Monday, June 30, 2014

Flash Bang Release Day

Flash Bang Release Day
Release Day Event
Flash Bang Final Cover
Book Title: Flash Bang Author: Meghan March Genre: Erotica Release Date: June 30, 2014 Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions
Rowan Callahan is a career-climbing slut. At least according to the vicious—and false—rumor that is destroying her professional life. But a little thing like her career as an attorney ceases to matter when a plane crashes in downtown Chicago and the entire city goes dark. Her unconventional upbringing makes her suspect the worst: she’s just witnessed the kick-off to the apocalypse. Armed with a backpack of supplies, she leaves Chicago, intent on resetting her skewed priorities and seeking shelter at the family farm with her father and sister. She’s injured and running for her life when she stumbles directly in the crosshairs of two men who just might be her salvation . . . and her greatest temptation. Graham Buchanan and Zachariah Sawyer are best friends and brothers-in-arms who have been indulging in ménages since before their Force Recon team served in Iraq and Afghanistan. They’ve hung up their uniforms to build a new life for themselves and their team at Castle Creek Whitetail Ranch—a rustic deer hunting preserve that covertly doubles as a doomsday prepper’s paradise. They thought they were prepared for anything until Rowan comes crashing into their lives. Graham and Zach are convinced she’s the one woman who can handle them both, but she has no intention of deviating from her carefully laid plans for longer than it takes her to recover from her injuries. So they propose a deal: they’ll provide her an armed escort home, and in exchange, she’s theirs until they part ways. It was the perfect plan; except once they've had her, they can’t let her go . . . Meet the Author MeghanMarchPic
Meghan March is a Michigan native who has spent a good portion of her life buried in a book. Case in point: she read the entire romance section of her small town public library by age fourteen. Even after growing up (sort of) and getting a law degree, she never lost her passion for a great story, twisty plot, epic romance, and amazing characters. When she’s not writing, she’s probably reading, target shooting, drooling over fast cars, playing with her crazy mutts, or hanging with her very own sexy man.Muscular  Guy
Chapter 1
September—Chicago. A plane fell from the sky. It was quite possibly the only interruption that could have dragged Rowan out of the epic pity party she was throwing herself. It was the kind of pity party one threw when a carefully planned life and decades of hard work were demolished by a complete and utter shit storm. And not demolition by a run-of-the-mill shit storm. A shit mudslide, followed by a category five shit hurricane. Rowan doubted anything other than the plane, the fifty-story building it toppled and the hundreds of lives that had been violently and tragically cut short could have pushed the thoughts of the lying asshole and blackballing bitch who owned his sad sack from her mind. Rowan had to swallow back the bile that rose when what she’d just seen started to sink in. The loss of life ... What the hell just happened? The symphony of honking horns that filled the Chicago streets died abruptly, right in time with the falling plane. For a single moment, the lunchtime crowds on North Wacker Drive completely stilled. A beat of silence. Then chaos erupted. “We’re under attack!” a woman screamed. She was only three feet away from Ro, and her screech nearly ruptured an eardrum. Terrorists. Okay. That makes sense. Doesn’t it? “Run!” a large man in a suit shouted as flames burst from the collapsing building. Traffic stood still. The familiar sound of idling engines and car radios was eerily absent. Rowan’s gaze darted around frantically. The traffic lights and DO NOT WALK signs were dark. There were no fire truck sirens screaming toward the building that was quickly becoming a fully involved inferno. No ambulances were rushing to the scene to try to save potential survivors. A greasy feeling of panic pooled in Ro’s stomach. Loud popping noises punctured through the sounds of chaos as the glass globes of the nearby light poles shattered before bursting into flames. Without taking her eyes from the disaster playing out before her, Ro rooted around in her bag for her cell phone. Her panic spiked when she pressed the button and swiped her finger across the darkened screen. Nothing. It had been nearly fully charged when she’d unplugged it from the charger on her desk only twenty minutes ago. Ro’s continued furious pressing of buttons did nothing to bring it to life. Her brain snapped into focus. No way. It’s not possible. A firefighter crashed into her bistro table as he ran toward the burning building. Her uncapped bottle of iced tea toppled, spilling onto her lap. The splash of cold liquid freed Rowan from her temporary paralysis, just as three other firefighters ran past. Thank God help is on the way. In that moment, she made her decision. She reached down to yank off her pumps, swapped them for the ballet flats in her bag, and started to run.
Flash Bang Teaser 3
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An Outlaw in Her Bed and Her Beauty Within

Ella Gilby lost her husband to the perils of living in the wilderness of the new frontier. When her son finds a wounded man in the barn, she does what any Christian woman would do for a needy soul. She takes him in until he's able to move on, but never expects the attraction to blossom between them.

