Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Game On

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Tara will be awarding a print of local art by artist Wendy Beaver of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour (North American addresses only). Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Game On! Never to Part and Never to Love is an ebook with two short stories. Never to Part features Ryan almost getting run over by Sam at a bar one night. They see each other again as Ryan's hockey team is hiring her marketing firm in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. What can these two confused overachievers do when love strikes. Never to Love brings us to Halifax again where James and Sarah bump heads in a business deal to help out his motocross sponsorship prospects. Will they be able to put business aside and commit to their passions?

Enjoy an excerpt from Never to Part

As Sam left the bar and got into her Mini Cooper she looked at the snow gently falling down and wished, for the first time in her life, that she had been out of Nova Scotia. At least once. Then she sighed. I do love it here, and where else would I go? Gord could find his own way home. As the tears fell down her face she finally knew whatever they had had together was gone. Maybe she’d only seen what she had wanted to see.

Sam heard a thump and slammed on the brakes. She threw herself out of the car to see what she had hit. Oh, God, she thought, was it an animal?

“Why don’t you watch where you’re going?” came an American drawl. Her feet slid in some snow getting to the front of her car.

She looked up at a six-foot-four man wearing a ball cap that said Drakes and had the team logo on the side. He flexed his leg and glared at her.

“I’m so sorry! Are you hurt? Should we call nine-one-one? I can do that!” Sam grabbed her phone out of her pocket and waved it around.

“No! Lady, you weren’t even doing five miles an hour when you hit me. I’m okay. Call off the emergency first aid.”

She ran over to him and put her arm around him to give support.

“Lady, I’m fine. You don’t need to…”

“Just let me help,” she said and looked up into the warmest chocolate brown eyes she had ever seen. Her next thought died on her lips as she took in his deep forest scent. Her hand was grabbing nothing but hard muscle where she touched him. Her heart beat erratically as his lips curved into a smile.

About the Author:
Author Tara C. MacDonald holds a B.A. English Literature from Trent University and has been a member of Romance Writers of America since 2008. Other writing groups such as Scribe Wenches, Romance Writers of Nova Scotia and other RWA chapters have helped her learn her craft. She believes in the hope that romance can bring and reads avidly. Her first published work was as a Co-Author in a non-fiction book called "Succeeding Through Doubt, Fear & Crisis" August 2014 with the eWomenNetwork publishing program.

Website: http://www.taracmacdonaldwriter.com
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/taracmacdonald
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Author-Tara-C-Macdonald/107706622770784?ref=hl

Buy the book at Kobo.

Online Mating

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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Carlos and Casey

Casey hasn't seen Carlos in four years, but a business trip brings the ex-lovers together, making them question whether the spark is still really there.
Blurb: Recently divorced, Casey has been longing for a man's touch. So when business brings her back to Carlos, the one that got away, it has to be fate. The four years apart have only done him better, and all she can think about is having his arms, and body, wrapped around hers. But Carlos is not the same man he was four years ago, and Casey too is feeling the weight of too much time gone by. Can Casey help reignite his fire or has time left them behind?

Her breath caught as she followed him up the staircase, tucked to the far side of the house. Carlos had always been fit enough, but it looked like he'd taken up some new form of exercise in the past four years. He was beefier, yet still lean. His ass moved round and tight in front of her as they climbed the stairs. At the landing, he gestured in front of them.

"This is my studio, but it's all yours for tonight."

It was a rec room that took up the whole second floor, and far more standard male than the ground floor alluded to. Movie posters, gaming systems, books scattered on floors and coffee tables, and, off to one side, the trumpet, asleep in a bed of sheet music. In the corner there was an overstuffed couch just about as wide as she was long – it would be great to sleep on, even better if he could bend her over that armrest and fuck her until dinner was ready.

She cleared her throat, deciding adult friendships could be fun, even after four questionable years. "I thought I'd be sharing a bed with you?" She tried to keep her tone playful as she sauntered toward the couch. She tossed him a smile and she caught a glimpse of him looking very stricken. Shit. Too far. Things are too different now. Abort!

Maybe too much time had passed in general. Maybe he was courting a girl and wanted to take it slow with her. Maybe he no longer found her attractive, four years becoming the dagger in the heart. Maybe he'd become celibate, or found her life too normal and boring. There was a whole list of reasons why she shouldn't make the first move.

