Thursday, December 29, 2016

Quietly Making Noise

Title: Quietly Making Noise
Author: Yessi Smith
Genre: New Adult
Release Date: January 25

Dreams tug, tease, and sometimes retreat into a subtle promise of a different tomorrow. A tomorrow Elio Delacruz never expected. Not after a lifetime of chasing a single goal.
Alongside his closest friends, Elio lives and loves his passion—his art. His existence depends on the whimsical, on the intangible, on the constant motion of a traveling busker.
When a tumultuous shadow from his past forces him to return to the suffocating island of Key West, his every instinct tells him to run. To flee from the scars of his youth.
And then he meets Vianella Manco. She’s only supposed to be a temporary distraction until he can break free of the island. His heart is never supposed to beat for her. And she’s never supposed to wish for anything beyond the easy moments they steal from one another.
But, sometimes, purposes change and the truths you believed turn out to be nothing more than pretty lies.

Yessi Smith lives in South Florida with her husband, seven-year-old son, and newborn baby. She is also owned by a neurotic border collie and “ferocious” rottweiler.
She has a bachelor’s degree in business management and a master’s in human resource management. She has held several jobs, from picking up dog poop to upper management positions. Now, she hopes to leave the business world behind, so she can live full-time in a world that does not exist until she places her fingers on a keyboard and brings it to fruition.
Join Yessi’s Fan Club Yessi’s Sadistic Sweethearts
Subscribe to Yessi’s Newsletter

Thursday, December 22, 2016

X-Rated Book Tour and Giveaway

Down and Dirty
Lily Harlem

Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance

Publisher: All Romance eBooks

Date of Publication:  12/1/2016

ISBN: 978-1-945193-80-4

Word Count:  21000

Cover Artist: Erin Dameron Hill      
Book Description:

This weekend, Polly and Lucan work the kinks into their relationship.

When Polly is caught in a compromising position with a toy and a hardcore video, she doesn't think her husband will ever go near her again. She feels twisted, nothing like the sweet wife he married. Little does she know, she's awakened a monster by prodding Lucan's sexual beast and making him sit up and take notice.


What about Lucan's needs? He's been so busy at work that things have gotten out of his grip to the point he can't even remember his fantasies.

During a weekend of passion and turmoil, heat and pleasure, they vow to never drift apart again. Neither can imagine just how far they'll go to please the other, or how well matched their particular variety of kinks are.