Buy Link - An Outlaw in her Bed (releases 11 July)

Adele lives a privileged life. High in the great oak that is her kind’s home, the pixie does as she pleases including playing cruel pranks on the wingless sprites who dwell in the tree. When one of the Council of Eight decides Adele needs to be taught a lesson, the pixie is cast down into the world of the sprite. Without the finery that made her one of the privileged of the society, Adele must find the meaning of true beauty and what love entails, or be cast out forever.

 Buy Link - Her Beauty Within (releases 4 July)

Author Interview:
1. How did you start writing erotic romance? All the cool kids were doing it. ;) Seriously, the all girl group I belong to on a writing site sent out a call for an anthology so I reworked a story that already had romance overtones. In doing so, I found what the story lacked. I couldn't help myself after that.

2. Plotter or pantster? Total pantster. I tried plotting once. My muse laughed and took the story in the opposite direction.

3. What are three things you have on your writing desk? A frosty beverage along with a pen and notebook.

4. Favorite food? I don't have just one, so my hips tell me, but I love all types of chicken.

5. Tell us a little about your new release. What character in the book really spoke to you? For Her Beauty Within, Adele did. Her journey from the privileged to the lowly to find who she really was is really a journey we all take in life. For Her Beauty Within, it was Ella. Her struggle to deal with the loss she suffered and come to the conclusion that it's okay to move forward in your life really sounds off where I am in my own life.

6. I write because ____... It's my passion, my joy.

7. What is your favorite type of character to write about? Tortured hero/heroine without them being excessively whiney and melodramatic.

8. What is the sexiest scene you ever wrote? It's something I'm still working on. Sex in the dark is hot to me because one of your senses is cut off.

9. What advice would you give new authors in the erotica/romance field? Do it because you love writing, not to make a fast buck. While that can be rewarding, it's a blow to the heart of the readers to know that an author isn't there for the love of the story. Readers aren't cash cows, they're our audience that paid for the performance.

10. What is next on your writerly horizon?  I want to finish a fantasy series that's been on the back burner for far too long. There's a little romance in it but it's not the focus.

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Author bio:

K. E. Shade is multi-published author Kastil Eavenshade in disguise pandering her romantic shenanigans. When not catering to the whims of three rescued kitties, she's dreaming up her next heart-beating tale. No period in history--past, present, or future--is safe from the clutches of her muse. Her passions beyond writing are drawing, cooking, and watching Pittsburgh Penguins hockey. She credits her parents for her free spirit as they've always supported her in every aspect of her life. Without them, she wouldn't be here. :D