"I was just joking," she said after a moment, rolling her eyes. "Come on, lighten up."

He exhaled slowly, looking down at the ground as his tongue found the corner of his mouth. "I know it was a joke, Case."

"In case you forgot, we used to share a bed." She looked at him pointedly, already horrified that the words were coming from her lips. What was the getting at? Who had authorized this dialogue?

He squeezed his eyes shut and laughed softly. "Oh, I remember."

Ember Leigh has been writing erotic romance novels since she was far too young.  A native of northern Ohio, she currently resides in South America with her Argentinean partner, a detail she uses to justify her Bachelor's degree in Latin American Literature. In addition to romance novels, she also writes travel articles, maintains three blogs, and continually attempts to complete a mildly-gripping short story. In her free time, she practices Ashtanga yoga, travels the world, and eats lots of vegetables.

Find her on Facebook: www.facebook.com/EmberLeighAuthor and Twitter: @EmberLeighAuth

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Santa Exposed

Santa Exposed
Ohhh…Santa Short Stories
Kay Dee Royal

Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance
Holiday, Christmas

Publisher: Muse It Up Publishing
MuseItHOT imprint

Date of Publication: December 2, 2014

Number of pages:  Approx. 39
Word Count:  10,600

Tagline: A wedding coordinator meets her match with a billionaire playboy posing as a Santa submissive.

Book Description:

Jade Randals, wedding coordinator specializing in Bridal needs, is coerced into attending the Santa Exposed Masked Ball at the Erotic Play Palace.

Landis Parkwell, billionaire and known playboy, thinks he’s found the perfect submissive in Jade.

But things go array as Dom and Sub roles switch, and a true Santa is exposed.

Story Quotes:

1 sentence quotes:

His warm breath against my ear sent a shiver down my spine, and the warmth emanating from his hand on my hip did other things to me. “I’ve got a place for us over here.”

It might be best to close your eyes and get a good inner sense of the submissive role.

3 sentence quote:

The whir and crack of a whip snapped through the air behind me.
“So, you think you’re a Dominatrix.” I couldn’t help but put her in her place. “Why?”
“Silence!” Another whir and the crack slapped against my ass cheek. “If you say one more word you’ll wear the bit-silencer.”

I wanted to feel the whip in my hand, so I walked over and picked it out from the box of toys. The leather-bound handle was soft, yet hard, sexual, and commanded respect. I snapped it in the air and it whirred to life.


Warning Adult Content

“There you are.” Clark plopped onto the couch next to me. “You are definitely the chosen one for Ms. Randals. She is down the hall, game to role-play with her Santa, but insists on the role of Dominatrix.”
          “You’ve got to be shittin’ me.” I stood up, paced back and forth, while frustration tensed my spine. “She has no idea that she’s a submissive. There’s no way she’ll be able to pull it off. You know that, and I know that.”
          “So maybe you should consider playing along until she gets stuck in it, and you can pull her out of it.” Clark sat there with this dumb-ass grin. “Have you ever played the Sub role?”
          “No. But, I could dress the part because it won’t take her long to realize she’s in way over her head.” I shuffled through some costumes hanging in a closet. “So, what does a male Submissive wear? I don’t think I have anything that would suffice for that role.”
          Clark chuckled, got up, went to another closet and came back with something. “Here, you’ll still need to wear the Santa mask.” He picked the mask off a nearby table. “She’s ready in Dillon’s room. Be patient with her, you might actually learn something.” Again he gave me that stupid-ass grin.

