count: 10184

Cover Artist: Posh Gosh

Book Description:

Flick Lindenwood, fresh from college, has returned home to the suburban haven of Green Valley, back to society…and the source of her heartbreak. Four years ago Elodie Hamilton savagely broke her heart, and Flick has no intention of letting her pretty ex get back under her skin. As far as she’s concerned, she and Elodie never happened.

But Elodie has other ideas.

Afraid to come out, Elodie chose to destroy her relationship with Flick rather than let her family know who she was. But now she wants to right the wrong she did—if she can only find the nerve, and if she can convince Flick to see past the pain she caused.

The door of the Dodge Charger slammed behind her as Flick Lindenwood walked up the driveway to the house, dragging her wheeled suitcase after her.
It was exactly as she remembered. Pansies and tulips bloomed in the borders of the front garden, edging an elegantly mown lawn. In front of her stood the house, two stories rising behind a large veranda, a curtain twitching in one of the windows.
Before she reached the front door, it opened to reveal her mother. Flick let the handle of the case go and stepped forward to meet her in a hug.
“Felicity, darling! We’ve been waiting all morning.”
“Sorry, Mom. Traffic.”
Her mother stepped back, smiling, and looked her up and down. Flick bore the scrutiny patiently. She had a new haircut and outfit which had yet to receive maternal approval.
Apparently they did. Her mother pulled her back in for another hug. “You look lovely, darling. Oh, it’s so good to see you. I’ve got so many things to tell you—I’ve been organizing your graduation party, and then there’s the Saulters’ barbecue tomorrow, and—”
“All right, all right!” Flick broke in, laughing. “Let me get in first!”
She followed her mother into the entrance hall, noticing that the lounge door was open on her left. Through the doorway she could see her graduation photograph taking pride of place on the marble mantelpiece, blocking off part of the gold-edged mirror.
“Don’t be long,” Mrs. Lindenwood added airily as Flick made her way toward the staircase. “I want to hear everything. Have you met any nice girls?”


This was a great short read. The story was well rounded, the interaction between the characters smacking of joy and heartbreak as their relationship went from down to up again. The sex scenes were smoking hot and I couldn't put it down.

I do wish we had seen Elodie's POV as all of the story was from Flick's. And the way the two girls broke up-wow. Flick had a good reason to be mad but the resolution at the end was a little too easy. I also wondered about Elodie being so afraid to come out if her sister was also a lesbian with the full support of her mother. Without Elodie's POV, it was hard to get a good read on her and the story was a little incomplete. In other words-more please! Great story-just wanted multiple POV like you get in many romance novels, so it pulls you deeper into what each character is feeling.


About the Author:

Tanith Davenport began writing erotica at the age of 27 by way of the Romantic Novelists' Association New Writers' Scheme. Her debut novel "The Hand He Dealt" was released by Total-e-Bound in June 2011 and was shortlisted for the Joan Hessayon Award for 2012.

Tanith has had short stories published by Naughty Nights Press and House of Erotica. She loves to travel and dreams of one day taking a driving tour of the United States, preferably in a classic 1950s pink Cadillac Eldorado.

Tanith's idea of heaven is an Indian head massage with a Mojito at her side.

Tour giveaway

1 ebook copy I Wish I'd Never Met You


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

What I Wouldn't Give: New Release Alert

#New Release: What I Would Give to See You Again by @JewelQuinlan #99cents
A Reverie Resort Vacation

Visit Reverie Resort, a luxury hotel on a tropical island where vacationers come to enjoy their wildest dreams but get more than they ever expected…
Vampire Ahram Bahar comes to Reverie Resort to experience his deepest wish; to relive a moment he had with a woman over one hundred years ago. In 1892, he was reunited with Angelica Meitner, his childhood friend and soul mate. It was a moment of deep love, exquisite tenderness, and a horrifying ending that has haunted him ever since. Now, he wants a chance to savor the good without the bad, but did he remember to tell the resort hosts?

Where you can buy it:
Amazon  |  iTunes  |  Kobo  |  Nook
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Enjoy this excerpt:
“I have to confess something, Angelica. I’ve never forgotten about you. As a boy, I remembered having feelings for you that were more than friendship, not that I could have said what they were. But seeing you now, I know it was the real thing. I loved you then and I still do now. I was really the one who pushed for this trip, not Serapis. I thought, if we came here, I might be lucky enough to find you. And I was, though in a completely unexpected way.”
She blinked rapidly and lifted the shawl from beside her to blot at the tears squeezing from the corners of her eyes. “This has to be a dream.” She sniffled. “You being here so suddenly…saying all the words I’ve imagined you saying.” She took in a shaky breath and looked up at him. “I never married because of you, you know.”
Ahram felt again the overwhelming surge of love that consumed him. It was twice now what it had been before because of all the longing he’d stored up for her over the past century. It was a tidal wave of emotion. He drew her into his arms and kissed her soft lips, felt her full breasts press against his chest, again memorizing the precious feel of her and the sensation of her lips against his. Unexpectedly, she parted her lips for him and their tongues slid against each other. Ah, she tasted so wonderful…delicious…
He broke the kiss.