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Book Blitz Grizzly

Grizzly book blitz Book Blitz
Book Title: Grizzly Author: Bonnie Bliss Genre: Erotic Paranormal Romance Release Date: June 15, 2014 Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions
One Alpha shape-shifting bear. Plus one geeky computer girl. Equals an explosive mated pairing. Living her life as a reclusive computer programmer, Sorscha never expected much out of life. That was until the man who had not only ignored her for her whole life—but was hired as her bodyguard—suddenly shifts into a huge, hulking—bear. Watching over Sorscha has been a pain, right in Tethur’s big, fat—well , you get the point. Suddenly Sorscha’s life is threatened, their deep mutual sexual attraction is exposed, and Tethur reveals he’s a shape-shifting hunk from a world right out of one of Sorscha’s favorite movies. The unlikely pair are thrust into a world of fantasy, sexual hunger, and mysterious powers. Join Sorscha as she discovers that she is not quite the nobody she thought she was, and after years of trying to get in the Grumpy ole’ bear’s pants—she is going to have to start ‘trying’ to keep him out of hers. Meet the Author Bonnie Bliss is the brain child of two authors. Bonnie is husband and wife duo that has come together to weave stories of passion, action, betrayal, and ultimate surrender. They have discovered that mixing genres in their thing. Their tastes go dark, and they love to twisted up sweet stories and make them a bit more tense and sexy. Bonnie writes in multiple genres with plans to dabble into more areas of fiction. One is a Southern California native, the other was born and raised in Yorkshire, England. The husband spends his time giving the wife alpha males with bite. He is a man that needs to see his world in print. He has a panty melting accent, loves listening to music, watching Game of Thrones, and obsessing over Heisenberg. The wife spends her time writing strong women that evolve into their power, they don’t just come out guns blazing. She claims the song California Girls, by Katy Perry is totally accurate. She’s done everything from waitressing, customer service phone rep., Corporate Real Estate, and spent a pretty impression part of her life working for the Disney Corporation—before finding her way into the publishing world with her husband. excerpt Tethur didn’t look like a bear now, although his eyes had that deep glowing hue to them. The heat of rage radiated off him. “Do you have any fucking idea what I thought when I went to our room and saw not only the lock shattered, but you missing?” he snarled at her. His voice and aggression was so fierce his hot breath fluttered her hair around her face. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she stormed around him. “You can’t just lock me up like a doll, Tethur. You spent my whole life caging me, I realized today. No more. I have powers, I’m strong. I can do stuff on my own, you know,” she fired back. “I can lock you anywhere I wish. That is my right as your guardian and mate,” he roared. His huge arm locked around her upper arms and she was spun around. A squeal leaked from her lips as she was pinned against the wall. She heard the ice splinter. A sharp whistle sounded, and she looked over at Cassandra just before Tethur’s large bicep blocked her path. He caged her in with both his huge, bulging arms. Arousal consumed her. Hmm, who would have thought? Sorscha’s chest rose and fell, her heartbeat kicked up a notch and she met his fierce, predatory gaze with her own look of defiance. “Dear Goddess, thank you for gifting me with a horny elf and not a bear.” Cassandra tossed the couple a wink and disappeared back outside. “No, wait…” Sorscha protested. The deep rumble that came from Tethur’s chest drew her gaze back to him. “You’re being unreasonable,” she whispered. Tethur leaned in closer. His nose brushed against hers. The hair that covered his cheek and jaw brushed over the tender flesh of her cheek, and she shivered. “Unreasonable? So that is what you call keeping you alive?” he rumbled. “I call caging me unreasonable,” she whispered. Turning her head to the side, feeling the hot breath spilling over her cheek, she squealed and ducked out from under him. Trying to run, she heard the roar and the sound of rending fabric, and froze. He had shifted. Sorscha’s eyelids fluttered shut and she braced for impact. Tethur was shockingly gentle with how, as a bear, he threw her over his shoulder and moved up the stairs with the grace of any animal in the wild. He dropped her to her feet at the foot of the bed. Before her eyes he shifted. His fur slid back into his skin, his muzzle melted into the handsome man she had known her whole life. Those glowing eyes gazed at her as if she were a feast laid out just for him. But it wasn’t just his face, oh no, she could see him all, including the huge club he called a cock standing proud and reaching to his belly button. Her mouth went dry and she fought to drag her eyes back up to his. They were both breathing hard. They looked at one another, and Tethur’s steps ate up the space between them. “Strip,” he growled. She could feel her eyes go wide. Her words gone, lost, as he looked down at her, his gaze burning through her clothes. She took a step back and he matched it, keeping his bare chest pressed against her. “No!” she said with much more fire than she felt. “Yes, but you will,” he rumbled back at her. The confidence in his voice shattered her independence. She would not give into him, she couldn’t. Tethur would understand that she was equal to him. “Little bird,” he warned. “If you don’t do it, then I will, and I’m not in control.” Sorscha shook her head, attempting to clear her thoughts. It was hard when every nerve ending responded to him. His voice, his scent, his breath, dear God, she was drawn to him like a moth to a flame and her body fucking burned for him. Moving back, feeling as if he had left her with no escape, her next words were stuttered out again. “Look, just because I was swoony over you in high school doesn’t mean I will let you, just, well…” she paused. Should I say fuck me? Because I kind of want him to fuck me. “So you call smelling like heaven and honey twenty-four seven, and pushing every button I have day and night…swoony?” he growled. She gulped as he prowled closer and she retreated. The chase, small as it was, excited her. Feeling her body get warm as sweat beaded onto her flesh, the cool air brushed against her and she realized they were outside, on the balcony. Trapped like a…bird. Social Links
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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Release Day Insomnia