Excerpt 2

Warning Adult Content

I was not excited about wearing a tight candy-cane striped gown, flourished at the bottom with a taffeta frill of mini jingling bells. The silly stilettoes had turned up toes, like an elf shoe with five-inch clear spikes filled with red metallic glitter. If I were to fall, which I could barely walk in the dress and had no idea how I’d pee wearing it, my body would remain on the ground like a dead woman. Then I thought about the deep plunging front and back. I needed adhesive to make it stay in place; my B-sized boobs weren’t big enough to keep the straps from sliding around.
          Salina hired some professional body painters to come in and help everyone transform their faces and any exposed body parts to match their costumes. She looked stunning as a sparkling ice-cycle with a silvery skinny floor-length dress, similar to my red and white striped thing. She took it upon herself to pour flutes of champagne for everyone to enjoy while we played, which under normal circumstances would be my job.
It didn’t take the painters long to get everyone polished up. There were four of them, three guys and a woman, and they worked together, fast and organized. Having four people touching different parts of my body at the same time was new to me, and I noted very arousing. Even if the guys preferred their own gender, their gentle touches sent goose bumps running rampant over my body. One suggested that I wear some little nipple pads as I wasn’t wearing any undergarments. I gasped when he tweaked my nipple to show how obvious it stood out through the fabric.
The girls standing around me had a good laugh at my shocked sound effects. They took turns tweaking each other’s nipples until the painters told them to stop or they’d scrape up the paint job, which made me laugh. 

 Kay Dee Royal ~ Guest Post ~ Sexy Movie Night
Christmas Sexy Movie Night

Happy Holidays everyone ~ thank you so much for stopping by, and while you’re here, please remember to follow this lovely blog; )
A lot of people have a favorite Christmas movie…or a few favorites, and mine seems to be an ever building list as there are new films made every year. Last year I spent days knitting and crocheting while watching a number of Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel. Talk about a way to get into the holiday “spirit” of joy: )
My family grew up with a few favorites from our parents’ era and are still favorites, such as: White Christmas, Holiday Inn, Miracle on 34th Street, It’s a Wonderful Life…and my personal “family” favorite is Christmas Vacation  – it’s not a romance, but Chevy Chase is at his all-time great ~ we still gather around to watch this one; )
But for a night alone with your significant other, try something romantic, like The Holiday (2006) starring Camryn Dias and Kate Winslet, Jack Black and Jude Law…and I won’t forget Eli Wallach (what a gentleman;) It’s an amazing romance…maybe a little chick-flicky, but my husband liked it too. Love Jack Black in the role he plays: )
Prepare a finger-food tray, nice bottle of wine (or your favorite cocktail), scented candles for lighting, massage oil or lotion, and a soft blanket to snuggle in together on the couch…or on the floor (like a picnic). Once the movie is going and you’re feeling sated food-wise, suggest massaging your significant other. He or she can still watch the movie as you do your thing with the massage lotion (make sure your door is locked for the pleasure that follows). All is relaxing and calming…and passion inducing; ) You can always pause/stop the movie and play soft music for a while if things get frisky; )
A Holiday evening together might be a simple movie night with a few frills…and a whole lot of thrills *grins*
So, what romantic Holiday movie would you pick?


This book was a whirlwind bit of fun. When Bridal coordinator Jade gets involved in an event at an erotic club, she has to know anything is possible. A sexy holiday party can lead to all kinds of things, especially when a girl gets dressed up like a present. Paint and glitter are the inspiration for Jade as the tables get turned in a very unique holiday story. D/s assumptions are put into play and for some the tables may get turned. This was fun, if not fast paced and some scorching truths about Landis, the owner of the club are revealed.  


About the Author:

Kay Dee Royal writes paranormal, fantasy, and contemporary erotic romance—maybe because they’re also her favorite genres to read! She pens tales with wild, rugged heroes and strong, intelligent heroines. She'll give them both a few shadowy secrets, making her stories intriguing and fun. She resides in Southern Michigan with her family (her dog, her cats, her caged husband... you get the idea).

You can find more about her books at Muse It Hot

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kaydee.royal

Tour giveaway

1 $15.00 Muse It Hot book store GC  

3 e-copies of Santa Exposed

2 ecopies Holly Gets Darkly

1 ecopy The Bundle

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Celebrating with some Holiday Hotties! .99 and FREE

Tweet it out to everyone!!