About the Author:
Restless by nature, Jewel Quinlan is an avid traveler and has visited sixteen countries so far. Lover of ice cream, dark beer, and red wine she tries to stay fit when she’s not typing madly on her computer concocting another romance novel. In her spare time, she likes to do yoga, hike, learn German, and play with her spoiled Chihuahua, Penny.
For more information about Jewel Quinlan
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Will and Patrick Wake Up Married Book Blitz

Author: Leta Blake & Alice Griffiths
Title:  Will & Patrick Meet the Mob
Series Title and Number: Wake Up Married, Episode 5
Publisher:  Leta Blake Books
Release Date:  2/29/16
Genre:  Romantic Comedy M/M Romance
Tags:  gay, woke up married, tropes, rom-com, mafia, forced marriage, disabled heroes
Heat Level: 5
Pairing: M/M
Length: 42,000 words

Book/Buy Links

Find the entire series on Amazon


Follow Will & Patrick in this fifth installment of the romantic-comedy serial, Wake Up Married, by best-selling author Leta Blake and newcomer Alice Griffiths!

Patrick has finally accepted that he's in love with Will, but his newfound determination to do something about that runs up against his father-in-law's mobster plans. Though just what those plans are have as yet to be determined. As far as Will and Patrick can tell, they consist of blowing through town, wreaking small havoc, and turning the Patterson family's lives on end.

Will must face the truth about his family before he can fully come to terms with his feelings for Patrick. And Patrick has to decide if this whackadoodle world is something he truly wants to be part of forever.

Episode 5 of 6 in the Wake Up Married serial.


This book was a hoot. Loved it and can't wait to read more of the series.