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Polly glanced at her watch as she stepped into the house. Good, she had plenty of time to indulge herself before Lucan came home. She shut the door and ignored a bill that lay on the mat.
All day she’d steamed through her to-do list, knocking each thing off with a tick of satisfaction. She’d even forgone lunch, choosing to eat her salad at her desk. Her colleagues had soon taken the hint, when she’d given one-word answers to their chatty questions, she just wasn’t in the mood.
Some solo fun was what she needed before Lucan walked through the door. He’d toss his keys into the ceramic bowl on the dresser in the hallway, hang his jacket in the cupboard and then plant a chaste kiss on her cheek. She’d bet money on him commenting on “thank goodness it’s the weekend,” then he’d put on his old Oasis t-shirt and worn jeans, and pop a beer.
She’d cook, they’d watch TV, then it would be their usual Friday night missionary sex beneath the duvet. The highlight of his week, he always told her afterwards as he pulled his boxers back on.
Trouble was, their sex routine had become so stale if it were bread it wouldn’t be any good for even the ducks. He tweaked her nipples, rubbed her clit for thirty seconds and then pushed in. After that it was a predictable four minutes until he came.
Polly never did.
She’d tried to push him onto his back so she could climb on top and get herself off, encouraged a little oral fun with a sexy whisper, even hinted that they take a trip to a sex shop for some toys. Her suggestions were met with a big strong body that had only one plan for their bedroom sequence and, much to her dismay, had fallen on deaf ears.
Maybe she hadn’t been firm or loud enough.
For as long as she could remember, frustration burned hotly through her veins. It was an itch she couldn’t scratch. A longed for possession she would never afford. And she had no idea what to do about it.
Until, that was, a few weeks ago.
She’d been scrawling through Facebook on her laptop when she’d seen a Gucci handbag on sale—the GIF flashing excitedly—and clicked the link. Only it wasn’t a handbag sale, not by a long shot. Before she knew it a porn site had filled her screen and the wails of a woman in the throes of climax echoed around the room. She’d been alone but still glanced about the kitchen, embarrassed at the wild cries of release.
As she’d watched, heat had traveled up Polly’s spine and her cheeks had flushed. She’d squirmed on the seat and curled her toes in her fluffy pink slippers. The woman on screen was getting a good seeing to, the black man she was with pounding into her hard and fast. The camera angles were rude and crude, up close and personal. A big dark cock disappeared over and over into her wet, pink pussy.
Polly had stared wide-eyed, knowing she should turn it off. The link could be full of bugs or viruses or whatever else infected computers. But she couldn’t, she was utterly mesmerised.
The woman’s breasts jiggled, the camera gave a shot of the man’s ass cheeks as he thrust with ever-increasing speed.
Polly clenched her internal muscles as another shout of “It’s here, oh yes, oh yes, fuck me, fuck me harder,” rattled from her laptop speakers.
The man groaned, deep and guttural, a sound that spoke to Polly. When had she last heard Lucan moan like that? He seemed to hold his pleasure in, a few panting breaths, a low rumble in his throat perhaps. Why couldn’t he let go? Allow his release to be unharnessed and escape wild and free. It wasn’t as if they had any children to worry about, their house was their own, they had all the privacy a married couple needed.
Quickly Polly dumped her work-bag on the counter. She reached into the fridge for a bottle of Chardonnay and poured herself a large glass. Then, with her laptop under her arm, she headed up the stairs.
The cat was on the bed. “Tilly, come on, out you go. I don’t want an audience,” she said as she tugged the covers.
Tilly voiced a quick complaint then sauntered from the room. She’d likely been asleep all day so Polly didn’t feel guilty. Her own needs were greater and they needed seeing to.
After taking a few more big sips of wine, she began to strip. When she was down to knickers and bra she flicked on the shower in the en suite. She had at least an hour and a half before Lucan came home. The traffic was always heavy on the ring road on a Friday with everyone escaping London for the weekend. Perhaps he’d be even later than she expected. But she couldn’t count on that, she had to presume he’d be in at the earliest time possible.
She pulled the curtains closed, even though it was still daylight, then shucked her underwear.
Humming a happy tune, she twisted her hair on the top of her head and stepped into the stream of warm water. She filled her palms with coconut scented shower gel and rubbed it over her breasts. Her nipples spiked and she held her face to the water, letting it tap on her eyelids and run over her lips. Her breasts were heavy and had always been very sensitive, especially on the outer curves. She adored having the skin there lightly brushed, stroked, caressed, because it sent a tingle to her clit. Shame Lucan only thought it was her nipples that needed stimulating.
Had he always been that way?


I love books that deal with second chances in relationships and this one does a great job of showing just how easy it is to drift away, only to come back together again with even more spice and spark than the first time. What a wonderful book!


About the Author:

Lily Harlem lives in the UK and is an award-winning author of erotic romance. She writes for publishers on both sides of the Atlantic including HarperCollins, All Romance eBooks, Totally Bound, Pride, Evernight, and Stormy Nights Publishing. Her work regularly receives high praise and industry nominations.

Before turning her hand to writing Lily Harlem worked as a trauma nurse and her latest HarperCollins release, Confessions of a Naughty Night Nurse draws on her many experiences while nursing in London. Lily also self-publishes and The Silk Tie, The Glass Knot, Bite Mark, Shared, and Cold Nights, Hot Bodies have been blessed with many 5* reviews.

Lily writes MF, MM and ménage a trois, her books regularly hit the #1 spot on Bestseller lists and Breathe You In was named a USA Today Reviewer’s Recommended Read of 2014. Her latest MM novel is Dark Warriorand you can grab Part One of her series Caught on Camera for FREE! Don’t miss HOT ICE, a popular hockey series, again first book FREE!

One thing you can be sure of, whatever book you pick up by Ms Harlem, is it will be wildly romantic and down-and-dirty sexy. Enjoy!

For more information on other books by Lily, visit her website:

Tour giveaway

3 winners to receive an Alphas Unleashed eBook published by All Romance.

The Captain's Revenge Release Blitz

Title: The Captain’s Revenge
Author: Nadine Millard
Series: The Revenge Series
Genre: Regency Romance
Publisher: Blue Tulip Publishing

Will his desire for revenge ruin his only chance for love?