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Renee George (FREE) (Dec 23rd ONLY) Bloody English ( MM, Paranormal, Mystery, Romance) (Regular $2.99) US - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MNQGCDS UK - http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00MNQGCDS CA - http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00MNQGCDS DE - http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00MNQGCDS AU - http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00MNQGCDS

Renee George (FREE) (Dec 23rd ONLY) The Dirty Martini (MM, Contemporary, Romance)
(Regular $2.99) US - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KV05LYO UK - http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00KV05LYO CA - http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00KV05LYO DE - http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00KV05LYO AU - http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00KV05LYO

Raine O’Tierney - 99 Cents Xmas Cake: A Modern Fairy Tale (MM, Holiday, Contemporary, Romance) US - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ORXWO3W UK - http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00ORXWO3W CA - http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00ORXWO3W DE - http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00ORXWO3W AU - http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00ORXWO3W

Erzabet Bishop - 99 Cents Written on Skin (FF, Paranormal) US - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OS6JIM8 UK - http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00OS6JIM8 CA - http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00OS6JIM8 DE - http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00OS6JIM8 AU - http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00OS6JIM8 Dianne Hartsock - 99 Cents Stuck on Rewind (MM Erotic Romance) US - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KNZDRJI UK - http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00KNZDRJI CA - http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00KNZDRJI DE - http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00KNZDRJI AU - http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00KNZDRJI

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  LMorticia - 99 Cents Our Christmas (MM Contemporary Interracial Romance) US - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00H8S01F6 UK - http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00H8S01F6 CA - http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00H8S01F6 DE - http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00H8S01F6 AU - http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00H8S01F6

  Rawiya - 99 Cents I Love You Rhett Vorhees (MM, Contemporary, Romance) US - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KQDSTJK UK - http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00KQDSTJK CA - http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00KQDSTJK DE - http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00KQDSTJK AU - http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00KQDSTJK

Silvia Violet - 99 Cents Needing A Little Christmas (MM Contemporary, Holiday) US - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GZ0T3IY UK - http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00GZ0T3IY CA - http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00GZ0T3IY DE - http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00GZ0T3IY AU - http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00GZ0T3IY

  Silvia Violet - 99 Cents One Kiss (MM Contemporary, Holiday) US - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HB9PLPW UK - http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00HB9PLPW CA - http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00HB9PLPW DE - http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00HB9PLPW AU - http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00HB9PLPW

Silvia Violet - 99 Cents Unexpected Rescue (MM, Military, Suspense) US - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GEA51KY UK - http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00GEA51KY CA - http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00GEA51KY DE - http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00GEA51KY AU - http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00GEA51KY

  Sara York - 99 Cents Changing Currency (MM, winter story) US - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GC5CBAO UK - http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00GC5CBAO CA - http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00GC5CBAO DE - http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00GC5CBAO AU - http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00GC5CBAO

Tara Lain - 99 Cents Mistletowed (Contemporary MM,MF and MMF romance with a hint of magic) US - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00H6TI3F2 UK - http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00H6TI3F2 CA - http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00H6TI3F2 DE - http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00H6TI3F2 AU - http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00H6TI3F2

Belinda McBride - FREE Free to Fly (Contemporary, MM, BDSM Romance) US - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B006OIG07O UK - http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B006OIG07O CA - http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B006OIG07O DE - http://www.amazon.de/dp/B006OIG07O AU - http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B006OIG07O

  Iyana Jenna - 99 Cents Apparition (MM Contemporary Romance, Mystery) US - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LX95AOI UK - http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00LX95AOI CA - http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00LX95AOI DE - http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00LX95AOI AU - http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00LX95AOI

Monday, December 22, 2014

Breathless Monday: Holidays in Hell by Erzabet Bishop

Publisher: Breathless Press
Author: Erzabet Bishop
Heat level: 4
Pages: 54 approximately

Deck the halls with all things kinky. Jonas is an incubus with an incurable lust for gingerbread and holiday lights. When he finds himself falling for Holly Pendleton, the woman he has marked as the final soul to end his contract, he faces a heart wrenching decision: take what he needs to feed his hunger or sacrifice himself for the woman who has lit his own demonic soul on fire. Tied up with red ribbons, Holly just might be Jonas's deepest Christmas wish and the one woman who could set him free.