The next morning, Will’s romantic musings feel like the product of overwrought exhaustion when Patrick wakes up cranky as a cat dunked in water.
“Turn off the alarm,” he snarls. “Make it stop.” Then, sitting up and glaring at Will like he’s going to kill him with the power of his mind, he demands, “Did you test yet? Did you eat? What’s your BG number?”
Will’s not even out of bed. Only fifteen seconds ago he’d had one hundred and seventy pounds of Patrick spread out on top of him. Of course he hasn’t tested yet. “I just woke up.”
“Don’t make me test you myself.” Patrick flings back the covers and stalks to the bathroom in his underwear. Will rolls his eyes but grabs his kit and quickly tests. Over the sound of piss hitting water, Patrick calls out, “Well? What’s the number?”
“Ninety-eight. Calm your tits.”
Patrick comes out, arms crossed over his chest and his hair sticking up everywhere. “Calm my tits? Calm your tits.”
Will indicates his nipples. “What? Check ’em out. Not even a little bit pointy.”
Patrick narrows his gaze but a reluctant smirk tweaks up the corner of his mouth.
“Let me guess.” Will laughs. “You know how to change that.” The knot of worry loosens in his chest. “Maybe later. I have to eat first.”
While they wait for room service, they shower and shave, and Will endures Patrick making a solid pitch for him to consider a Continuous Glucose Monitoring System.
“I’ll ask Dr. Anastasia about it,” Will compromises.
“And a pump.”
“Don’t push your luck.”
They throw on robes to greet Perry and his cart of warm, delicious-smelling goodies. Conversation is cut dead at that point as Patrick devours his bacon, muffins, doughnuts, and strawberries with fresh cream. Will’s healthier breakfast of cottage cheese, whole-wheat toast, and a small slice of quiche Lorraine isn’t nearly as exciting, but he doesn’t know how Patrick stays so slim eating like he does. If he tried it, he’d be the size of a house.
Once they finish breakfast, Will broaches the topic. “We’re going to need to talk about my dad eventually.”
“What happened to pretending he’s dead?”
“Unfortunately, he’s not.”
“And he’s staying in this building, so we’re bound to run into him sooner rather than later.”
“Better point.”
Will lets a wry grin spread on his lips. “But I’m not going to just sit back and let him run the show this time. I need find out why he’s in town and then get him to leave again. As soon as possible.” He stands up and brings the chess set over to the table, clearing away their plates. “If we can play ahead of his game, we can at least capture his queen. And then maybe even his king. Especially since he won’t be expecting us to be playing at all.”
“If by queen you’re referring to Kimberly, I don’t know about that. She’s a slippery one.”
“You think Tony’s back because of my mother?”
“Historically, her milkshake has brought him to the yard.”
Will sighs as he sets up the board. “She’s only been dating Jason a few weeks. Tony usually waits for her to get serious before he drops in to ruin her chance at happiness.”
“Maybe Jason proposed.”
“That’d be on The Hurting Times forums ten minutes after it happened. Have you seen it there?”
“And Caitlin would have called threatening to jump off a bridge or shave her head or something drastic in protest.”
“So he hasn’t put a ring on it yet.”
Will moves his pawn forward. “It’s still a starting place.”
Patrick shoves one of his pawns out to an empty square. “Before surgery, I have to know what I’m dealing with. I can’t just cut into someone’s noggin without knowing if I’m going in to repair damage or to cut out a tumor. Same here. We need more information. What’s your dad’s sign?”
Will’s lips flatten. “Seriously?”
Patrick lifts his brows.
“I knew it!” Patrick shakes his head. “Never trust a Sagittarius.”
Will sighs and ignores this. “Even though the award ceremony isn’t until March, word is getting around now that I won the Healing Hero Award. I hope to God he’s not planning to stick around for that.”
“A congratulatory phone call from Mobster Daddy would have sufficed.”
Will moves a pawn in front of the right bishop. “You’ve been slapped with that stupid malpractice suit. That might have raised his hackles too, if he’s not sure of your intentions toward me.”
“I have zero honorable intentions toward you. So, he’d be onto something there.”
Will snorts. “You made an honest man of me.”
“For now.”
“Yeah.” Will smiles softly as gentle warmth blooms in his chest. “For now.” He bites his lip. “Do you think sex will be even dirtier once we’re divorced?”
Patrick looks up from contemplating the chessboard. “Are you planning on sleeping with me after we’re divorced?”
Will’s ears burn. “Would we have to stop?”
Patrick swallows, his blue eyes shading darker. “Not unless we want to stop.”
Heat zings in the air between them. Will clears his throat. “That’s a long time from now. Who knows when we’ll even have to think about it? You’ll probably be tired of sleeping with me by the time a loophole opens up for us.”
“I’ll never get tired of fucking you.”
Patrick sounds so certain that Will’s dick stirs and he has to look away, focusing his attention back on the chessboard. He’s not sure whose move it is now. “Anyway, there are plenty of reasons for Tony to make the trip from Minneapolis. I’m surprised I didn’t see it coming.”
Author Bios
Leta Blake

Author of the bestselling book Smoky Mountain Dreams and the fan favorite Training Season, Leta Blake's educational and professional background is in psychology and finance, respectively. However, her passion has always been for writing. She enjoys crafting romance stories and exploring the psyches of made up people. At home in the Southern U.S., Leta works hard at achieving balance between her day job, her writing, and her family.

You can find out more about her by following her online:
On the web:
On Facebook:

Alice Griffiths

A long-time reader of romance novels, Alice Griffiths finally took the plunge into writing, teaming up with best-selling author Leta Blake for the 'Woke up Married' serialized comedy. A lover of tropes, Alice enjoys mining old ideas and putting a fresh, funny spin on them. Formerly working in the newspaper industry, Alice is now an art curator. She lives in Sydney, Australia.

You can find out more about her by following her online:
On Twitter:


1 eBook copy of any Will & Patrick episode.  2 winners will be selected.  
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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Trouble in Paradise Tour and Giveaway

If you know what’s good for you, you’ll go back to Dallas.

Since coming home Sutton has inherited herself a heap of headaches, two bossy men who want her for their own, threatening notes, and a whole lot of trouble in Paradise.

Having Doc McNab as competition, being ten years Sutton’s senior, and under her employ, meant the deck was stacked against Flint Palmer when it came to winning the sexy, vivacious Sutton as his woman. No way would she be interested in an old, worn-out, ex-rodeo cowboy like him, but that wasn’t going to stop the man from trying.

With the exception of the pretty as a picture, Sutton Callaway, Kale McNab’s childhood sucked. He’d been jerked up more so than raised by his ex-convict of a father, eventually leaving the girl and West Texas behind. Now, he’s all grown and back in Sutton’s life, willing to do whatever it takes to stay there.   

Genre(s): Contemporary Erotic Western Romance, Multiple Partners, Suspense, Spanking, Series

Please Note: This is the novel length book following the introductory novella Welcome to Paradise in the Paradise Ranch Series

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Amazon   CreateSpace   Roane Publishing

What to readers have to say about Trouble in Paradise?