Lucas Townsend learned long ago not to trust a woman with his heart; a lesson taught by the beautiful and aloof Anna Spencer.
Having had his heart broken by Anna for being nothing more than a merchant’s son, Lucas dedicates his life to becoming someone she couldn’t look down on.
Now, years later, he’s the toast of the ton and finally in a position to give Anna a taste of her own, bitter medicine…

Anna Grant has never stopped loving Lucas Townsend, contrary to what he believes about her.
Having lived her life mourning the loss of love and envying other people’s adventures, the opportunity arises for Anna to have an adventure on her own.
Does she have the courage to seize the day, and win back the heart of the brooding captain she used to know?

Can the sins of the past be forgiven, and can love find a way to conquer all?
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There had been quite a buzz round London about the contracts secured by The Western Shipping Company lately. He’d been careful to keep his name out of it as much as possible, but not much got past former agents of the Crown, he supposed.
Lucas inclined his head in confirmation, earning a low whistle from Andrew.
“I see you’ve been modest,” he said.
Lucas fielded more and more questions, all the while noticing that Anna asked not a single one.
And her silence began to grate on him.
Then, of course, his anger flared at himself for not getting it through his thick skull that she simply didn’t care, and at her for not caring.
As the evening wore on, Lucas became steadily more furious with the beauty sitting across the table from him.
Finally, as the footmen began to serve plum pudding and lemon posset, his control snapped.
“I am sorry, Mrs. Grant, if details of my new business venture bore you. I am sure it is not nearly as interesting to you as the latest on dit or salacious gossip so attractive to the less-than-intelligent ladies of quality.”
His words brought an immediate and shocked cessation to the chatter round the table, but Lucas’ sole focus was on the woman sitting across from him.
Her head whipped up at the comment, and her eyes narrowed.
She was clearly unhappy with him, and he felt a sick sort of satisfaction as he watched her cheeks flame. It was no more than she deserved.
Her amber eyes glittered in the candlelight, and for a moment, he thought she might cry.
But as he watched, her face transformed into a mask of snobbish disdain.
She became the Anna he knew her to be: a cold, uncaring snob.
“What the—”
Jonathan’s voice came from the top of the table, harsh and furious-sounding, but with a quick glance, Lucas saw Gabby place a hand on her husband’s arm and whisper something.
Whatever it was, it was enough to have Jon, who was half standing from his chair, sit back down. It did nothing, however, about the glower he had fixed on Lucas.
“The tales of your little business ventures do not bore me, Captain Townsend,” Anna responded now, contempt dripping from every word. “It is always nice to hear of a nobody doing well for himself.”
A gasp of shock sounded from one or both of the ladies, but Lucas didn’t even spare a glance this time.
He was glad, he told himself, even as his heart thundered with anger and humiliation. He was glad that she was showing her true colours.
“I am glad you approve,” Lucas countered, keeping his tone calm and even. “Thankfully in the West Indies, people aren’t as rigidly disapproving of birth and blood. Some of them are even crazy enough to make love matches, for example, instead of marrying monsters with the right connections.”
“That’s it.”
At the sound of a chair scraping, Lucas broke eye contact with his nemesis and watched Jonathan stand and fling his napkin on the table. But before the man could speak to throw Lucas from his home, presumably, another chair scraped back and Anna, too, was on her feet.
“How dare you?” she asked quietly.
Had she ranted and railed like any number of females would in such circumstances, Lucas would have been rather amused.
But she remained so cool, so wholly unmoved by emotion, that it just reiterated his point. She was incapable of feeling anything real. Anything raw.
“Hit a nerve, did I?”
Lucas came slowly to his feet.
He was about to be tossed out on his arse anyway, and he didn’t appreciate sitting there with her standing over him like a governess scolding her charge, even if there was a giant mahogany dining table between them.
“Hardly,” she scoffed. “To hit a nerve, your opinion would have to matter to me. And it doesn’t.”
“I am well aware of that, Anna.”
His softly spoken words seemed to bring her up short for a moment, and she blinked slowly as she stared at him.
But then her expression hardened once again.
“Good. Well, I hope you are also aware that you have no right to an opinion on my life, or my marriage, or anything else to do with me.”
She was gathering steam now. He could tell by the terribly distracting way her chest was heaving in that gown that would give him sleepless nights for weeks to come.
“You might have clawed your way to the top, Captain, and thrown everything real away for the chance of some money and notoriety, but stepping on people on your way there is the lowest of the low, and you are in no position to judge me or anyone else for that matter.”
Lucas felt as though he’d been slapped as her words hit him.
How dare she stand there and pontificate because he’d made the best of a situation he’d been thrown into?
His rage burned red hot until he had to clench his fists lest she see them trembling.
A quick look round the table told him that her family was not only shocked at his and Anna’s argument, but more than a little curious about it, too.
Well, let her deal with the explanations.
He was bound for the West Indies, and it would be years before he returned, if it all.
She obviously hadn’t made any of them privy to her history with Lucas, no doubt embarrassed by her lapse in judgement.
“Well…” He broke the tense silence. “…given how I am sailing on Friday and won’t be returning to these shores for quite some time, I will no longer be around to judge or offend you.”
Her face blanched at his words.
“You’re leaving?” she blurted, then clamped her mouth shut as though she hadn’t meant to ask.
“You knew I was leaving,” he bit out.
“Yes, but — well, for good?”
“It’s possible. Are you going to pretend you care?” he sneered.
Her mouth set in a mutinous line at his words.
As parting shots went, it wasn’t very good, but suddenly the fight went out of him.
She had humiliated him once again, called him a nobody, let him see in black and white what she thought of him, and the fury he felt, a fury which had no outlet because he could hardly rail at her in front of her family, was exhausting.
“I don’t make a habit of pretending to care about people, Lucas,” she said scornfully.
“Just once was enough?” he retorted.
He watched a riot of emotions race across her face before it became expressionless.
“I’m tired of this conversation,” she said as she sat primly back in her chair.
Lucas was so surprised at the sudden change in her that he stood stock still.
Anna fussed with the folds of her gown for a moment or two.
Nobody else moved.
He imagined they looked like players in a terribly awkward play.
It probably would have been amusing had he not been so furious.
After a moment, she looked up and raised a brow. “Are you still here? Weren’t you storming off to India or somewhere?”
Lucas told himself that the dull throb in his chest wasn’t hurt. Wasn’t disappointment.
He turned to address the others seated at the table. “Thank you for having me and for wishing me well,” he said formally, as though the last few minutes hadn’t happened. “I’m afraid I shall have to take my leave earlier than anticipated. There is much to be done before I sail to the West Indies.” He accentuated this last part for Anna’s benefit, but she was studiously avoiding any eye contact.
“I won’t pretend I’m going to miss England,” he continued pointedly. “It will be infinitely warmer in places new.”
Bowing to the ladies and not awaiting a response, Lucas swept from the room and out of the Mayfair townhouse as fast as his feet would carry him.
Friday could not come soon enough. He desperately needed an ocean between himself and that woman.