"It's twisted." Mallory sniped, her tone coolly disapproving. Grabbing Jonas by the arm, they trudged down the main street of the Old Towne shopping district, dodging tourists and rabid consumers on a mission.
"You’ve lost your mind completely. Here? At a shopping mall? Seriously?"
"Why not? It's not like they'll even notice." Jonas glanced in Mallory's direction and stared after the white coat of a woman he'd just seen in the crowd. It was strange, but it almost seemed like she was following them. Jonas didn't care. He stuffed the panic down and resumed his vigil. Somewhere out there was his last conquest. He just had to find her.
Holiday music piped through the air and the smell of chestnuts roasting wafted toward the crowd. The Carver Hills Old Towne Winter Carnival was in full force and it warmed Jonas’s soul to see it. Throwing caution to the wind, he let out another burst of energy and sent it spiraling into the crowd. What could it hurt? He was here on a shopping expedition of his own, and it wasn’t for the latest transforming doll or gadget. Nope. Lust was his mission. He was hungry.
"Because..." Mallory's voice trailed off as she patted the squirming dog in her purse. Terrance yipped and gave an indignant growl. Stuffed into a red sweater, the little black Chihuahua looked absolutely miserable.
 "Oh my God, Jonas. Why do you have to always pick the toughest crowd? It's a needle in a haystack."
“You’re entitled to your opinion. I, for one, am going to check things out and find something, or someone, to eat." Jonas's lips curved up in a smile at Mallory's irritated and completely unladylike snort.
"Mallory, if I want a cheeseburger I'll go to a drive-through. I want something a little more substantial. And that means I'm going to have to work for it, okay?"
She stared at him, a mutinous look on her face. Terrance yipped and she reached down absently to pet him. He shook, trying to curl himself into a ball inside Mallory's large gold purse but having a hard time.
"You'd better get him in out of the cold. The little guy's shaking like a leaf."
"He's fine," she snapped.
"Okay. Don't say I didn't warn you when his little bladder decides it's time to void all over your cell."
"Ugh! Jonas. That's disgusting. Terrence wouldn't do that, would you, honey?" Mallory reached down and gave the dog a kiss on the top of his smooth black head.
The dog whined and shook.
"Go on, Mal. I'll be fine." Please. So I can get down to business.
 He knew what he wanted. Lust was, after all, his personal vice of the seven deadlies. It really didn't matter the form. It was usually sex that got people into trouble, but any old lust would do. And right now, he wanted to indulge in a little proclivity of his own. If Mallory would leave him the hell alone, that is. The need was there and it was clawing at his gut relentlessly. But so was the desire to revel in the holidays. If things went badly, it would be his last ride on the bus, so to speak. He didn’t want to miss a thing.
 This was his most favorite time of year. Christmas. Twinkling lights. Tacky reindeer yard ornaments. Tinsel. Garlands. Ah, the things you could do with a garland. A little tricky rope work and a willing partner and you had yourself your own little bondage Christmas carol. A happy smile tilted up the corner of his mouth. It was funny as Hell, really. A lust demon with a fetish for Christmas ornaments.

About the author:
Erzabet Bishop has been crafting stories since she could pound keys on her parents’ old typewriter. She has only just learned that it is a whole lot more fun writing naughty books.
Although she is new to Breathless Press, she is a contributing author to several websites and magazines and has an extremely impressive backlist of more than 50 books, articles and short stories and was also a finalist for the GCLS 2014 awards in two separate categories. She will be releasing several new titles through Breathless Press in the coming months.

She lives in Texas with her husband and furry children, and can often be found lurking in local bookstores. She loves to bake, make naughty crochet projects, and watch monster movies.
When she isn’t writing, she loves to review music and books.

Follow her reviews and posts on Twitter @erzabetbishop.


The Romance Reviews: http://www.theromancereviews.com/100004193823883
Wix (website and newsletter sign up): http://erzabetwrites.wix.com/erzabetbishop
Are: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/storeSearch.html?searchBy=author&qString=Erzabet+Bishop
About Me: http://about.me/erzabet.bishop/#
Facebook “like” page: https://www.facebook.com/erzabetbishopauthor
Author Wordpress blog: http://erzabetbishop.wordpress.com/
Amazon author page: http:// amazon.com/author/erzabetbishop/
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6590718.Erzabet_Bishop
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/erzabet.bishop
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/erzabetbishop/
Lesfic Blog: http://lesficandlipstick.wordpress.com/
Review Blog: http://erzabetsenchantments.blogspot.com/

Author Database: http://authorsdb.com/authors-directory/2690-erzabet-bishop

Breathless Monday: Mia Epsilon and When You Believe

1. How did you start writing erotic romance?
I've always wanted to write romance. The erotic came after I learned the difference in sex and making love.