Insomnia Release Day Release Day Event
Book Title: Insomnia Author: Bethany Bazile Genre: Erotic Romance (Novella) Release Date: June 28, 2014 Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

I was arrogant, pushy, controlling, and I was fine with that. What I couldn't control were my dreams. Memories haunted me there. Even after over a decade, I found I couldn't outrun them. Returning to the place they lived only seemed to trigger a landslide. I couldn't focus, couldn't sleep. Some people drank a warm cup of milk, cuddled up with a book, or threw back a couple shots. Me? I fucked my way to sleep. Every single night, I lost myself in pussy. For a long time, it was the only way I knew to get to sleep. But it was getting less and less effective. I slept shorter periods of time before the dreams started. There was only one hope for my insomnia and she was sexy, intelligent, and unexpected. I wanted to exhaust myself in her sexy little body and let her soothe me to sleep. The only problem… she was my therapist, and I’d have to break her code of conduct and totally corrupt her before I made her mine. ***Warning: This is an Erotic Serial and contains explicit sexual content and language.*** Meet the Author Bethany Bazile reads, writes, and lives in the Northeast with her husband and two amazing kids. Her passion for writing was born from a love affair between books and music. She loves books that draw her in and won’t release her until she’s inhaled every word, panting with excitement. Then she realizes the sun came up, but the loss of sleep was so worth it. When she isn't reading, she’s conjuring up steamy love scenes and hot romance stories to share with fellow romance lovers. She can’t function without her cup of coffee and operates on a vampire-like time-frame. excerpt I shrugged, checked my watch, and ran my finger over the ring on my right hand. I watched her put the end of the pen in her mouth and it was all I could focus on. I became completely fucking captivated by the way she bit on it, the tip of her tongue swirling around the stick. Jesus… I shifted in my seat as my erection grew heavy—straining against my jeans. I glanced down at my watch again as a way to stop imagining my cock taking the pen’s place in her mouth. “Are you in a hurry, Mr. Pierce?” I looked up as she uncrossed then recrossed her legs, wiggling slightly in her seat. She had a sensual lure to her that cried out to me, and I’d grown tired of beating around the bush. I never had a problem expressing what I needed from a woman, and I wasn’t going to start now. I met her gaze directly, and she was too prideful to look away, but she wanted to. “Xander.” I corrected her again. “What?” She pretended not to have heard me, but she just wasn’t comfortable calling me by my name. “If I have to tell you one more time to call me Xander, I will pin you to your desk and make you scream it until you get it right.” She stared at me, mouth slightly agape and eyes widened. “Excuse me?” “I think I was clear.” She broke eye contact, dropped her notepad on the table in front of her, and rose. She was clearly trying to put some distance between us, but she’d inadvertently gone to stand right in front of the desk I’d referred to. “Why are you here, Mr—Xander? What is it you really want?” I smiled as she caught herself from calling me Mr. Pierce again. It was too impersonal, and she used the formality to keep up that cinderblock wall she’d built between us. I rose from the chair and walked over to her. She clutched the edge of the desk and tensed from my violation of her personal space. I leaned into her and she tilted back as far as possible. “I want to sleep, Ms. Shaw, but if I can’t do that…” I trailed my lips across her jaw and took pleasure in the shiver that passed through her body. “I want to fuck.” I bit down on her earlobe. “You.” She gasped. “That’s not something I can help you with.” But her tone—all trembling and throaty—told me she ached to offer me some relief. “But you want to.” I licked the soft skin of her neck and felt her jaw muscles tighten as she gritted her teeth. God, how wanted to break her, send her over the edge so she would release those soft moans and let out the claws I knew she hid. I slid my hand over the back of her thigh, slowly moving past the silky fabric of her stockings to the warm, soft skin above. I felt heat radiating from her pussy as I slid my finger higher. I buried my head in her neck and focused on burying my finger into her wet heat. I moved my hand over the crotch of her panties, and she jerked as if I’d electrocuted her. Fuck… I’d felt the current too. I’ve never wanted to bury my cock in a woman as much as I did this one. What the fuck is it about her? I traced the edge of her panties, and just as I was about to get what I really wanted from Avery, she reached out and put her hand on my forearm. “Xander, please…” Now she calls me by my name. Social Links
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