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Nadine Millard is a writer hailing from Dublin, Ireland. Having studied law then worked in the legal industry for years, Nadine revisited her passion for writing when she became a stay at home mom to her three children. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, coaching, running around after the children, the dog and the cat and drinking far more coffee than should be humanly possible.
Enter to win 1 of 3 $5 Amazon Gift Cards or a signed paperback of Highway Revenge!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Cover Reveal: Quietly Making Noise

Title: Quietly Making Noise
Author: Yessi Smith
Genre: New Adult
Release Date: January 25

Cover Design: Jill Sava, Love Affair With Fiction

Artwork: Ink Doodle by Dreama

Dreams tug, tease, and sometimes retreat into a subtle promise of a different tomorrow. A tomorrow Elio Delacruz never expected. Not after a lifetime of chasing a single goal.
Alongside his closest friends, Elio lives and loves his passion—his art. His existence depends on the whimsical, on the intangible, on the constant motion of a traveling busker.
When a tumultuous shadow from his past forces him to return to the suffocating island of Key West, his every instinct tells him to run. To flee from the scars of his youth.
And then he meets Vianella Manco. She’s only supposed to be a temporary distraction until he can break free of the island. His heart is never supposed to beat for her. And she’s never supposed to wish for anything beyond the easy moments they steal from one another.
But, sometimes, purposes change and the truths you believed turn out to be nothing more than pretty lies.

Yessi Smith lives in South Florida with her husband, seven-year-old son, and newborn baby. She is also owned by a neurotic border collie and “ferocious” rottweiler.
She has a bachelor’s degree in business management and a master’s in human resource management. She has held several jobs, from picking up dog poop to upper management positions. Now, she hopes to leave the business world behind, so she can live full-time in a world that does not exist until she places her fingers on a keyboard and brings it to fruition.
Join Yessi’s Fan Club Yessi’s Sadistic Sweethearts
Subscribe to Yessi’s Newsletter
Enter to win a signed paperback of Quietly Making Noise or a $25 Amazon Gift Card