2. Plotter or pantster?
Completely pantser, fly by the seat of.

3. What are three things you have on your writing desk?
A replica of the journal The Doctor gave to River Song, a candle that smells heavenly of Mint Mocha Bark, and a stuffed bunny, the first present my husband ever gave me.

4. Favorite food?

5. Tell us a little about your new release. What character in the book really spoke to you?
When You Believe is the story of two very stubborn people who aren't afraid to fall in love but they are terrified of being and staying in love. They've a rocky road ahead to realizing love with the correct person doesn't mean 'giving up' anything. Oh, and all these odd things are happening to townspeople all around one, some good, some not so good. Plus this odd mysterious man has appeared in town. So how do all these things tie to together?
The character who spoke most to me is Daniel. He's afraid his past hasn't made him quite good enough for a wonderful bright future and almost loses everything he loves trying to prove himself 'worthy'.

6. I write because ____...
it's the only way to make the characters inside my head hush.

7. What is your favorite type of character to write about?
The ones who learn and grow from the people and events they experience in life are my favorites. This is something every one of us should do, learn and grow from what we experience in life and especially from the people we meet.

8. What is the sexiest scene you ever wrote?
In book 4 of the Weddings by C and C series, the heroine sees the hero baking, or trying to bake and making a complete mess of it. Something about it makes her decide she has to have him right then and right now. So she seduces him against the glass French doors, in full view of the neighbors.

9. What advice would you give new authors in the erotica/romance field?
Write the story of your heart and don't conform to what's popular or what sells. Only the story of your heart will be the one others want to read.

10. What is next on your writerly horizon?
Another book in the 'Weddings by C and C' series. I can't wait to see where we go next!

Author Bio
Mia Epsilon lives with her ever patient and tolerant soul mate hubby in the gorgeous Blue Ridge Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina, USA. She's an avid reader of almost anything but particularly romance, with too many favorite authors to name. Mia is a huge Doctor Who fan, isn't so certain about the writing in the new series yet absolutely adores the new Doctor and his Scottish accent. She also happily suffers a chocolate addiction which causes her to visit her favorite chocolate store, The Chocolate Fetish an abnormally high number of times.
Mia can most often be found at her computer spinning new tales or in a quiet padded nook (a nook, she swears, not a padded room) with her e reader happily engrossed in a new story. She's currently hard at work on her series 'Weddings by C & C' and trying to build its reputation from 'just another wedding story' to 'OMG you have GOT to read this book!' She appreciates all reader input and comments on her Face Book, Twitter, Amazon and Good Reads pages. Her released titles include: 'Wedding Belle Blues', 'Take a Chance on Me', 'When You Believe', and 'That Night' along with a short story in The Wonderland Tales 'Leave Your Hat On'.

Blog: Authors, Books & Chocolate: The True ABC's of Life  miaepsilon.blogspot.com
Face Book: MiaEwrites (Mia Epsilon Author)
Twitter: Mia Epsilon @MiaEpsilon
Breathless Press home page: www.breathlesspress.com: Mia Epsilon
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Monica has deep roots in the small town of Abbeville and manages the local coffee shop, which serves as the hub of town news. Deeply in love with Daniel, she still can't help but notice the gorgeous stranger, Micheal, who seemingly appears out of nowhere. When Dan begins to pull away from her, what's a girl to do? Tempted to sit home and cry, Monica is determined to push through the uncertainty. Does that mean exploring new options?
Daniel carries secrets he can't share with anyone, even Monica. He's a man with no past and no relatives, so he doesn't believe he deserves a bright future. Pulling away from Monica, his love and the closest thing he has to a family, he believes is the only way she can truly find happiness. But when tragedy strikes Abbeville will the man with no roots become its savior? Or will he discover Micheal's true reason for appearing among them?