5 sexy stars!! Whoo I may need to be hosed down after reading this sexy, sexy book!! Melissa –Amazon

Whoo! What a twisting turning, one hell of a cliff hanger, roller coaster ride that was. Cutting Muse Blog Review

It’s a must read book. Shelly – Goodreads

Kale McNab (a.k.a. the devil) chuckled then ran his fingers through the strands of his brown-sugar-colored hair, mussing them as he eyed her chest. “Nice shirt, cowgirl.”
“Right. Don’t you really mean nice tits?”
“That, too,” he said, lifting his gaze up to her face. A second later, he glanced over to her truck. “What happened?”
“I was trying to find out when you interrupted me.”
“By all means,” he said, gesturing with his arm out in a cheesy game-show host kind of way. “Don’t let me stop you. Commence with the show.”
His gaze raked her from head to toe and back again.
Sutton’s eyes narrowed. “What?”
He locked gazes with her. “You know. All that jiggling about and hand waving you were doing was cute.”
“Jiggling about?” She lifted her chin and set her shoulders. “Cute?” she asked, piqued.
“Yeah,” he said, strolling past her to peek over the front of her pick-up. “Do you know anything about motors?”
“So why look under the hood?”
Ugh. Even after all these years, the guy was just as infuriating as he was when he was a boy tormenting her on their bus rides to and from school.
With nothing else to do, because she wasn’t going to answer him, Sutton observed Kale poke around under the hood, seeing the cords flex in his tanned forearms. Why, oh why, did the devil need to wear muscle-hugging T-shirts and worn button fly blue jeans?
A second later, he shook his head. “Sutton. Looks like your engine is shot to shit.” He returned his attention to her with those green eyes of his. “You better call Tucker to come tow it since”—He patted the top of the front wheel well—“this old Ford isn’t going anywhere without one.”
“Dang it.”
She spun around.
“Where ya headed?” he asked.
“Back inside the hardware store to have them unload the bed of the truck and to call Macinroy.”
Kale caught up to her and kept pace. “Has anyone ever told you you’re sexy as hell when you’re ticked?”
She slowed.
He followed suit.
Sutton stopped.
So did he.
She turned to gawk at him.
Kale met her gaze. “You have the greenest eyes. They remind me of expensive jewels.”
“You can’t be serious,” she said.
His lips quirked up at the corners while he stood there oozing confidence and dangerous bad boy charm. “I assure you. I’m always serious when it comes to sexy women.”
She rolled those “jewels” of hers at him. “How is that working out for you?”
“This whole slicker’n owl shit thing you have going on,” she said, making an air circle with her hand in front of him. “Do women really fall for your line of crap?”
He chuckled. “Crap, huh?”
“Kale, you’re so full of it, I’m surprised your eyes aren’t brown.”
“Hell, Sutton.” He reached out and swiped a stray lock of hair from her sweaty face—his knuckles briefly brushing against her damp neck. “You really do know how to cut a notch in a guy’s ego.”
“I’m sure your ego can handle having a notch or two whittled away.” She resumed her trek to the front doors of the store. For some reason, which eluded her, Kale kept pace. “Why are you following me?”
“Darlin’,” he said in a pitying, you-poor-clueless-little-thing manner which made her grit her teeth. “I was on my way to your ranch, but I saw you jumping and waving around at the front of your truck, so I thought I’d pull in here and see if I could lend a hand.”

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About London:

I love: Coca-Cola, anything chocolate, reading, writing, singing, dancing, movies, listening to thunder storms, watching it rain, the mountains, the ocean, orchids, great smiles, and guys with brooding eyes and great scowls.

So, I write erotic romance (mostly) although I have one or two sweet romances bopping around out there in the great big world of published books. If you want to know more about them, you can pop on over to my website.

If you want to know a little bit more about me, you can find me on social media, you know, Facebook, Twitter and such. Oh, and you are cordially invited to come join my FB group Slip Between the Pages with London where you can ask me about any of my books, or if you just want to talk about something random such as the best way to make a horrible meatloaf, I’m your girl. *Smiles* We have a lot of fun in that group. *Whispers conspiratorially* Sometimes we spike the punch. Shh…Don’t tell.

***Giveaway*** London will be giving away a $10.00 Amazon Gift Card, a PDF copy of the introductory novella to Paradise Ranch, Welcome to Paradise, and a signed paperback copy of Trouble in Paradise to one lucky winner. To be eligible to win, enter the Rafflecopter. Giveaway runs from 3/21 to 4/4.