Book excerpt:
"Am I interrupting something?" Dan came in the door and stood just inside, his expression confused. "Is everything okay?"
"No. Amber is convinced Michael is some assassin here to kill someone for Jamie Manning who's part of the Irish mafia." She pointed at Dan as he burst into laughter and glared at Amber. "There. See how ridiculous you're being?"
"Oh, that's too funny. Adam and Emily would get such a kick out of that. I bet Chief Owens would, too." Dan bent over as he continued to laugh. "Come on that's too silly to be real."
"Well, okay, so maybe it is." Amber conceded with a hard note in her tone. "But you have to admit the guy is weird and freaky things happen around him."
Dan straightened and walked over to put an arm around Monica's shoulders. "He is, I agree. But he's no killer. He grabbed the Marley kid out of the street a few weeks back. And Monica told me how he saved Anna from falling right before she gave birth to the twins. No assassin does nice things like that."

"So what's his last name? And where is he staying?" Amber demanded. "I'm going to find out before something really bad happens. Then you two will have to eat your words." She stomped off to the back room, shoulders and spine stiff straight.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

12 Naughty Days Release Day!

From Blushing Books and twelve top authors comes a holiday collection of fun (and spanking) that you won't want to miss! Want to take a break from work, family, or whatever else has you running in circles? Forget the bubble bath, this collection has you covered. It consists of eleven brand new and exclusive novellas, (each between 9 and 15K words), one full length novel by Breanna Hayse, and a bonus story from Maren Smith.

This collection includes:

O Christmas Tree! by Maren Smith: This Christmas is not shaping up to look very good to Angie Wilson, but she just has to have a tree. Unfortunately, she doesn't have the money to pay for one. So what do you do? You STEAL one!

A Clockwork Christmas by Sidney Swann: Professor Sebastian Cromwell's longtime friend Cyrus Longbridge has created an animatronic holiday. But the arrival of an ambitious colleague throws the trio - and possibly all of humanity - in danger. When the dominant Professor Cromwell warns his beautiful assistant not to go it alone, will she obey him? 

A Holiday Beginning by Thianna D. (Corbin's Bend): Cory's girlfriend Kenzie comes up for the weekend and Cory can finally show her everything Corbin's Bend has to offer.

You've Been Gifted by Thianna D. (Corbin's Bend): Jonathon - overcome with stress - receives an unexpected gift from a Secret Santa and it turns the worst day of the year into possibly the best. Especially when Benjamin sees it.

Jingle Belles by Jill Jackson: Belle had everything. But all this was spoiled by her cold and selfish heart. Her dead roommate, Nicky, warns her she'll be visited by three ghosts, and if she doesn't take heed, she will pay for all eternity.

The Christmas Pickle by Maggie Ryan: Jennifer never knew the love and support of anyone until she meets Blake in the Principal's Office. She is the new English teacher and their attraction is instant. And what is it about that small green ornament hidden in the tree? How can a pickle change her entire life?

How the Maid Saved Christmas by Jill Glass: With a looming deadline for a once in a lifetime opportunity for Jayce's career, a certain little maid will have her work cut out for her to show Jayce what the holidays are all about.

Cole for Christmas by Rayanna Jamison: World renowned supermodel Angel was officially having the worst year of her life. When Cole Evan returns from a trip to the store he finds none other than his ex-girlfriend/ex-client Angel on his couch he has a decision to make. 

A Christmas Starr for Carolyn by Mary Wehr: Divorced, Carolyn Winters couldn't wait for the holidays to be over. Both the joy and warmth of the season only reminded her of how alone she was in the world. When the house across the street had been sold, her first encounter with the new neighbor ended with her over his knee for a sound spanking. Where will it go from there?

The Gift of Guidance by Fiona Wilde: What is the one thing worse than being punished by one's stern husband? Not being punished. A Victorian tale of love and redemption.

Amelia's Outback Christmas by Constance Masters: Amelia Strutton comes from a rich Texan family. She has what ever she could ever want in life but what she wants is Trev. There was only one thing for it. She made up her mind to go to Australia to get him. 

The Wakefield Santa by Joannie Kay: The Wakefield Santa is leaving poorly written poems on the town's bulletin board and Sheriff Hamilton Wakefield is bound and determined to protect the lovely Janie's reputation when Santa seems determined to shred her reputation to shreds. 

Eight Little Letters (PS. I Love You) by Breanna Hayse: When her Navy Seal husband is declared MIA, Faith finds herself holding the eight little letters he had written before he disappeared. Hope grows within her as she is reminded to trust in the season of miracles, and she embraces his written promise of a Happy Ever After holiday season.

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